My workflow for creating a character simliar as Sekiro
Tools I’m using:
Unreal Engine
Substance Painter
Marvelous Designer
Plugins for Blender:
Game Rig Tool
Voxel Heat Diffuse Skinning
Send to Unreal
0:00 Demo
01:10 Face – MetaHuman
01:57 Cloth – Marvelous Designer
02:14 High Poly Modeling – Blender
02:49 Low Poly Remesh – Blender
03:21 Rig Character – Blender
04:25 Animation Retarget and Test – Unreal
05:07 UV Unwrap – Blender
05:42 Texturing – Substance Painter
06:10 Modular Character – Unreal
06:50 Outro
#unrealengine #blender #sekiro
Great video, just wondering do you have any solution for rigging that keeps the controls for the face rig so I can animate the face?
Great Job!!
Can't we just get AI to do all this tedious work by simply providing a sketch on what we want?
Looks great. How did you make the body? Did it come from Marvelous designer or is it a metahuman body?
看来是unreal拯救了中国游戏, 中国人是除了抄袭, 已经没了脑子去创造了.
Have you ever tried to rig the LOD0 of metahuman with game rig tool? I am having strange issue on only LOD0 and LOD1 when rigged, upper arm and thigh are not binded so they stay behind when the bones move. Also some vertices of the fingers.
Can you explain how to create this type of character I can manage modelling and texturing but after that 🤯
Short, sweet and to the point. You did a great job at explaining. Best video I have found on streamlining a process for modular characters and even Character development.
@6:41 How did you do the weight painting on the clothes at the end? What should I research to know what you're doing there? I did the Marvelous USD export to chaos cloth workflow a few days ago and found this video, looks like your cloth is way less cpu intensive though. Thanks!
Man, this is very useful, the hardest part is to find videos about software to software workflow, I did know about GameRig Tools and Voxel Heat, thank you.
一听就是华人,赞赞赞,求个detail tutorial可以吗
Thank you for the great breakdown video! What method do you use to combine the modular character in unreal?
Ehhh? And how he make it? I export parts, but i have only parts. How i can combine all of this parts to one?
Check out my game im working, its a open world ninja jrpg. Currently its jus me working on it. Lets collab!
The guy looks gay.🤮🤮. Do some manly design.
Okay why copied the design from dead or alive drunk guy.
eagerly waiting for that full in-depth explanation of all the steps!! looks insanely good, but would love a more detailed tutorial on it. Looks rly good 🙂
I need this step-by-step course!! I need it!! My respects..
where did you learn marvelous designer?
At 03:31 your rig behaves as if it was made from a single mesh.
Could you elaborate on how you exported individual bodyparts without getting deformation at the 'joints' after skinning / rigging via GRT?
as well as how you solved the issue of the normals being different between the MetaHuman skull and other meshes.
Thats awesome and nice tutorial. I just sub to you. Thanks for sharing.
you didn't tell how you made the body
Would this exact workflow work for Daz characters?
Thank you soo much ❤
Looking really nice!
Well done and great explanation! I wish you success with your game dev and your YouTube channel 🙂
When I open the meta human's blueprint, It crashs out of engine 🙂
Very Good! I liked your process.
how is it modular though? It seems just as a single character pipeline tbh
good job bro, am lookin forward to more! subscibed!
What would I need to study before I learn how to create with unreal engine?
Wow instant sub. So glad I found this vid and your channel. Keep it up I’m excited for more 🫡
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