Dragon’s Dogma 2 (PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S) is the next installment in Capcom’s cult hit RPG series. How is it? Let’s talk.
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Buy Dragon’s Dogma 2: https://amzn.to/3IN3kum
Watch more ‘Before You Buy’: https://bit.ly/2kfdxI6
Anyone from PH that can steam family share it pls
After getting the game on sale and playing it the combat is not good idk what falcon was saying about combat being good it's clunky than in the first.
I avoided this game for almost a year because of negative launch reviews, but after just buying it, I’m surprised at how wrong I was. Bland story, but amazing world and gameplay. Reminds me of the Witcher 3 with pawns (party NPCs). I got it for $40 on sale and it is definitely worth it.
Is it worth now that is half price???
-beautiful world
-fun, in depth combat
-pawns add a lot of unique flavor with their personalities
-story has a lot of unresolved threads
-NPCs are basically props, not characters
Thank you.. it's on special atm, and I was not sure about the game, but watching your video made up my mind. The game reminds me of 2007 two worlds
Bro where are your subtitles….pleaaaaase
I really only got introduced to the game through it's free character creation. Character creation in games really interests me and this one is outstanding. But my question is, do you have to have played the first game to jump into this?
WOW did you say on console this game only runs at 30 fps? That's unplayable! I'm playing this game on PC at 4K high setting and getting average 80 fps and I was thinking my FPS was bad! This game looks beautiful. It will probably not be the same at Dragon Age but close to it.
I don't know if I should buy this or dragon age veilguard 🥲 someone help please
My question: is this a souls like game? Or put another way: do you think this is easier or harder than Elden ring?
Falcon great video😁👍🏻
“It’s so confident in what it is, that it doesn’t try to rope in new players”
And that’s exactly why I, someone who never played the first one, absolutely love this game. There’s nothing quite like it
75.59 for the base game is criminal. And the bundle i got with game only costing 50 is robbery XD game is fun as hell but stun lock city when the enemys start ganging up and getting cheap. Dont get me started on the rock golem and these fucking drakes. Golems get invincibilty if you dont hit there crystals and they hit like trucks, same with drakes but more pissed about the spell spaming and there roars drain my stamina to a zero so im stuck there wobbling like a cripple.
Arw there any human type enemies? Or it all just monster
so better than final fantasyxvi
reminds me of monster hunter: World
Alot of people playing a Capcom game while being blind to it. If you know Capcom and you play DD2 with an open mind and get goofy. You really notice the Capcom in this game. It is an arcade rpg style combat game. They absolutely nailed it.
Fast travel.. fucking fast travel
I wish it was multiplayer fr
13:30 Holy fucking shit.
I'm definitely not picking Florence. That would ruin the emersion.😂
Reminds me of the GOTHIC series and that is awesome!
One of my favorite things about the first one is how generous with rewards and XP the game was so that it encouraged you to try out the different classes and builds in the same play through. You never felt committed to a single build or playstyle and you could pretty easily jump from nimble archer to big bonk and vice versa for your pawn.
I hope they kept that for this one because it’s such a rare and unique piece of DD and a large reason why I love the first so much!
Bro stfu with your buy bullshit u obviously buy all those games to make people buy or don’t buy cause of your stupid videos. I don’t care, some people don’t care, and honestly u should stop cause you obviously don’t care so again STFU and stop with your Before buy Bullshit
P.s. your and you’re still a same word fucking retards
13:03 You see the quest. Report back to me!
So, I wonder… If one dislikes Dragon Age inquisition, but likes Baldursgate, will this game be worth it?
That's it I am playing skyrim again
This game is a 10 compared to recycled old shit like COD and Assasins creed !!
horses would have been so nice
you guys always forget that wolves hunt in packs
Looks dope !
Wish gaming channels stopped comparing games to Skyrim! 😢 that's nothing like Skyrim.. just shows you havnt actually played that many games! Dragons age would've been a better example and an obvious one as well.
So it's like the Gothic game or Skyrim or a mix of both?
damn this game looks like coming from 2014
No multi-player 😫
GREAT description, as always. Awesome video, guys 👍🏻
The only thing holding me back from getting this game was the performance issues. I gave in recently and to my surprise, it's been patched and it's running smooth on PS5. Having a blast so far.
Finally its been cracked.
Its finally 50% off on xbox, here for a quick review before i slap down my green!
I love this game since part 1 it's a really fun game to play .the action never stops. True gamers play different types of games so don't expect every game to be Elden Ring!! Or dark souls!!
You should be comparing this to the first game, not monster hunter that you mentioned like twenty times, this is nothing like monster hunter.
FUUUUU## the save system in this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just lost 2 days of gameplay. Messed up an quest, and loaded an Inn save… Thanks Capcom, for the WORST save system EVER!
Damn that Werewolf straight up Hulk smashed dude at the end there that was awesome
Looking at the food would make me hungry 😂
I made a list of games i really wanted in 2024 at the beginning of this year,but two months ago i got into a car accident and got a brain injury so now i cant remember why i wanted this game so much but i hope this video helps me find my answer
So its on sale right now for 39 bucks is it worth it?
Edit: Bought it for 39 bucks will try it out. If it's cheeks I blame all of you 😆
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