PlayStation VR2 – 18 Things You Need To Know About PS VR2

With the release of PlayStation VR2 only a few months away, the excitement levels in the Access office are reaching tremendous levels. Here are 18 things you need to know about the new virtual reality system – we can’t wait to get our hands on it!

PSVR2 releases on February 22, with registration for pre-orders available now:

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@grillinthoserillinz February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
18 things u need to know - if u hit it against sum u cant use it anymore so rip
@petarvilimonovic8753 February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
is VR2 worth €700+??? it's not worth it.. use an OLED 4K display.. games on a 2K ips display look much more impressive.. the philosophy about the focus they made is total bullshit.. the text is completely unreadable in any variant.. after watching 100+ videos and 100+ of blogs how to solve the blur effect on vr.. everyone says the same thing.. the new vr I got has a constant problem with blur.. except that someone he has poor vision and so on.. the mistake of the engineers who made this device.. it goes without saying that there is an option whether I want the image to be clear or blurred.. why would he turn his whole head when only his eyes can.. so he is lying which they are selling are not correct at all.. for a product that is too expensive.. there are much better cheaper vr devices than this... you should be ashamed of what you are selling and what you are promoting
@jonathenweise6840 February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
Missing traversible floor tract
That feeling when you dont have the money or living space to afford "augmented immersion" 😭
@trymtronix9583 February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
I’m buying
@UJxstGotClipped- February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
I hope haptic feed back and adaptive triggers for the ps vr 2 don’t stop working after 2 weeks like the ps5 controllers.
@jaxnean2663 February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
Mine is broken and doesn't work. Simply garbage
@private_Angus February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
So I cant use a wireless headset connected to the ps5? Does the headset has to be connected with wires directly to the headset?
@CoD654 February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
if they wanna sell the PS VR2 like HOT CAKES!

- First and foremost make the set Fully Compatible with a PC and SteamVR!
- Release ALL PS VR titles to be also availble for Steam!
- lower the prise down to 350,-

P.S. they better make it fully pc compatible otherwise its a complete waste! the ps5 for the record has not enough horse power to trully push the set to its limits its not even a true 4K console!
@Jeffreylogan74 February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
The psvr2 screen resolution is not that impressive. The pixels per degree are not better than the quest 2. PPD is the only relevant thing that matters when talking about screen resolution. This effects how big the individual pixels look to the eye and how perceptible the screen door effect is. A wider field of view is very important as well to prevent it from looking like your staring through binoculars but that doesn’t effect how big pixels look. Psvr2’ s PPD is 18.5 while the quest 2 is 18.8. The psvr2’s field of view is 110 degrees while the quest 2 is 89.
@rubenvosAnimatie February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
This all gives me memories from the time I bought my original PS VR. I CANT WAIT. Thanks for the super fun and helpfull video's ur posting!!! Cant wait for the release to see more gameplay from you!!
@putradanish1161 February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
I'm so excited to get PSVR2 ever since i got my PS5. But I wear glasses and I fear that it will hinder my experience. I even thought about using contact lenses whilst gaming, or even LASIK or ortho-K lenses. Anyone has any tips on how i should best experience VR given that I wear glasses?
@Blackthought February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
This will be amazing with formula 1 games
@waithereivegonetogethelp3240 February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
2 things I'd like to know: will it be coming with a demo disc of some kind like psvr1 did? I've heard no mention of it anywhere... And second, will there be some improvement/increased options on the cinema mode? Psvr1 just gave you a virtual screen in a black nothing, the quest 2 gives you options of various cinemas ie. retro, modern, futuristic, or a luxury house with a huge TV.
@Twowheelsandadream February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
I wonder if it will still look like you're looking through a circle window like most vr headsets or if that will have gone so it feels like you're fully in the scene
@danallard1966 February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
The technical capabilities of the PS VR2 headset sound amazing. Now if only developers could stop developing just the hands as objects indicating my control function in games like Horizon: Call of the Mountain. Is it so hard to add arms? 🤔☺

Please and thank you!
@tanner1ie February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
It's stupidly expensive, requiring an already expensive (and too dear after two years on sale, the PS5 should have come down in price, not gone up!!), and too hard to get console, so will likely bomb!! 😯😂🩲😀🤘
@devildog5597 February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
I hope they start making COD and GT7 VR compatible or at least some theater mode
@instagrean February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
Can it play VR movie files from external storage?
@calmcircle6877 February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
Never mentioned the finger tracking
@nicholasbonilla89 February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
TBH not worth $600
@PowerlifterRich February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
Just pre-ordered mine today from playstation. I'm so excited
@alexflorea8001 February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
Please make Minecraft in VR for PS5 too
@ericyoung3183 February 26, 2025 - 10:07 am
Mediatek did a good job with the latest PlayStation VR2. The 4K HDR OLED display coupled with a 4000 x 2040 pixel resolution is worth it.

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