Video game corporations say the darndest things.
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0:00 Intro
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2:19 Number 9
4:15 Number 8
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16:03 Number 1
Dragonage failed because of the identity politics they were trying to shovel into our faces. The absolutely LAST thing I want to hear is a whiny voice coming out of a character that looks perpetually on the verge of tears, but also somehow stuck partially in male puberty, claiming that they aren't biologically what they are
I think those old guys who talking about all these bs is just someone who was "comfortable" with their idea to attract investors but have no idea their world will be on the internet.
How could you expect the Dev/Publisher be good when someone who have no idea they are on the internet says games should be live service.
Did a moron write this? The great reason to play on Playstation is to not be in lobbies full of Xbox and PC gamers.
EA is a very innovative company, every month they find new ways to disappoint gamers…
The more they ruin the actual gaming, the more gamers will be inclined for piracy, resulting in shuting down their companies, so we will have to make games ourselves and the way we wish, or being ispired by the games that were released so far to make continuations as we see fit, etc, they don't have any power over us.
Get comfortable? More like demand physical media with no online drm, or we refuse to buy
I bought stellaria once…..and have reinstalled it 100 times…
And what's to stop unity employees from.uninstalling and reinstalling a game over and over? He'll a simple bat file could run it for you
I remember when I use to think open world games were innovative. But in reality most of them are just empty soulless boring garbage. Ill take good linear games all day…
Honestly I love live service games if they are made well
I never got it. Wouldnt you make more money making a quality product?
Only 10?
What about the “We have a product for people with no Internet, it’s called Xbox 360”?
Sooo what I'm hearing is EA is a poop company just a poopy poops company!?
On backwards compatibility, Microsoft eventually made it work for the Xbox for free. When Sony was asked if they'd do that their game leader actually said "PS2 games are so old. I look at it and I ask myself 'this looks horrible. Who'd want to play this?'"
It's like "bro, tell me you're completely out of touch, without telling me you're completely out of touch"
How do so many total dumbasses become CEOs?
Executives are just moronic assholes. There is absolutely nothing good about them. I do enjoy EA's, Titanfall 2, though 😀
I like owning stuff, and I would very much like to own my games.
However, we all know that in this shitty timeline, they won't allow that.
the fight about not owning digital games is a lost cause, I´m afraid. Just remember how easily people embraced the thought of not owning MONEY in physical form. rising your pitchforks and torches for physical videogames is not tackling the root of the problem at all
Single Player games, my beloved.
I've always preferred single-player games over most multi-player games, besides some exceptions.
“People like microtransactions”.
i have tons of physical media and its probably does weight a few tons
You don't have phones??!!
Seeing a kind of pirate looking game on the image, I immediately know that AAAA is going to be in this.
why is his voice so grating in this video?
Quadruple AAAA game? Thats like 16 A's or something 😮
It's not that your picking on EA, it's just that EA is great at the art of the self-own.
Is that Jack Baldino from Gameranx and his girlfriend?
Ea bringing back unskippable ads
A crazy one too was, and I may be wrong on the company and game, but when EA and/or Apex called it's player base broke over the whole heirloom stuff
The funny things is, corporations actually must spend more time thinking about new creative ways to squeeze more money from buyers then actually developing a good game.
Downloaded games are vastly different from physical copies. Why? Because when you buy the physical copy, YOU ALREADY OWN THE COPY WITH THE DLC PROGRAMMED ONTO IT.
I love Jake! I'm here 4 his vids but I love Falcons videos even more 1982 year old man
They can call it what they want. If it's on my hard drive, then I own it.
GOG is king
it's crazy how piracy resolves the problem with not owning the game or paywalled content that is already present in a "finished" product
Yep, totally expected that one to be number 1. There's some real stinkers on this list but I do think that Ubisoft has outubisofted itself with this one. And boy, has come to bite them back ever since that genius said it.
Growing up EA, Ubisoft, and Firaxis/2k Ganes were my favorite developers, unfortunately it they've been both rotting for years and we're expected to seal clap for a Weekend at Bernie's corpse with sunglasses and improved graphics of what was once loved.
Tim Willits, id software, expressing his desire to force people to do things they don't want to do: "If we could force people to always be connected when you play the game, and then have that be acceptable, awesome." Ever since, when I see his name on a new game, it's an automatic -2 stars.
Don't forget when Ubisoft's CEO wanted to bring NFT's into games, and doubled-down, calling gamers stupid and saying they don't know what they want, when there was immediate and unanimous blowback. These business heads need to remember what got their companies where they are—*satisfying gamers.* Not being brainless capitalist machines.
Missed EA's record breaking Reddit down vote comment in response to someone being angry that it had Darth Vader gated behind a $80 pay wall or extream grind. EA's response? We did that so players would feel a sense of accomplishment when they unlock him.
NAY lmao
Dragon Age: Veilguard was actually originally supposed to be a traditional Inquisition-style RPG, but then corporation smelled money and ordered them to make it a live service. So, a ton of work was scrapped because the game now had to support a live service model. Fast forward a couple of years and we see live service games burn left and right…and the team is told to change course again. A traditional RPG would be preferable this time. So, they had to pivot and scrap a ton of work TWICE.
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