Home games These “Forgotten” Features Help Explain Why Star Citizen is Taking So Long & Where It’s Going

These “Forgotten” Features Help Explain Why Star Citizen is Taking So Long & Where It’s Going

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As Star Citizen struggles through a long development, many features come and go from the limelight, and oftentimes are forgotten or considered left behind. Today we’ll look at several features that remain in development or have been added to the game after years of silence.

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00:00 The Forgotten Features of Star Citizen
01:45 VOLT Weapons & Squadron 42
03:48 Hurston & Terra Security Armor
04:53 Hover Mode
08:31 New Maps & UI Additions
10:13 Engineering
12:09 Physical Interaction
13:11 Wear & Tear
14:22 Additional Features
16:09 Learn more!

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@SpaceTomato March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

I'll say of everything in this video, the economic simulation is one that actually HAS changed quite a bit. It seems much more player-influenced now! This one took a bit long to get out, sorry!

Also, I'm guessing it has to be said, I don't think SC is like GTA 6 or ES 6. They are likely more refined in their processes. But I do imagine the reasons behind delays, feature cuts, and shifting investment in development are consistent.

@menjac1 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

The tech demo isn’t going anywhere

@AlphaCitizen March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Hover mode felt like a helicopter when moving, and felt like a see-saw in vtol. Pitch up or down, sliiiiiide to the ground.

@XanYT March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

I imagine a LOT of items are being held back for the surprise factor in SQ42. So when that gets released we could see a lot of guns, armors, and other stuff getting released into the PU.

@MrDometheo79 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Has in real life, anti grav vessels can MORE then hover (tiktok ufo clip, etc etc etc etc etc other clips out there)….they can go to mach 1000 in a second. But, if the current ships ARE NOT anti grav, then, sure, they can't be hovering…obviously 😂.

@rpscorp9457 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Bro…i backed in 2013. This game is the most massive scam thats ever existed in the tech and gaming space. The amount of mental twisting people go through to defend it borders on psychosis.

@gendo1 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Tomato your cotent has been great, and I want SC to work so bad. I know you've got a video coming out about the save stanton bugs or what not, but the joke that it's a scam is becoming so common it'll stop being a joke soon. I wish the devs the absolute best but this will be the last year I can afford to support this without some real gameplay loops that require player skill to succeed instead of learning bug patterns.

@aaronnelson7702 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Stop covering for them.
1/2 the work done in ten YEARS has been for nothing.
Rework……. Rework………… Rework……… Master modes……. Oh nobody likes master modes….. Rework……..
Waste of money.

This shits a scam now. You are promoting it.

@dragonchild_SC March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Never been a fan of Hover mode, so I do not miss it at all. My main issue is that in SC we have artificial gravity. So why should engines overheat just for holding height? And if you add alien tech like the Nomad landing gear, the ship can always hover – even with engine powered off! And take a look at the floating signs of Teas Spaceport (Lorville) – they can stay float and hold position – even despite the storms typical for this planet.
So I know that SC is kind of a low tech sci-fi missing a lot of things we have today, but for me hover mode totally violates lore and that felt very immersion breaking. And VTOLs can still be great – simply providing more vertical speed and control. Just my 2cents, though.

@j.d.4697 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

You talk about all these features that "are going to come" but they have been announcing them for years already.
I am not saying they don't want to add them or are not planning to add them, but the Pyro patch had already been scheduled like 1 or 2 years ago "for sure", so it was 1 or 2 years late AND missing all these planned features, and they are STILL missing 3 months in and nowhere in sight either.
I think it's much more realistic most of these features will either get added in a very watered-down form like hull munching, delayed until after launch or never show up at all.

@Hamisback March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Master Modes could've evolved if CIG actually wanted to take some of the feedback from it. What we need is to go back to IFCS where every one of your thrusters were properly modeled and the computer compensated for any torque imbalances. Couple that with proper aero-dynamic physics and control surfaces and the flight model would be amazing.

Sub-components can stay gone, I want engineering to stay rather simple of gameplay wise. As much as people want to be Scotty, from what I've learned from playing multiplayer Blackwake. It's best to make repair gameplay simple but not too simple as the blowtorch in battlefield. Blackwake example: Holes in the ship, means we take on water, which needs to be pumped, after the holes are fixed. We can slow the rate the water is filling by pumping before we fill the holes. But while we take on water we are slowing down. So do you prioritize the holes, or do you get on the pump to maintain some of your speed so they don't make new holes. Which became a simple but deep way of needing to fix the ship. Cause at any moment if there were too many holes, even your cannoneers would have to stop what they were doing and help repair to stay afloat.

@j.d.4697 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

"Star Citizen's development has been slow and painful…."
Yeah and CIG are getting cheered for making it even slower now.

@LexPyPlays March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

YES!!!! I totally agree! I loved the hover mode and to this day am gutted, that it went away.

@krasimirkrastev6375 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

star citizen ships are brought from like 10 different games and put i one… 0 consistency in technology and furures between manufacturers…

@ohyeah2816 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

I'm having the best time for a while. Sure there are issues, but that's the nature of the game just now. No cognitive dissonance for me. 👍🏼🖖🏼✌🏼️

@archhavocgaming March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

As always nice video sharing, thank you … may I please ask on how I could claim back my Averager Titan, I purchased it then confiscated after 6 months 😂 I want to play more… cheers!

@jamesonesposito March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

before gravity compensation was a switch on a screen you needed vtol to stand perfectly still in atmosphere or else your ship would act like a normal ship in atmosphere. I get on these days wondering why flight feels kinda empty now. guess I missed that part where they dumbed it back down

@r3kk3n54 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

oooof here we go again another speculation of why it's taking so long to make blah blah… let's just ask, why would they release when they make hands over fist with ship sales and sub fees? I have been in this shit since '15 and the dance has been to the same fucking song since then.. they do just enough to stop the drama for about 2 or 3 months and then the uproar begins again.

@ArcticGamez March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

it all comes down to SQ42 being the reason for stuff getitng held back in SC

@timothyt.82 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

This video was not released later into the year. It was released the following year, approximately 8 months later, give or take a few weeks.

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@UndeadDragonWarrior March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

"Physical" has always been a strange feature I've always appreciated, mostly because things like Warframe fake it all with smoke and mirrors, but if they truly pulled off the universe being able to travel, I would have appreciated it.

I can't remember enough games that let me physically do things, making it matter, but the games that do do it, I've loved, probably why I enjoy those ship games that let you physically be in places and such, like Void crew or similar.

@AccidentalFriendlyFire March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

3:46 Do you have actual statistical data showing most players only care about SC?

@pebegou March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

The thing I was most interested in was flight surfaces. Been 4 years and nothing more was said about it.

@TheEveryDayC March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

hovermode made 3.6 unplayable for me, but i got the ability to watch people at port olisar come in slowly, nice and flat, and then they got close enough to the landing pad and their ship would flip upside down, crash into the landing pad and immediately explode LOL

@hpmatomriddle March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Do you guys really think they will ever release this game? With 700 million dollars, you can develop 4 AAA games, stop lying to yourself, you are being scammed.

@Ogata123 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Lol, most of the time when i hear about hover mode im hearing about how mm is bad just like it was

@V12carlover March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Screw fixing elevators, we need hygiene gameplay so i can finally poop my pants in-game and not just in real life

@randomrandomer635 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

no, other games don't go through "phases" like this, they plan what the game will be and execute, they don't have a crybaby ceo that thinks of a new feature everyday
after 13 years in development, having features that are still in the plannig phase is just inexcusable

@randomrandomer635 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

cause it's a scam? and if it wasn't the level of incompetence would be as insane as the people throwing money at the "project"?

@terry7342 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

The only forgotten feature of Star Citizen was actually not a feature at all. It was and still is a lack of vision as in what the community really wants and that’s star citizen the mmo not blowing millions on SQ42. Chris you’ve been stuck for years decades* trying to recreate Star Wars. How many more space movies do you have to create to realize you’re blind to the fact that you have created a different experience for gamers alone. I’m having a hard time believing you’ll recover from this final attempt.

@Rexonsteroids March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

If I am playing a game every day, it's not as scam to me. I play SC every day lol

@jeromearnoldi March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Thank You Tomato for this well researched and deliciously composed Tomato Talk. I love this format.

Very important to bring this Topic up again. There are so many things that will change the overall speed and systemic depth of the game. In a lot of recent spectrum posts on PVP and Master Modes I really miss this projection.

@hamitron March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Nicely explained video and I hope those complaining watch and learn a bit from it. We may even get some rest for our ear drums!

@NozomuYume March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

The big problem new UI and features they seem to focus entirely on cinematics rather than on logic or usability. For instance the old map sucked in a lot of ways but it was simple and fast. Now the map has weird physical intertia in how it moves which makes it slow and annoying to navigate. The new UI for ship systems is flashy but way less featureful, for instance you can't adjust power to individual components and instead have a generic starfield-like system of assigning cheeseblocks.

Overall the problem is a focus on cinematics and low-skill usability at the expense of the ability to perform at a high level, even in just scrolling the map or carefully modulating thrusters to turn your ship faster.

@MrBashem March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

They should have stayed focus of the ship aspect and saved the FPS stuff for later. It seems like the spend 70% of the time on visuals.

What it is seeming like though is there will be too many systems that will make the game more tedious than fun and keep most people away as they aren't looking to slave away on every little detail, specially when you need to do it a 10,000 times.

@mrmodify1604 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

hovermode should be brought back specifically when a ship is either in vtol mode or when the landing gear is deployed

@Maverrick2140 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

to be honest .. currently wear & tear really does not affect us much because there are so many things that make us replace stuff way before it can affect performance.

@Jan_Strzelecki March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

(just started watching) It's funny that the FPS Cutter-based weapon (the Ripper SMG) came out before the tool it's ostensibly been made from 🙄

@justyouraveragem4a136 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

I’m definitely excited for the more physicalized animations and interactions, but some of the three things I’m waiting for the most are functioning suit lockers and the physicalized helmets (and seeing they’re working in SQ42 it’s only inevitable) and the engineering gameplay and hopefully being able to repaint a ship you’ve kept alive for a long time, as while it’s cool you see paint start to wear away and scrapes and scratches all over, it would be nice to refurbish it for maybe a small fee

@zeta4687 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

i know it's crazy but hear me out
swiming is still missing

@intothevoid2046 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Hover mode is an excellent example for CIGs tendency to implement features without the accompanying mechanics and inevitably fail because of that. Hover mode didn't fail because it wouldn't make sense, but because CIG ignores to this day the necessity to see the ground when landing. With hover modes you simply couldn't point your ship's nose down anymore to see where the landing pad was or if the terrain was clear. That was the reason for it's rejection, not the basic idea. I just needed a ground radar to compensate the limitation – or better cockpits.
Things like that have happened a lot in the last 12 years. Just look at interdiction or the landing splines.
And then years of effort are wasted only because things have not been thought through to the end.

@anthonylitten9504 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

I had My vulture so long without blowing up or claiming it the windshield was so scratched up I almost couldn’t see out of it.

@thalstantrailwalker2393 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Hover mode died for many many reasons…keep it that way

@Nitrogamingcw March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Showing the BMM hurt my soul

@gergenskits3940 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Hovermode sucked rocks.

@DriftaholiC March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

Flight is a CORE gameplay loop it should have more devs.

@myworld101 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

The release of and success of Squadron 42 will likely be a major turning point to the PU whether for the better or worse.

@ShawnMeira March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

We do NOT need hover mode back. The current system is fine the way it is.

@andyandreson3989 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am


@michaelgiertz-rath7994 March 2, 2025 - 7:29 am

After all these years supporting CIG & SC actively, I've learned a thing or two.

1st: take everything they say with a solid grain of salt.
2nd: features will be shown once in a CitizenCon only to be forgotten for years, only to return unexpected
3rd: almost all of the features pitched in the early phase of development are in the game or about to be added
4th: and some features simply got dropped and no one talks about them anymore (PvP slider, NPC driven ecomony, NPC population in general).

Physicalized cargo is not new but actually was discussed much earlier already. We finally got our own hangar, almost closing the circle, since the first Star Citizen featured a hangar plus all the ships available to be displayed in said hangar). Thanks to Maelstrom, ships can be damaged and fully destroyed. The old pipe system returns as "resource network system", which is the backend service for engineering, ship systems, starbases, outposts and crafting. And Quantum got rebranded as "Starsim", doing mostly the same, but also is tied to missions and spawn logic.

The only thing I do not like (not a bit) is the removal of NPC crew / passengers from pre-1.0 development. In worst case, CIG will drop that feature entirely, which is bad, as some gameplay is relying on NPC passengers and/or crew. Also poor guys with that BMM. It's never going to happen I fear 😞

Anyways, good job here 🙂

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