Microsoft’s made the most powerful Xbox ever! Does it live up to the hype?
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Thank you Microsoft for sending in the Xbox One X for review.
Additional thanks to Epiphan for sending in the 4K capture card. Here’s a link to their website for more info:
Thank you Ubisoft for sending in copies of Assassin’s Creed: Origins.
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Rerez is a YouTube channel presented by Shane Luis all about video games. Presenting you the newest, strangest and most unique gaming topics. Featuring high quality reviews of new video games, consoles, previews, oddities, rare titles, unknown hardware, classic and retro games, and much more!
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Is it just me or dose the Xbox one x look suspiciously look a lot like the PlayStation 2
This looks so good,even today!
I look forward to when I can afford it!
Does it support Xbox One?
Shane, why do you make such a big deal about console names?
Wait…the original Rush game didnt have Finding Dory levels. Did they add new content to it?
Quantum Break frame rate can tank on the X.
You can play 4K games on Xbox One s
I think the PS5 will be better
I don't know how much Microsoft paid you for this advertisement, but this is a much better advert than even Microsoft could do! Well done. Not that I personally would ever touch one of these with a 40ft barge pole, but even so. The games are just SO expensive! £50 per game? Never worth it! I will stick with my PS2 and PSP.
When you watch a 4k video on 144p
When you watch a 4k video on 144p
I have a gaming Pc and a xbox one S but i miss my xbox360 slim 🙁
had the x like several months now. Wasn't needed i sell my fat, but this thing got me to part with my cash.
Makes me hardcore even if i casually play?
Well now there is 50 games that are enhanced.
define 4k on the xbone
It shows I’m watching Super Retro Cade.
Under no circumstances am I going to capture using a USB card, especially a sub par card. There are much better options for 4k capture such as any of the internal options from any of the bigger companies. USB just doesn't have the bandwidth for streaming imo.
looks like a fat ps2
I've lost the plot with Microsoft Xbox naming scheme so hard that I honestly thought this was going to be another Chinese Consul knock off video. What have you done to me, rerez?
you think i can afford that
The design looks similar to the PS2
Im getting this for Christmas
At least the Xbox One X is better than the original Xbox 360
I want this, i will do anything for it 😧
The Xbox One X sucks
yes, but can it get me out of living life?
I'm a f**** gamer tell me what this catsup I meant I have a GTX 1080 ti or ryzen 7 1800 x and 64 gigs of RAM to f**** tell me
the Xbox One X is unnecessary
Its great I love it
You're acting as if everyone's forced to buy it. No and it's obviously an option for those who want it. Complaining about it is childish. And this wasn't a new generation, so obviously not every released Xbox game will get an upgrade. Yet not many people are complaining about PS4 Pro… besides the 4K Blu-ray absence.
I don't buy Sony products. I am an old dog, and I buy American. Its seems to me Microsoft is killing it. Sure the Playstation may have more sales, but the Xbox live is better, the UI is better, the controller(especially the elite) is better, and now the system in general is better. Playstation does have some first party titles that are nice, but its is only a few, and Microsoft has the same number. I don't play anime shit, and I don't care for weird shit that comes out of Japan. Sony should be worried. Not just because this system is better, but because Microsoft as an American company has listened to its costumers and adapted. And they have done that brilliantly. Sony doesn't give two shits about its fan base, and it shows. Generation wars are over, its now down to Attrition. Microsoft will win on a technical, economical, and user based standpoint. Go America! German.
*Love it🔥🔥🔥🔥
What is the best 4k TV for Xbox one X?
wow just the reason for spending £500 for playing 360 games and disney adventure
"little bit more expensive" is quite an understatement … but i still agree, if you don't own a xbone yet, get an X.
Can all xbox one games be plaued on xbox one x?
I still think the xbox 360 looks great, and it's super cheap to get games for it right now
What if you own a Samsung CT-339ZB?
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