These sports protests captured the world’s attention. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most notable protests and boycotts in sports by athletes. Our countdown of the top protests in sports includes Bill Russell and Celtics Boycott a Game in Kentucky, Colin Kaepernick and the NFL Kneeling Protests, Muhammad Ali’s Opposition to the Vietnam War, and more! What athlete protest do you think was most successful? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
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What athlete protest do you think was most successful? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
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I did not think much of Ali. He had a big mouth and was very arrogent. There were a lot of Muslins who served our country and the thing he said that "It's against my religion to join the Army" is a bunch of crap. I served with pride in the USMC and glad I did. You were nothing but a coward Ali.
This video explain exactly why DEI is sometimes necessary.
notice how black & female athletes are the ones who have to protest the most
Interesting list thanks
Enes Kanter Freedom
NBA player who spoke out against China and the CCP, including messages on his shoes. He got kicked out of the NBA for doing so.
The NBA gets a lot of its money from China, and they choose to kowtow.
Of course, we all give hundreds of billions to the CCP each year, so we have effectively rejected him.
1:50 That's because Trump wasn't a prominent figure at the time. The only reason anyone had a problem with Kaepernick doing the same thing is because Trump told them to have a problem with it.
Sasha and Naomi from wwe should be on this list
Why only american sports
#3 was absolutely disrespectful.
Kapernick didn’t deserve the punishment he got.
Protesting is a waste of time. What matters to you more: being righteous or having a job?
How hard is it to understand, you are paid based on what you bring in. To pay any athlete of any sport male or female more than can be gained is setting yourself up for failure. The misconception that some female athletes have is that because they do the same job, they should get the same pay. That is considered ridiculous in any occupation. Should the person who delivers your takeaway meal be paid the same as the person who drives an F1 car? Your value to any employer is based on the profit you can produce. If we want to talk about the sponsorship money then fine, the reason they pay millions of dollars is because millions of eyes watch the games. Do you really think these companies would be willing to pay this kind of money to reach 20 people? Sort your leagues out, like the men did over a hundred year period then if anybody is interested we can talk. Stop talking about privilege when you have it, its on a plate, use it and build something for yourself rather than scrubbing of others.
I’ll always stand for the American flag, whether Kaepernick likes it or not.
I feel that the u.s is soft we are fine criticizing other countries but let those countries criticize us and our feelings are hurt
I applaud all except #3.
There better be protest this Sunday. Because im sick and tired of these evil dictators like trump
Don't let dictators get into the super bowl
Another one worth mentioning is the 1994 MLB Players Strike… the Postseason and World Series were canceled due to the strike and the rest of the regular season was canceled also.
Nobody cares! All what this virtue signaling protests is clout chasing for attention.
0:01 Best moment. 🎉
The lone Aussie on the podium supported the protest too!
Ali is the GOAT of athletic activism…sacrificing his prime boxing career for a just cause!!
Better see protests on Sunday!!!!
I hear you…can’t make a game political.
Well, Trump attending it has made the Super Bowl political!
Looking forward to seeing the orange snow flake triggered into a seething tomato of rage!
I was at the first game against Green Bay where Kaepernick started kneeling during the national anthem. Had no idea it happened; go back to the hotel, Dad turns on the TV, and it's all we see on the news.
Nothing gets conservatives to throw a hissy fit more than making even a casual mention that the American government has and will continue to do horrible things.
Anyone who kneels for the National Anthem should not be allowed to play on a national team.
I dunno Kaepernick seems like a jerk otherwise…
Yo, if they kneel this Sunday, people will lose their freaking minds
I believe 100% that if the athlete or celebrity wants to say something they can, but they have to expect backlash, not everyone watches a sport, movie, or tv show for the political view of the person! Some just want to escape normal life, but I also believe that if they want to raise awareness and feel comfortable doing so they should with little backlash from corporate America! We are the land of the free only when it’s convenient or doesn’t make us look bad, because then we become the land of nope don’t know him never seen that guy in my life.
I love how it's become largely forgotten that Kaepernick was benched before he ever started protesting, because he just wasn't that good anymore after the league figured out his tendencies and developed a defensive strategy against him. He knew his days in the NFL were numbered, he saw that there was money to be made in race grifting, and he seized the opportunity. He even changed his hair and his accent to fit the part.
To this day conservatives are still triggered over kaepernick and their beloved anthem.
The same white that were upset about Kaepernick kneeling and were all about "blue lives matter", were the same whites that attacked the capital on Jan. 6 and beat cops and killed cops.
Hello good morning ❤❤❤
Athletes did an amazing Protest but bad American politicians and bad corrupt sports committee get too offended and Being reckless
Top 10 Famous Protests In Sports History. Thanks WatchMojo.
Carlos Delgado refuses to stand for "God Bless America?" I'm sorry but shouldn't we be able to choose whether stand or not? Like choosing what to or not to believe in.
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