Home games Why Godot Is A Terrible Game Engine… For Mac

Why Godot Is A Terrible Game Engine… For Mac

by admin

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@JuhoSprite February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

I made a full game working on it for 1 year, then had some icon issues and tried to fix them by going on windows instead, and then the whole project was full of errors. somehow. well now I'm not really a game developer anymore but if I ever were to make a game again I would make it on windows from the beginning to avoid any problems.

@ImmacHn February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

Macs were not meant for games, they were meant for landfills sips tea

@theneverwas2835 February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

Macs are terrible computers. Overpriced junk. This is why most software companies don't support them.

@diemyfriend February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

Make a video why Mac is Terrible for Game Engines. Will be more helpful.

@dungeonrobot February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

I’ve built some of my Godot games for Mac before with decent success. Here’s some thoughts on what you’ve run into:

HiDPi is the reason it’s rendering at too low a resolution. MacBooks have a HiDpi display so the text scaling could be off from that. If your game is using pixel art it might be a good idea to lock resolution own anyway. Otherwise I’d adjust the window scaling mode. This will be an issue that users can run into on Windows so I’d advise fixing it either way.

Your code breaking is weird. I haven’t had that happen before. Mac support is janky so test chunks of the code that breaks on Mac and see where it’s breaking. This is a scenario where it pays off to do some in-depth debugging.

Just because it exports okay doesn’t mean it’ll work on another person’s computer when you send it to them. All Mac applications need to be signed, otherwise MacOS will report that the app is “broken”. The docs have the whole process in detail. It will cost you $100 a year to have an Apple Developer account.

If you keep running into issues hmu on Discord @dungenrobot. I’d also recommend joining either of the Godot Discord servers and asking for help there.

@neppallv February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

I appreciate the insight!

@BigCroogle February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

Dont! literally don’t do MAC support! It’s not worth the time investment vs “profits” from the 4 Mac users that will play your game

@igorgiuseppe1862 February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

2:07 updating to godot 4.3, the text…

ok, that is easy to explain , godot 4.x branch changed how godot handle text, the size of the text is no longer pixel based, but font size based like all other applications work, this make it less confusing for people coming from other programs, but more confusing for people used to godot workflow.

on the other hand, text scaling works better now.
keep in mind that is quite common for studios to stick to the engine version they made an game, instead of simply updating the game to the "latest and greatest" version of the engine, big companies prefer stability with know issues than the unknow of an new engine, you dont see many companies migrating from unreal 4 to unreal 5 on games that already launched for example, or games that were in the midle of the development, migrating to the latest can cause tons of problems that arent worth fixing, especially for a big project, this only delay the launch of the game, but it might be the right choice for you (always backup the project before you atempt to do that, and if you see that it isnt worth the effort, use the backuped version to keep working on the old version )

the strange thing is that this issue only occured on mac

@evolgenius1150 February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

Cough. Defold. Cough try it. Cough #lua

@kloa4219 February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

Apple made the Metal API mandatory and dropped opengl support which sucks

@kingpotato7183 February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

You can steam both on twitch and YouTube.

Casts a wider net

@DoNotEatStudios February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

Does anyone actually care about Mac support with gaming? Genuine question. From my perspective, Macs are so expensive (especially for what you actually get in terms of performance) that anyone who can afford to buy one has the choice to buy any other computer if gaming is a priority. There are so many affordable gaming PC handhelds that can be docked, and even full blown pre built PCs that are very comparable in performance. Mac's main advantage is the Apple ecosystem. I personally don't know any gamers who prefer Macs.

@Mainman0011 February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

Interesting, the text size might be related to hiDPI, the parent node being a different type in other scenes, or maybe a random bug

@octosyn February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

Maybe try running the dev environment on the mac and debugging it there? There will always be issues porting across platforms. Good luck! 🙂

@mdstevens0612 February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

Pirate Software was talking about this, the nightmare of a Mac export where 0.2% of players came from Mac for all the cost and effort that went in. I use Game Maker and I'm a solo hobbyist developer to my Mac owning friends, be strong, use a VM. And the killer is that, it's not an ARM vs x86 thing, it's easier to make an Android port than a Mac port. This is just Apple repeatedly being the worst.

@FatikDev February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

May be you used a plugins that doesn't support macOs

@Manja500 February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

"no one is encountering what I'm encountering"

It sounds like you are just so bad at coding that you are incorrectly implementing mechanics and getting undefined behavior. (For those that suffer from autism in the replies below, I am accommodating your needs by clearly labeling this sentence as a joke)

My studio creates Godot games with a mix of Mac, Linux, and Windows machines, chosen by developer preference, everything works fine.

If no one else has these issues when you look, it's most likely your own fault.

@krikit February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

Be sure and do a debug export. Start it from the Mac terminal this will give you error messages you might not be seeing. Chances are this is a missmatch if file name casing. It’s one of the reasons why I use lowercase underscores for file names. Unfortunately this problem can be propagated still even after resolving because of how GitHub checks casing so there’s some settings you might need to change there. So be sure to do a debug export for Mac. Start from the Mac terminal and leave that open. Hopefully you’ll start to see useful error codes.

@TechBoxNorth February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

remake the game with C++/SDL?

@blacksheep1337 February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

A nice guy right there appretiate all the love man hope the best in your life

@AgnisNeZvers February 9, 2025 - 10:03 am

Hmm, that's weird. Have you tried to create minimal reproduction projects to isolate problems?
This means I'll have to test my template on mac.

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