Dylan McKnight has proven to be one of the biggest scumbags in the Fitness niche, from scamming his editors to lying to his fans, he shows no regrets for his actions.
He called out Sam Sulek for doing the exact same things he was doing in secret, but what was Dylan doing that made him release one of the worst apology videos of all time?
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Big Craigzilla 😮How do you still only have 38K subscribers? Smash that sub button chat and help Craig grow 😊
How many yeahrs
It's nobody faults ! No one ask you to believe or buy their products ! 😂
Dylan is an awesome guy … don’t care what yall say
I use to watch him when he was small. He had a really good community and did really good videos. Sad to see what happened to his channel, he was actually one of the best back then.
You guys suck make content on something else instead of putting other influencers down honestly you guys make me sick.
Awe the good ole charles barkley saying im not a hero im a athelete.
Dylan Mc-Not-So-Knightly
these review youtubers keep people in theyre semen incrusted gaming chairs
aside from if what dylan did was right or rong, who gives ashit about all this drama?
Never liked him glad I didn't follow this clown who lied to his faithful followers
Dylan's hair is cooked which leads me to believe he's on much more than sarms. He's gonna go the Connor Murphy route and go insane because he won't be able to prostitute his image online anymore as a bald roid head.
I have no idea who this guy is or what this situation is about. But holy shit is he insanely narcissistic.
Id literally never heard of him until this video, and TBH I think you made a bigger deal out of him then he is, he has like 0 presence other then YT and even there he did the same gym close crap as all of them do, Im surprised if almost all his followers where not purchased.
Six months now and I didn't know till today
6:01 I don’t blame him, no one should idolize him. You should only idolize one person, Christ.
Damn. Just unsubscribed. What a p@ssy
This is the guy that always stood in an awkward position in his videos right?
The red flags for me were the heavily scripted direct to camera videos, released in quick succession, about his depression, him struggling to find a reason to go on, looksmaxxing and then buying his dream car.
He needs a hug from his Mom and some time offline. Wish him well.
I had no idea who this was, and it looks like I'm 5 months late to the party 😂😂
having "I won't apologise" in a apology video is… bold and stupid
I hate when people bring up the “not being able to have kids” thing… some people don’t want to have kids. It’s becoming more and more popular with younger Millennials and Gen Z. This guy rips on Sam who seems to be a genuinely good person and does give solid life and fitness advice, although he does definitely use a ton of steroids. But nowhere does he tell people to go use them, bodybuilders use that shit all the time. People are just hating on Sam because he’s young and likeable so he has a big audience. He’s not the sole influence on young people watching him and people need to stop putting that responsibility on him.
Destroyed himself in 1 video but showed how much of a Gymbro narcissist he is in EVERY video. 😂
This guy is constantly tensing, like I was when I got my begginer gains and wanted to look good.
I’m gonna sound really naive here but I thought influencers did their own editing. Do they just send hours of footage to a stranger and ask them to condense it into ten minutes?
It seems a lot of these people aren’t mentally stable enough to be making these videos, especially when viewers can be very fickle and nasty
Lying harder than last time💀
your pronounciation of "years" is driving me nuts, what the hell is wrong with you?
He killed himself
Im blind and make workout vids please break my workout s down https://youtu.be/gYBpJ_VtT7E?si=FLCdxrvQ5KC7m-UU
His coming clean was almost grudging 😂 someone had something on him
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