My Name is Sony Steve and I have had enough of hearing Xbox fans try pretend their Xbox is better than PlayStation, they talk about quick resume, Quick resume, like anyone wants quick resume, they talk about game pass because they do not buy games, everyone knows the peak of all gaming ls the playstation master race, playstation has all the best games ever made my devs, it’s the home of the real gamers, the ones who PAY, we buy games, playstation 5 is the ultimate system, the ps5 pro was as if crafted by gaming gods it’s even greater than PC
The console war is over
It ended long ago
#videogameconsole #sony #playstation #playstation5 #skit #comedy #videogame #xbox #xboxgamestudios #sonygaming
This too damn funny lol
Team PC has got lil bro Xbox’s back. We shall both take PS exclusives from them soon!
so true!
I'd rather have competition than a monopoly. Exibit A, Sony's recent blunder with their network going down. And now Xbox is just Netflix + Sony + Nintendo.
Glad I don’t have to participate in these console wars because I got me a PC. I got the best of both worlds plus the PC exclusives.
Well played. 😂
😅😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 bruv 😂😂😂😂 funny shit.
Fucking cooked!! LMAOO
Too bad the money isnt in console sales
Bro that intro killed me holy shit 😂😂
Omg bruv, that was fn great!
This is exactly how I feel when I open up the Twitter app on my playstation.
we might be lower-class not ashamed that i am a HICK. but we can play online wilt no problem.
It's funny to hear a Englishman an American Southern accent.
I love the comment of Playstation fanboys saying, "We have ghost of tsushima where we walk, and we talk, and we do stealth! WE CHANGE GAMES FOREVER!" Meanwhile Nintendo makes Legend of Zelda Breath of the wild and has multiple companies copying it, with Genshin Impact being the most popular one. I'd say Nintendo actually changes games forever more than walking and talking and (insert other game genre here)
Only thing that is missing from this skit is Bruv looking up and shouting "Shut the F up grandma, I'm making a video for lousy xbots!" Great stuff man keep it up ❤
Clown them Pony's lol
I think if you making a game that multiplayer or live service based. It only makes sense to make it cross platform. Do you think R6 and games like Apex would still be around if they were just on one platform? Nope.
only xbox series power X for me. don't want a corrupt playstation that is made by child labor and what a shit quality. ali express junk
"For God's sake DreamcastGuy ain't got no teeth". Bruv!!! Had me dying 😂😂💀
No actually its a better system, with all these games coming out now and its foing to be fun time in the Xbox family now
You just mad that sony didn't come up with game pass before Xbox did. But its ok booboo
This is the best sir bruvian video yet. Keep it up 👍
Viedo is trash
Honest question but as for duel sence, do non casual gamers actully use the features. Kids will obviously use haptics, and ponies are man childs so i get that, but i allways turn rumble off on all consoles as its annoying, only thing i guess ive used it for is on gran turismo/forza ect, when cant be bothered with wheel and use controller, as it does help identify grip. But duel sence is a gimmick to me, where quick resume is an actual usefull feature. Jst my opinion but would like a take on if most gamers use rumble or not
Excellent video bruv
I love this skit 😂
😂😂😂 controller,a weapon
Nailed it. Salty ponies to a T 😂
I throw random shots at my PS Friends lol 🤣🤣 ,We listen but we don't judge
Not a fan of xbox X controller, I like to play Pinball with LB n RB, feels like my hands are gonna cramp, awful design
I've made peace with the fact that the dualsense is essentially a wired controller that works on its own for a while, as you look for the cable to charge it. I hate that battery.
The voice is absolutely hilarious 😂😂😂
You sound like Chapelle's Tyrone Biggums character 🤣I love it!
6:10 As a real PlayStation gamer I can’t get enough of skits. Just watch this trigger posers who claim to be from my community rotfl. Thank you for making my day brother!💯
better promos than most modern wrestlers
funniest video I've seen in a long time keep it up Pony Steve
Chef Bruv stays on the grill cooking.
Hilarious 😅
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