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Some crystals Decoration tokons time 💇♂️🪪🗺️📟📂🗂️🗃️🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🧄 mooie geweer achter tank coopel boven schep
You will not see it in the united states… -H&K
When will that trigger and buttstock be available stateside?
I can’t imagine how much that would cost for the civilian market
Why do people say “obviously” when it not obvious? How was it obvious you were at the H&K booth when nothing the camera has in view anything showing it is H&K?
That thing is beautiful. Granted for the money you could buy a new car, but, I can dream in the interim nevertheless. 🙂
Nice 👏🏾
OK, I just have to say this… I think Kaya finally found a friend who likes his shirts just as tight. lololol Love ya brother.
Wow! Love it!
This is pure beauty. They MUST (they won’t) release this for the civilian market, it’s already named MR308. Hans is awesome as always. This is rifle is an S Tier must have holy grail. If they however release this with the S&B scope on it, it will cost 8K at least..
What can is on that?
Beautiful looking weapon!
HK builds phantastic rifles, but never gives them away…
Reminds me of a lwrc reaper
Definitely some Hans and Franz action going on at the H&K booth! 😂
Personally I prefer side charging handles on rifles. I find it awkward (yes I could train for it) running a t handle charging on an ar 15.
Yeah we will see that here 30 years from now when when it becomes obsolete as usual by HK😂
When will it come out for civilians?
That's not a weapon that's a piece of art. How amazing.!
Whats the obsession with gas piston? Its been proven 100 times over that it isnt needed and just adds weight
"We have to build it as light as possible" and then they choose a thin profile barrel.. but everything else is crazy overweight 😂
Love you guys… but when he said “it’s not for the public” I left the chat
absolutely beautiful. i need to see a full breakdown. would love to see that QD handguard stress tested and potentially become more widely adopted.
would be a day 1 buy if they decided to bring it over (they won't).
“Not made for civilian market”
Ok, bye.
Looks totally awesome.
M110 csass and the older gen g28> this bs
The side charging handle and the qd handguard, ridiculously lame but the trigger seems interesting
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