Disney’s Big Bag of Earnings BS | Bob Iger | Entertainment News | ( DIS ) Stock | Proxy Fight | Stock market News | Disney News | $DIS
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thumbnail by @JonasJCampbell
disney is full of lies
The more I know about this Iger guy, the more I don't care for him.
Norm MacDonald, paraphrased
Valiant with the “bruh” is supreme cringe.
They doesn't look at ratings? That is why they're losing subscribers…
Sold my stock in Disney
I'd gladly take over Disney and kick Iger out.
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Anyone who supports Bob Iger at this point is either a low down, moralless, greedy scum bag or an idiot.
The reason he refuse to comment on the profitability is simple. It's not profiting.
They looked at the ratings of the Acolyte.
"Can you say, "Circular Argument and Double Talk!" Catching Sneaker, "I knew you could!"
1. Thank you Valiant for Earnings Call content!
2. Love a piece about your thoughts on the Comcast earnings call, especially on the issue of Content & Experiences as Disney’s competitor via NBCUniversal
Disney does not make what the customer wants, they make what they want the customer, sorry consumer to watch.
Disney needs leaders that focus on theme parks and movies. Synergy…. like the old days… merch, hit theme songs… forget the computer stuff! Back to Basics!!!
Real inflation has been in the high single digits at best since covid and the money tsunami they let loose.
Have Hope fans!
They sound like Eron and Worldcom while they were cooking the books. Pretending everything great. I hope Bob hasn't iver leverage his stock options lol
"Low single-digit growth"
Translation:: we ran off most of our customers and now we have virtually no hope of getting them back
Bob Iger is part of the political party that hates transparency.
Pure nonsense. Can’t believe financial columnists and media ran with the PR-approved puff pieces after every financial analyst listening to the call could detect the truth.
"We don't look at ratings…" Well, that explains why Disney Plus keeps renewing crap TV shows.
Not afraid to over perform. Wow.
I love those Mexican Ironman rants! Iger wants to be treated with kid gloves like the ones they used on Biden: no difficult questions and no critical thinking.
It's the same thing every time. Big Plans – Low results.
They're always "feeling positive"
Bob Iger and no one at Disney has ever listened to the consumer. He has no clue what the consumer wants because they don’t listen because we have yelled. We have screamed. We have told them time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time again since 2016 when they started all this nonsense, we have told them no we don’t want it. We want our nostalgia back. We wanted it the way it was and they have just done the one thing they’ve always done raised the middle finger to the fans and told us you will sit down you will shut up and you will consume and now they’re desperate because people are turning their backs and closing their wallets and he can’t stand that, this man has an ego size of two Galactic cores and he thinks that the snap of his finger and the wink and the odd he can get convinced everyone on this planet. Everything is fine nothing to see here is burning around him. He might as well be in a toga with a fiddle, the man is a menace. The man doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s incompetent, and so is his board because they let him do it
Any company that calls you a consumer and not a customer isn't concerned with you. They are concerned with short term profits to keep wall street happy.
Remember, all executives making these decisions, still getting paid and bonuses
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