* Sorry for the late episode. Our editing sofwtare was glitching out a bit.
In this week’s news, Google Glass developer’s edition is now on sale for $1500, Amazon has ideas of making a 3D smartphone, Samsung is releasing their current flagship Galaxy S5 to prepaid carriers, and more iPhone 6 Leaks. First, Google is now selling their developer’s edition of Google Glass for $1500. You can also get the Explorer editon. Next, Amazon has ideas of making a 3D smartphone. This device is supposed to have 4 front facing cameras with retina technology to display a 3D experience. Also, Samsung is releasing their Galaxy S5 to prepaid carriers. Boost Mobile will be getting this device in May. Finally, there are more iPhone 6 rumors. This device is supposed to include a 4.3 inch display and their is a possibility of a 4.7′ inch varient. All this and more in this episode of Tech News Today!
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