Home games A BUNCH Of New Nintendo Switch 2 Games Leaked!

A BUNCH Of New Nintendo Switch 2 Games Leaked!

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it seems more 2020 nintendo switch 2 game leaks have appeared. with rumors of a february 2025 nintendo direct, could these switch 2 leaks like astral chain 2, star fox or even the rumored fire emblem game make an appearance at the next Nintendo direct?

in other nintendo switch 2 news, we have nintendo enws on nintendo switch online service games in the form of super nintendo nso games being added, a level 5 update and even a small silk song update!

it also seems that super smash bros for the switch 2 has some possible nintendo switch leaks as well with smash rbos switch 2 characters from games like xenoblades and pokemon!

other nintendo switch videos!
paper mario ttyd 30 fps?! – https://youtu.be/GLCJakZDMOg

dream nintendo direct! – https://youtu.be/3LPTdn9L38w
nintendo switch 2 leak specs – https://youtu.be/Fh7Hg15XNzU
legend of zelda ports and why we need them! – https://youtu.be/98Cqy_ndh9k


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@RoBoRoB February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

what games do you want to see at the next nintendo direct? also do you think we will see silk song soon?

@dodosuify February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

Fire emblem…. PLEASE GIVE ME an option to choose a happy ending please im so tired of these edgy ending please give me an OPTION!

@dodosuify February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

Fire emblem…. PLEASE GIVE ME an option to choose a happy ending please im so tired of these edgy ending please give me an OPTION!

@Hiyooma February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

you obviously put a lot of work in your videos take my sub sir!

@HassanNabi-m5b February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

I genuinely would like to see a new PMD from the "niche" rumour.

@johnnysalazar5399 February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

F zero

@AnthonySmith-bj9mo February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

hi Robo Rob Gaming

@dezmas9332 February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

Spike my audio with one more sound effect and I'll make a mean comment mate, you don't wanna see my dark stranger 🤡

@Maalstrom February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

Metroid prime 4 or fail.

@yesteryearr February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

I need a Kirby Crystal Shards successor. Was not happy with Star Allies 😒

@GGHGNCOMICS February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

Fire Emblem def not niche

@ma3mc3mu-X February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

I'd rather get a new Kid Icarus game. Remakes/remasters are just unnecessary filler since we already know how they're played by heart. There's too much Fire Emblem nowadays.

@adolphgracius9996 February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

Nintendo is leaking so much information that if I was the CEO I will need to put all my employees in a routine polygraph test😂😂😂 Cause WtF is going on here?

@elementaliguana5880 February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

Really wouldn't consider Fire Emblem niche franchise especially with how many games it has on the Switch already.

@andrewprime1579 February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

Last new game for Nintendo switch I think it's a new donkey Kong game because he said new game so it's can not be remake or remastered game & 2 game I think could be star fox or donkey Kong game & I picked donkey Kong.

@cotywoodburn7836 February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

Mario kart 9 would be so dope if they had weather changes for each track!

@raymondrupp February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

The games I want on the and the switch2 a new ninjago Switch and switch2Mario kart doubled dash2Dragon ball Sparkling0 classic Double Pokemon Rain Pokmon Storm Pokemon Jungle Dragon collection Pokémon Lets go Meltan Bakugan battle brawlers2 or a remake Zelda classic collection video game Palwold and Palwold2is Dragon ball legends of KAKAROT Multiverse Multiverse2Dragon ball The breakers2Cyberpunk Pokemon Nintendo switch sports2superman pickmen3Pokémon3D open world game Dragon ball fusion2streetpass miis folders mii plaza and internet browser Steven universe unleash the light2steven universe save the light2Arms2 Sentinels Pokémon let’s go HOEN and Pokémon lets go JOHTO Pokémon legend of Rayquaza Tony Hawk3d open world game Pokémon revolution2 Pokemon legends of JOHTO and POKEMON legend of UNOVA or Pokémon lets Go Kyreum Bakugan battle brawlers2 DBZ Budakai DBZ Budkai3 DBZ tenkaichi2Mario vs donkey kong2 Xenoblade chronicles x2 Mario kart doubled dash2 GTA5or GTA6new Ben10switch game New adventures time switch game Pokémon classic collection Pokémon stars and Pokemon Esclipse borderlands3Original Teen Titans2remake a new bey blade switch game a new Mario kart9remake game Super Mario all stars2 super smash kart DBZ TENKAI CHI4DBZ Raging blast3DBZ Sparkling the legend of zelda classic collection Lego Batman2 the video game remake SPONGEBOB Square pants revenge of the Flying Dutchman remake NICKTOONS unite remake Skylanders spyro Ed EDD n EDDY the miss ED adventures switch game remake Nintendo land2a new spiderman switch game remake a new donkey Kong3D switch game Donkey Kong odyssey Super Mario land4Pokémon universe Pokémon legend of kyreum Sonic unleashed2 Pokémon XD2and Pokémon Colosseum2 Dragon ball legends Dragon ball XENOVERSE3 Luigi mansion4Poke Park3 south park snow day2 fairly odd parents shadow showdown switch remake Fairly odd parents breaking da rulse switch game remake Dragon ball Super KAKAROT paper mario odyssey Pokémon x2Pokémon y2Pokémon black3and white3Kirby Dream land4Dead Island2 Diablo3or Diablo4for the switch and a3DS Gravity Falls2revenge of bill cipher switch game remake for the switch Pokemon legends of Celebi Pokémon sun3and moon3switch game remake Kids next door operation video game remake Super mario bros3 lego super mario bros the Simpsons hit and run2 Family guy back to the multiverse2or a remake Zelda OCARINA of time2 or remake Pokémon pinball2Lego Batman2the video game switch remake GTA4GTA liberty city stories call of duty moders warfare3 Ghostwire Toyko Sniper Elite6death loop switch2 game remake Destory all humans2DBZ Saga2 Remake Zelda Major mask2or a remake Pokémon Space Pokémon time Pokémon stadium3 Sonic Forces2Dead Island3Call of duty vanguard Splattoon4 Metroid prime4Pick men5 Super Mario galaxy2 remake a doom2and a Marvel vs capom collection new Harry Potter games remake for the switch and a new Yoshi game new Banjo Kazooie super mario galaxy3switch game Crash bandicoot switch game a new Mario odyssey2Toy story1and2 and3switch2remake Lego starwars3the video game Ducktails switch game remake Farcry6switch2 game remake Super Mario maker3Starfox zero2 Zombie switch or switch2 game for the switch and switch2adventure camp switch game Call of duty4 Mortal kombat1Super Mario Galaxy3Mortal kombat3mortal kombat4 and Mortal kombat5 remake Super Mario galaxy2remake a super mash bros64remake Namco museum2 Xenoblad chronicles x 2Mario tennis remake smash bros melee2 TMNT2Battle nexus back at the barnyard remake Rayman legends2Super Smash bros6Rick and morty the video game Resident Evil1Resident Evil2 Resident Evil3 remake south park the fracture but whole2 Sponge bob square pants the movie remake SPONGEBOB Creature from the krusty crab remake classic Power rangers remake Evil dead the game remake for the switch2and the switch online expansion pack gameboy GBA GBC games I want is Pokémon emerald Pokémon Leaf green Pokémon Fire Red Pokémon Ruby Pokémon Sapphire Pokémon gold Pokémon crystal Pokémon silver Pokémon red blue yellow for the switch online expansion pack n2025or n early 2026and I hope for the September Nintendo direct we get is GameCube online for the switch online expansion pack and I hope we get is Dragon ball daima dlc for Dragon ball XENOVERSE2 and Dragon ball XENOVERSE3for the switch and switch2n2025 or2026released and I want is a switch2VR headset to play switch2VR GAMES and I hope the new Pokémon generation10will have save data so people won't loose there save data so won't start all over from the beginning for the switch or switch2and be the9year n March3 2026

@raymondrupp February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

U guys r right it been8 years for the switch n the year of march of2025 because the switch was released n the year of 2017and we don't count the year of2017the first year of the switch was 2018for the anniversary for the first year release so it been at7years the switch and the switch2 will last tell the year of 2034or maybe longer tell the year of2035for the last year of the switch and switch2tell the next handheld console n release tell the year of 2034 and I hope the switch2 will cost like around$400to$450 instead of$500 and the switch2storage I want is256gb of storage so the switch2can play more triple AAA games like GTA5OR GTA6and I hope the switch2will last10 more years and I hope the battery life will last tell5to 8hours on the switch2of battery life and I hope the switch2will last for10 years tell the year of2034 and I want is a Dragon ball daima Dlc for Dragon ball XENOVERSE2or Dragon ball XENOVERSE3for the switch and a switch2 n2025or2026release for Dragon ball Daima dlc for Dragon ball XENOVERSE2 or Dragon ball XENOVERSE3for the switch and switch2and be the9year n March3 2026

@raymondrupp February 8, 2025 - 11:30 pm

I was first

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