Something I’ve noticed a lot in recent years is the appreciation for PlayStation 3 has grown tremendously amongst both enthusiasts and more casual consumers. But really this is a console with what would be considered more of a turbulent past. Despite that however, it seems the ‘retro/nostalgia’ factor is already kicking in for PS3. And moreover, it did live in a unique lifecycle where it was abnormally long, with full online connectivity. Between that, the excellent library, interesting history and more, let’s talk about why so many are reflecting on PS3 more positively. If I had told myself that in 2006 I’d say you’re lying, because back then this thing was the George Foreman Grill with no games. Look who’s laughing now George.
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0:00 – Intro
0:40 – A New Generation
3:12 – The First True ‘Connected’ Consoles
5:38 – The ‘Dark Days’ of PlayStation
7:04 – Fantastic Library of Games
10:29 – Cheap & Accessible
11:42 – Interesting History Behind It
#PS3 #PlayStation3 #Sony
its simply my childhood
0:44 4-5 years? Traditionally more like 5-6. When was the last time a console cycle lasted 4 years? There was the Xbox 360 and that lasted for… 8 years.
And then I guess the Wii U but I don’t think that would have been the case if it hadn’t flopped. 😂
Why? Probably because if you’re in North America or Japan (or other NTSC territories) it can play all the first three generations of PlayStation games!! I literally bought the 60 GB version of the original PS3 for 5,500 DKK back in the day in the belief that it would play all my PS2 games natively, only to have Jak & Daxter freeze because the PAL version of the console only gets software emulation for PS2 games!
Yeah I’m mad. I’m still mad!
I didn't get one till 2019 glad I did played the hell out of it during covid.
I spent a lot more time with my PS2 growing up, but I did spend a great deal of time on PS3 and the 360 too
never had a ps3 back then
My modded ps2 is my fav
It's crazy gta 5 started on PS3 gen.
I was just watching this video and then saw in my notifications they are brining back the resistance franchise to ps5…wow how trippy 😂 but great news for sure loved those games on ps3 also
the PS3 has a cyberpunk 2077/No Mans Sky come back during the end of its life cycle.
I bought 3 PS3s. Obviously the the best version, fat 60gb backwards compatible. 2 died from YLOD. The cure has been found. Im fixing one of them.
I am 27 as are most of my friends. We spent infinitely more time with the n64 and ps2 than we did with the ps3
PlayStation lll Was A Duper Super Very Good Console To Play About On Only It Was BadAss
It 2025 I still play on ps3 and I can't afford ps4 or ps5 with 89cents.
em..u lation…
So nostalgia and considering a small group of people everyone?
I got my first PS3 for Christmas 2007. Sadly that PS3 died on me about four years later, but just last year I got myself another PS3 and I’m glad I did because I love it
Looking back on the ps3 is like a fever dream when you compare it to todays modern console game libraries of like 8 to 9 games, what the hell happened man…
Tuesday , November 12 , 2024
Got my first PS3 in 2011 it’s a slim model and I haven’t used it since 2017 but with the modding scene on PS3 my PS3 has found a new life. All the games I purchase at my local used game store gets thrown on the internal hard drive or an external and I play them from there.
PlayStation 3 for me is where the PlayStation consoles in general went peaked.
My wife uses our CECHA06 for watching Netflix mostly…
The original PS3 is so beautiful. I think it’s crazy how nowadays people say it’s a rare item.
unfortunately I was not old enough to Play PS3 until the super slim if I was older I would have gotten the Wii and than the PS3 slim
The original PS3 fat is a great console for the money since it plays Blu Rays, DVDs, and ALL the PlayStation games up to that point. I was always a Nintendo man when I was younger because my parents didn't want to pay $60 for games if they could pay $30-$40 for a game, so unfortunately I missed out on the online experience other than racing Japanese people on Mario Kart Wii late at night.
The PS3/Xbox 360/Wii console generation was iconic. Any of the 3 consoles you really could not go wrong!
I still have mine, but it became virtually useless when I found myself unable to log in to it.
As a Millennial born in the early 90s, my first console was super nintendo. But when i saw my cousin play PS1 for the time i was so amazed. Just to see the CD instead of the cartridge go in, I knew as 6 year old technology was going to get crazy & even better as time went on. I had to persuade my dad to get me a ps2 around 2002. I'm glad i experienced it. By the time ps3 came out, i was a student & never owned one. And just when i was about to get a ps3, ps4 was announced & i worked in a electronics store, so i was one of many to get ps4 early with discount price. Now I'm thinking of getting a ps3 to fufill that missing hole some of the games i couldn't play like bo1 & 2 campaigns. Also it'll be good for my collection
I have 2 of them and one of them is one of the original backwards compatibility and the other one is one of the original slim models. The first one I got in 2013 was at a dimple records before they closed down years later. The 7th generation of consoles was one of the best eras in gaming for sure. The older consoles will always be classics.
I spent a LOT of time gaming on my PS3 and enjoyed many great titles like Demon's Souls, dead space, and Borderlands. That said, I definitely regret being a PS3 gamer instead of a 360 gamer. 360 was truely the superior online experience and cross-platform american games were always better on 360. Plus the PS3 controller sucked. I am definitely a bit of a weeb and wanted those Japanese games, but I regret not trying to fit in with the xbox 360 'bros'. I feel like I missed out on a lot and the only real positive for me was Demon's Souls which, admittedly, I was obsessed with. PS3 online wasn't great though, and Xbox made the brilliant move of bundling a headset with 360. I still have never played a PS3 game with a headset, and I'm sure I'm in the majority with that.
8:25 never getting a sequel to Resistance? Uhhh…Resistance 2 and 3?
I hate the ps3. Always had. And I'm a PS guy. It had no decent jrpgs.
I always wanted one and I got one eventually. After a week of owning it, I sold it. I hated the spongey triggers, dome thumbsticks, thumbsticks being too close together, the controller is too small, very flimsy and cheap feeling. If I could get an xbox 360 or xbox one controller to work with it….I'd go for it again.
I’m GenZ and grew up with the Xbox Wii and Xbox 360
The ps3 had:
Free online play
Good DLC (companies hadnt fully realised loot boxes so we got truly good dlc like Oblivion: Shivering Isles)
Over 180 exclusive games (compare this to the pathetic 21 from the ps5)
Still isnt outdated due to doing everything the ps4/5 does
I have vary found memories of Playstationhome on the ps3x
00:59 What would be your list of favorite PSN games?
He's right about what system you grew up with, you always going to like better. I'm 49. I tend to like, 8 bit style games, or Metroidvania games ect.
Because why I wanted ps3 because I want to play rayman origins because it was SUPER ICONIC!!!!
Cheap games in 2024
the console that has "no" games
If you grew up with a PlayStation and you'd kept your games right up to PS3 which I did, being able to play everything on that one machine and having such a wide variety of choices I never felt the need to move on, I see nothing that has improved since either, everything that is hailed as great on the newer systems is generally a remake (The Last of Us, GTA V, DARK SOULS) that and sequels that aren't as good as earlier franchise titles, Assassin's Creed and C.O.D. are good examples (For me) as well as FIFA-now-FC which hasn't gotten any better since the 13 or 18 versions depending on you play preference, not only that used games are generally inexpensive.
I have a Fat 60gb PS3. Absolutely love it. The FAT model is the best model
Gen seven just had better games
Resistance had two sequels.
in 2024 im still playing the ps3 lol
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