Unreal Engine 5 VR Smooth Locomotion. Basic tutorial on getting set up with smooth locomotion based on joystick input for Unreal Engine 5 VR template. Beats teleporting. Beginner friendly, come along with me as I set up the system.
USE CODE: 1WQHB8 ^^^^^^
Chapters / Timecodes:
0:00 – 0:51 Intro
0:51 – 1:23 Sponsored Segment
1:23 – 2:43 Input Actions
2:43 – 3:30 IMC Default (Button Mappings)
3:30 – 5:49 VR Pawn Setup
5:49 – 5:59 First Test
5:59 – 6:54 Fixing Mistakes
6:54 – 8:12 Final Showcase
Just one question: if you turn physically your head, what happens with your Character?.. will turn the whole Character ? or turns only your camera ? the question applies for movement too: if you physically go forward two steps (for instance) what happens with your ACharcter, will it move completely with you or is your camera the one that is moving only ?
To fix going backwards and stuff like all degrees of freedom.
I found out that in IMC_Default, I needed to select the corresponding device.
In the video, selected Valve Index, but once I selected Oculus Touch, it worked.
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