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Myprotein (code MATT): http://www.myprotein.com
Bulldog Gear: (code MATTDOESFITNESS) https://bulldoggear.com/?dt_id=1319997
It’s my Birthday so I tried to eat 10,000 Calories
My bday is. 4 February
Your wife should do the same video on her birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁
Happy birthday 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I am 60 years old and lost 170 pounds!
Happy Birthday Matt
YouTube is getting a bit out of hand . Every establishment not yours and the people filmed should paid royalties . You didn't rent those spaces to earn money. Ridiculous
10 G's Baby💪
im back to watch this i remember watching your older videos kind of got boring but im back
You've built such a beautiful house! I'm in awe 😍🔥
Same birthday as the goat
I honestly miss these old school kinda videos. They were just always entertaining af (and still are )
youre on gladiators i love you legend also viper is always so moody
You can get a free item at the Mc Donalds here when its your Bday
just wanna know. is he 40 yet?
Not this video, but all the like swapping wifes and other family diets… reminds me of little house on the prairie… (pourage)
Im U.S. so its oatmeal for me lol😂, not hating love watching your vids tho…
Bruh the differences between Legend and Matt Morsia are night and day. And I mean that as the highestest compliment in every way possible
I need that top asap. Looks warm and comfy!
Happy birthday your a “legend”
How old ia he?
you look 35 at worst mate don't worry about it
My ass would be on song if I ate this many calories
Ive not been on this channel for a while but amazing to see how well the content is now. the editor and videographer definitely deserves a payrise! 🤣
I was thinking she’s eating your chips mate, so not quite 1500 cal 😅
Cheated on the press ups. Surely its 40. The day you were born was first birthday then 39 after that. Just saying you need to start again.
Matt remembered his YouTube login details.
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday buddy
Hasnt he done the 10k, 20k and 25k challenges already?
39 ….,,you look 25 bud😂😂😂😂
Happy Birthday man
These eating challenges or 10,000 calories eating in a day are boring
Just find gf to piak piak
Who else loves seeing Matt's bakery 😊
Happy birthday! Already waiting for next calorie challenge
Cool video Matt! Was like a throw back vid
“That’s illegal!” “Come back, Fab, Fab!!!” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤
Krispy Kreme may have been invented in the US, yet it always looks like they have way better doughnut flavours in England than they do in the states! 😒
Happy Birthday! No way that breakfast was over 2,000 calories!
Happy 40th matt 😂
Viper or legend👇
This Guy Aka Legend funniest Gladiator ❤️🫡🫡🫡🫡 💪
Matt, how is your colon?
Bro I was just at the ashford designer outlet lol
Missed a trick in Krispy Kremes Matt. They do a free doughnut on your birthday! Should've asked them!!
12:04 “in Harry Potter when Gandalf is making him drink” I laughed so hard that biscuit crumbs flew out of my mouth 😭
‘Stay humble’
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