During a recent event in Los Angeles, Pete Davidson shows off his nearly ink free arms after undoing major tattoo removal.
Full Story: https://www.eonline.com/news/1409150/pete-davidson-unveils-results-of-his-major-tattoo-removal
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Pete Davidson UNVEILS Results of MAJOR Tattoo Removal | E! News
God that narrator voice is awful
Most people I see with tattoos look horrible. So many tatts are low quality – prison type… I also wonder why people have this need to put all that "artwork" on their skin.
Tattoos are hideous. You don't put a bumper sticker on on a Mercedes – you put them on flat-bed Fords.
I like the fact that tattoos affect landing a job, just like in any other jobs tattoo hinder you.
Lame, now he's just another boring blank normie.
I’m so happy I didn’t go crazy getting tatted up when I was in my 20’s. I made a few appointments to get some major work on my arms & back & always canceled last minute deciding I didn’t want to spend the money. Now I’m so glad bc I see all my friends w/crazy silly colorful tats all over their bodies & most of them regret getting all that done. I have a few but not in your face kinda thing. As a full grown adult in my 30’s now I feel like it looks silly & childish!! Yup I’m that old person now already thinking that way lol
Does nobody think this is kind of bizarre behavior?
Pete Davidson has an Oscar i or Oscar nomination n his future …. for some drama role.
à la Robin Williams, Monique, Eddie Murphy, etc …
/bklyn 👑
He's making room for 2024 girlfriends.
Tooth brush gif
Less ink maybe, but didnt he brand himself lol
If he’s doing it for movie roles his just lost, this guy needs to save his soul rather than keep playing the celebrity game which obviously has done nothing but make him an addict and depressed person
Awesome 👏🏽
He's not the only one who needs major tattoo removal lol. But yeah Pete looks a lot better now, less trashy.
He is probably just gonna cover them up again
He looks great
I love clear skin. Everyone is getting it has ink. They really made the tattoo business billions of dollars. I only have 2 and they’re really small. It’s everyone’s personal decision tho.
Maybe they were stick on tattoos he got out of a cereal box 🤪🤭
Good look Pete 👍
What's up with this narrating?
Wow….look at those arms. 😮 That's good work.
Thats a clone 😂😂😂
What the heck is the female narrator? Is she a robot? 🙈🙈🙈
That's what I want to do
His old tattoos were ugly, but bare arms are ugly too.
Still a simp…
Victims of too many tattoos will ruined your life.
So many people dont do that crap on mushrooms
I never understood the tattoo craze. They are ugly.
He looks so much healthier, he's my inspiration that I'm deciding to remove my tattoos as well.
I think about him every time I watch SNL. I hope he finds the great gig he's looking for. I do get to hear him doing standup comedy on satellite radio.
He looks so much better without them. I don’t like them on men or women.
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