A bigger world, higher stakes, and an unexpected spin on Lara Croft’s character make Shadow of the Tomb Raider the most ambitious in the modern trilogy.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Everything You Need to Know:
The First 15 Minutes of Shadow of the Tomb Raider in 4K – IGN First:
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Here in 2025
I didn't notice this series or how good they were until Christmas of 2024 and picked up all 3 Tomb Raiders with their DLC on Steam for just $12.00
Rise of the tomb raider is the best expedition game I have ever played, much better than any Uncharted game, the geographical setting feels like dark souls games.
Dont care what people say this Tomb Raider was amazing
I’ve noticed something about trilogy’s the final entry is usually the worse one
Why not 10? The game is excellent!
I love all 3
It's free on prime gaming
Plz fire this female narrator
lara after everything weve been through including nasa
just do the best you can
lara is amazing
please and thankyou
The improved mechanics are great but this game is VERY slow pace imo
Tomb Raider 9.3
Rise of the Tomb Raider 9.5
Shadow of the Tomb Raider 9.7
my rate for triLogy
9 is a lot,still a decent game
Tomb Raider and Uncharted are so similar
This game is like uncharted & the last of us combined
It’s free on Xbox one now too
Great game 🔥
Anyone here in 2024…?
Why did they change her face ?
"Too many tombs" – 3/10, IGN
I'm not sure there's ever been an IGN review that sounds more like it's leading up to a 6 or 7, before then dropping a great score
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is the best one in the trilogy.
2:38 How come they are still reusing the same climbing animation from 2013??
Milk 6/10
so overall is it worth playing, and buying???? like this comment if you support her review
What a great review, this was perfect, get this lady to do more reviews, she is top notch.
The best Tomb Raider in my opinion! Yes, I've played them all…
So we are going to completely ignore the massive black elephant in the room? Johna was black the last two games, now all of a sudden he is Latino? WTF. Also, they give Laura guns but no duel pistols and have her layered in furs while in a JUNGLE. This is why you don't sacrifice talent for people who can't figure out that boys have penises and girls have vaginas. A complete waste of money.
Still some of the best graphics ever, but the game itself is not in the same league as rise or the 2013 game in term of plot, gameplay and level design. the dlcs really saved it from being just an ok game.
As a 40-something man who got started playing video games on an Atari 2600, this is mind-blowing stuff for a video game.
As a playstation fan its Better than uncharted exploration and combat feels much better
I’m here in 2023 when all the games Are on ps plus extra
Do u need to play the other lara crofts first or is it also fun without playing them?
This game was too tough for me 😂
toooo many puzzles
bad story
bad combat
everything is bad
raise of the tomb raider is waaaaaayyyy batter
The last game had no puzzle solving but this one does
Not that great tbh
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