iPhone X hands-on: http://cnet.co/2woD7up
The new iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus from Apple get a big power boost over last year’s iPhone 7, and support wireless charging.
Read more about the iPhone 8’s wireless charging feature: https://www.cnet.com/news/iphone-8-and-iphone-8-plus-will-finally-feature-wireless-charging/
iPhone 8 preview: https://www.cnet.com/products/apple-iphone-8-preview/
iPhone 8 Plus preview: https://www.cnet.com/products/apple-iphone-8-plus/preview/
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Steve Jobs is gone, Apple is done!
Wow wireless charging Nexus 5 was the first phone with wireless charging related in 2013 til Galaxy S5 had support wireless in 2014 and apple now getting after 4 years later they're barely getting it
Promotion 36% OFF
10.8W Fast Charge Wireless Charger – BLACK
Is there still a charging port? Is it possible to charge with a cord?
3:57 is what you came here for
Why they bringing the 8 out now they should wait like 2 more years
How much would it cost to buy the wireless charger like 200 dollars probably
Will iPhone 7 plus cases fit on the new iPhone 8 plus? And will it affect the wireless charging too? Cuz I'm getting one when it comes out and I gots to know
Boring phone with comparatively high prize than same featured phone. I am shocked with poor camera quality.
So correct me if I'm wrong but if I want to charge my iPhone 8 and have it mounted in my car for GPS, I can't because it has to be on the charging pad?
The only thing that's cool about this? Is that they are using the standard wireless charging system, instead of creating their own. For that I applaud you. Now… If only you guys could make a great phone that isn't an android knock off…
i like Canon and Nikon cameras more.
in terms of design do not reflect the new flaghsip, super boring ….
what's wrong with apple?
what is lazy thinking for innovation or already not da idea anymore …
it should be iphone 7s plus not iphone 8 … 👎👎
have much to learn the same lg and samsung for design innovation … LOL
Apple is the best!
🤦🏽♂️i don't understand why android users have to just comment on things if you dont own a iphone or plain on getting one jus stop looking up the shit and keep looking up Samsung and what not simple🤷🏽♂️
Can u actually use your iPhone while charging? Since you have to place it in that pad or something right?
Apple users be like WTF are these chip sets"just get me the phone!!"
Emperyalizm artık topla tüfekle değil dev şirketlerle işgal ediyor. Yerli malına sahip çıkalım artık. Apple hem pahalı hem insanlık düşmanı Amerikan emperyalizminin elçisi. Vestel e sahip çıkalım. Hem yerli hem kaliteli. Mesela Vestel Z10 müthiş bir telefon ve fiyatı da 1500 tl
The bezels look bigger. Fail.
Bra this may actually be an amazing phone, wireless charging, lightning port, longest lasting battery, amazing camera, apple a11. Sure it's like the galaxy but this is iOS which is way better than android
So now the wireless charging in my note 5 isn't a gimmick now that apple adopts it?? Geez the iphone 8 is a huge disappointment, but that X looks nice. But for $1000?…
icrap. just imagine the reaction while you play the AR in public looking like a moron. no innovation just a new price tag
It's like the iPhone 7. LOL.
this is so awesome the next A chip will be called A12 super bionic..😂😂😂
i think this is boring af, the x is the deal
"What! Wireless charging in 2017" . I believe Android users will laugh at this presentation.
Nothing new
I miss u steave job
So basically nothing new. They're just adopting what other phones are offering for years so Apple don't to lose the market …
Feed the fanboys anything they'll take it
Just buy the iPhone 7 and save money it's the same phone
Coming from an android user well s8 plus. The I phone 8 does not have any major changes to the iphone 7. That I phone X looks real nice tho
Wireless charging has been around since 2012
Other than the fact that I had a android phone back in 2014 with wireless charging
Who else caught that FFXV Pocket Edition screenshot tho
My 6 year old lenovo laptop has face recognition, my 2 year Samsung S6 plus has wireless charging, my old note 5 has super AMOLED display, Good to see apple is competing antique phones of the past !
Skip to @ 3:56 for wireless charging
I'm an Apple fan with lots of Apple products, but seriously – this is not impressive. Wireless charging? Hello 2013 … my Nokia 928 had this. Pretty soon they will have "always on" display and double tap to wake features. What have they been doing for the past 3 years?
I have a 7 plus and I can say it wasn't worth the money and I won't be buying another phone for a couple years
What thor see IPhone 8
What hulk see IPhone 7
Nothing new
I like the X but at the same time I am not feeling it either. It seems more like they are aiming towards kids than actual adult business people. Me personally I don't give a dang about sending or receiving an emoji that's talking like someone, just FaceTime me because I would rather see the actual person. Also I don't play games on my phone much but if I do I can't be any and everywhere using AR ! I may be in an environment where me and someone else are walking around bending over looking like fools playing a game that only we can see on our phone at the time lol but hey that's just me ! To each is own ! I can't see going back to a smaller screen and the 64gb version starts at a grand then jumps to 256gb for 1250. People talked so much trash about the Note and other phones prices but I guess they will find some way to justify the price for this. Sorry but I can't. I am glad to see a different design change and as for cameras atleast for me whether or not iPhone or any kind of phone whatsoever I just need a decent camera from a phone. If I am that picky about some pics I want to take I'm going to use my Canon and my editing software on my computer to achieve what I'm looking for and have way better pics than any phone. Samsung is a gimmicky type company but iPhone is getting kind of gimmicky also in my opinion. I want to see more real life and business adult type innovations rather than emojis and face unlocking and games etc etc…but like I said this is just my take and opinion
So… Does it have a headphone port?
Edit: does it have the OLED screen too?
From the front they look exactly like iPhone 6 from 2014…shame!
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