In this video, I will give you some tips for you to use when picking a game engine.
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One of my close relatives in Turkey passed away a few days ago, so I had to come here for a funeral instead of the planned wedding.
There will be 4 more videos under the time I am here, and I will return to Sweden 15th. Thank you for understanding, and thank you foe your support! ❤️
How to code
This fkn video is old is sht 7 years old Unity gonna milk you out of your money now I using Godot
Making a game engine take years dude
what program do create these animation on
unreal engine and unity are the best
Business Opportunity in Ruvol
I have invented a Board Game [still unpublished and not yet out in the market] that I believe is guaranteed to be as challenging and exciting as CHESS. I called it “RUVOL.”
It is my hope that one day Ruvol may surpass chess as the “Number One Board Game in the World.”
The weakness of chess is it always starts in fixed positions that the opening moves become “memorizable.” In fact, not a few have so mastered the moves that they can play against their opponents “blindfolded.” It is for this very reason that the great Bobby Fischer introduced his so-called “Fischer Random Chess,” where the starting position of the pieces is “randomized” to make the memorization of openings impracticable. Fortunately, it is also for this reason that I invented Ruvol where “every game” has been calculated to be a challenging one to play.
I detailed everything in my YouTube video. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcqth0m3-R0
It is worthwhile to note that the people who play chess will be the same people who will play Ruvol. In my Google search, I learned there are around 800 million chess players in the world. Even just a small percentage of these 800 million is good enough to earn big money from Ruvol either as an ONLINE GAME BUSINESS or as a PHYSICAL PRODUCT DISTRIBUTOR.
You may contact me at: rodolfovitangcol@gmail.com.
Thanks and God bless!
The Ruvol Inventor
Please I need help I am so confused I need advice from all of you I am new and I want to be a game dev I love 3d and I have checked so many engine and tutorial on YouTube but I don't know which engine to go for first I know little of c# and unity but should I leave unity and start UE4 because it specialized mainly on 3d please I need all your help which one should I stick on.
for unity we need photoshop images?
Hi Sykoo sir, Can you please tell me that what song does you used in your in very beginning video of How To Get Into Game Development. please…….
As a ue4 user wich started with shallow knowledge I can say that the blueprint system really helped me with getting around understanding the system of game making and as a side part learning C++ on the side makes a real good compliment.
But what I would say is a good thing with unity is that if you learn C# you can use that knowledge for other programming than just game developing.
So both of these has their pros and cons
you forgot to put links in description
The anwser is pretty simple… UNREAL ENGIN 4!!!
dude thank you help me find what i all ways need to learn
I want to be an game creator and i have so much interest on that..but i prefer UNREAL4 and i don't even no what's inside..so pls tell unreal is good or i prefer other softwares
I plan on making games, but the games are different from each other. Some side scrollers, others first person. Came here to know which one I can use to make these.
Do you know any game engine that runs off of Python?
one way or another someday all game developers will write code.
I first used Unity 3D and had a really bad time with it. The program would crash all the time and delete files I was using during the process (graphic files, not programming). UE4 looks to be a more stable option for me.
Wait so does that make notepad a game engine?
Hey guys
I am planning to start game development
And i want to focus on landscape development
What engine can you advise me to learn
Fusion 2.5 it's actually pretty good if you have no ideea about coding ….. like me 😉
Question have you seen ready player 1? The concept to oasis is ultimate choice in character skill weapon design and vast world, which would be better for that type of progect?
RIP Paragon 💔
Why most of the developer are unity user , I love ue4 as I am not a programmer, it hurts me a lot !
3:35."Popular games with UE4". Shows paragon, discontinued. Doesn't show fortnite Lmao, no offense.
Sounce: Where I am?
nice buildings!
you forgot something buddy cough cough cryengine cough cough cough
Is this YT still active?
Just pick Unreal, it's ultimate, no compromises.
Dude it's been a year and you still havent put the links in the description 😂
Hey sir I am seriously in a lot of thinking, help me out
1: can I use i3 processor for game development? (Because of budget issues)
2: if yes can it be implemented for a bigger games?
3: I stay in India can I make a good career in game development?
Please rply my fast soo I can take the steps as soon as possible..
I think Unreal is my number one pick. I like the new additions like destructible environments Chaos and photo realism Quixel. Unreal 4 is now hands down the top pick for game development in my opinion. Games will never be the same.
you're, uh, not limited to doing "anime" characters with rpg maker? lol
I really like Unreal engine, but its a very demanding engine.
For anyone looking for the links, here they are.
Unity – https://unity3d.com
Game Maker Studio – https://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Unreal Engine – https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/what-is-unreal-engine-4
RPG Maker – http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download
i prefer source since its easy to work with, usses pretty much standard C++ and even runs well on a potato. dont really care much for PBR since im mostly making stylized games. problem is its incredibly expensive to license (due to havoks physcics engine) it's like 25000$ + additional money if youd like to use their assets such as textures and models.
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