Xbox tells us, “Everything is an Xbox.” But what does that mean? It sounds more like a company going the way of Sega to become a major third-party publisher; while leaving hardware in the past. Are you an Xbox? Am I an Xbox?
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I will say this since xbox is on everything i can buy games on my xbox and be playable on a pc
2013 Xbox one event. Looks way better now, due to this commercial and way of thinking about how we should enjoy Xbox consoles.
They aren’t making enough money off of just Xbox.
You still get the Xbox
Pound for pound I love my series S, sad to see it go.
Xbox should cancel development of its next console after this message, how are they possibly going to sell it even to their fans? As for XBOX becoming the Netflix of gaming services, I see that as their strategy to compete with Amazon for cloud services and data-mining. That will appeal to rental type gamers who don't like to collect because they frequently move for work or travel, or because they are kids / families with a limited allowance for entertainment media.
Xbox will be fine. Stop dooming
If my Nintendo and PlayStation are an Xbox, I will stay and keep buying Xbox games on my current two Xboxes. I don’t need to change anything. What a stupid campaign.
the situation situation is a situation
Soon, EVERYTHING will be an Xbox. And when everything is an Xbox……….NOTHING WILL BE.
I guess for a lot of casual gamers this could mean switching to "xbox" instead of buying an expensive playstation.
Why are you confuse? I’m not confuse Microsoft made it Crystal clear it’s perfect, they’ve been telling you from the beginning you guys jump up and down, celebrated, and now you confuse, what else do you guys want?🤦🏽🤦🏽
My pronouns aren't Xbox.
If you believe a $3 trillion company, which has successfully navigated and thrived through every market bubble and crash since the dawn of gaming, computers, and tech for 50 years now, doesn’t know what it’s doing—but somehow you and the YouTube community do—then we’ve reached peak delusion and arrogance as a society. Frankly, that arrogance is terrifying. I get your grift, but it's still a grift. If it really needs to be explained then maybe just play games and don't worry about it.
Series X launched with Zero first party content. All they had was The Medium and it wasn’t that great. How was it good to launch hardware without software?
0:37 this guy has an extremely low IQ 😂. No let's not react. Let's watch some other channel.
You can play it on anything. Oh yeah, that's totally confusing, huh 😂🤡
Xbox is never gonna beat PlayStation and Nintendo in the exclusives race. They are too far behind. But you want them to keep trying even though they will fail even with a dozen great games it wouldn’t make a dent. Xbox is changing the game to one they can do better at rather than stay in a game they will lose. It would be like insisting my wife beat me in halo, she never will. but we could play Mario kart and she’d do much better.
xbox sucks
ReactEmUps: I'm just a stupid entitled gamer who doesn't know what's going on. Good night, everybody! ❤
As long as Phil Spencer and Satya run Microsoft then the Xbox series X will always be in last place
I roll with the X-Box because it fits better on my shelf and I like the controller more. As far as games go, it has more games I want to play that I will never have enough time to play. I also have a PS4 Pro and I see no real reason to get a PS5, other than Spider-Man 2 (which I can live without)
They showed everything but the series S.
Xbox doesn’t know what they’re doing in the video game industry. They throw their money around and try to compete
Not counting GamePass, it just feels like Xbox has been behind on almost everything they do.
Behind on console sales, behind on exclusives, behind on handhelds. They're even behind on this whole "Everything is an Xbox" thing, because Valve were doing that with Steam way back in 2013-2015.
This is your main account?
ah yes because having options is bad now, how dare Xbox do pro consumer moves. Console fanboys will never change
Xbox has been having an identity crisis for the better part of 15 years now. First it was a console to compete with Sony and Nintendo with great AAA games, then it was a multi-media device/tv hybrid now its an ecosystem.
In the future, everything will be frozen because the internet is expensive and there is no longer unlimited internet.
In the future, awards will no longer need a stage, just online information, the reason is so that there will not be a large outlay of funds. 😂
Like, i understand why Microsoft is doing this, but do companies really still not understand that trying to forcefully define what the normal public and fans thinks of a brand doesn't work, my pc, my notebook and my cellphone are not an xbox.
What if I'm watching this on my Nintendo switch?
Do people not remember all the games xbox launched locked at 30fps? The series s was/is a bottleneck
Its really not confusing and yall are iidots tbh
It's wierd to complain about a company that doesn't force you to consume and buy everything. Instead saying that you can play with what you already have. I honestly don't get why it can seem "sad" because it's really not that deep. Ngl there's a lot of scary or sad things in that industry than a company trying to reach a wider audience. Idk
I totally agree with your take. It just muddies the brand and confuses people. If everything is an xbox, it distracts from what an actual xbox is and convinces people not ot buy one. It also communicates the wrong message, focusing on what you dont need instead of what you do get. They needed a different but adjacent brand for game streaming. Keep the xbox brand intact, but make x-stream gaming. So you have an xbox, and an xstream. Its just a terrible marketing campaign. Mixed messages.
Imagine spending more than $500 to play Xbox games when you could have just bought and Xbox Series X like a real human brained person would do. 😂
Like how are people even arguing about it? Like what? 🤣
Nah. I want the real cheese and not that fake wax cheese ffs. 😅
Anyways. I promise Cloud Gaming is terrible. None of it is new gen at all. Cloud can never do 4k resolution either.
This video was also goofy. 😂🍻
Love your guest host this video. Lol
A PlayStation is a Xbox
PlayStation games coming to Xbox means PC
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