Ninja Gaiden 2 Black isn’t the definitive way to play the classic, what with the missing content, Sigma 2 changes, and whatnot (and that matters because its $50 price tag is still significant). However, this is the best way to experience Team Ninja’s classic on modern platforms.
Its gorgeous fidelity is matched by some of the best hack-and-slash combat ever, even after all these years, and it’ll keep you coming back, eager to master its depth.
Haven't tried it myself though to be clear, Xenia is just a tad bit spicy for my rig so I'm going off of what I've read about the game's current compatibility, though I'll probably give it a shot at some point as I'm playing through the Ninja Gaiden series atm.
It was so awesome and fun, waiting for Ninja Gaiden 4 now
The soundtrack is outstanding, and you get to play as different characters throughout the campaign.
That said, the platforming sections are lacking, and the bosses are merely average. The tag team mode is decent but doesn't stand out.
Overall, this game offers a fun experience for both veterans and newcomers, but be ready to face some tough challenges. I don’t regret playing it; however, it’s simply not my favorite genre.
Its a good game, better than Sigma 2 was, but they lied. Its not based on the original at all. The code is 100% Sigma, with added gore and an slightly improved enemy count and the classic upgrade system is luckily brought back (but you will find you won't have enough points due to the decreased enemies, even though they lowered level 3 to 20k). If you have an Xbox, get the original. Otherwise its still a fine purchase.
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