IT’S OVER: PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Exclusivity, Ubisoft, Wolverine, Insomniac

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0:00 Xbox And that time of the month
3:53 Ubisoft Situation
5:53 Insomniac Wolverine NEW LEAKS
7:28 SONY Changing Leadership
9:30 Sony Going All in Hollywood and Insomniac
12:43 Why Buy am Xbox?

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-We’re all about PlayStation News, PlayStation updates, PS5 Pro, PS6, PS plus, PS Portal, PlayStation 6, Sony news, Tech News and Gaming News and sometimes just ranting about gaming stuff.

Q: Is the PS5 Pro Better than a High End Gaming PC?
Is The PS5 Pro still a better deal than a 1500 USD gaming rig?
Can the PS5 Pro match the Performance of a RTX 4090?
Can GTA 6 really reach 60fps or even 120 fps on the PS5 Pro?
Is 699 too Much for A PS5 Pro? Will The PS5 Pro Flop? Should you invest in a Gaming PC?
The answers to these questions are more complicated than you might think.

Usual Sources: Jeff Grub, Insider Gaming, Tom Henderson, Push Square, Gameranx, Digital foundry, IGN, wccftech, Gamerant,

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@dailyhubranx February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Let's watch the video before we jump to conclusions:)
@PantherCrane February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Sony all about tv tv tv tv tv now huh?! 🤣🤣🤣
@PantherCrane February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
PlayStation is 3rd party too! 😂😂😂😂😂
@coryrusch3068 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
X box is just giving up
@MoonCoin-CatMage February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Thank You for your perspective on this 💙💜
@AaronWOfficial February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
I celebrate what xbox is doing, because I am not shilling for a corporation unlike some idiots. It doesn't matter if people stop buying xbox, because they can play xbox on a fire stick or whatever. Microsoft still profits from it, because believe it or not, software makes more money than hardware. Crazy right? What Phil Spencer is doing is genius, he is basically making it so everything is an xbox. I can play halo on a TV, without needing a game console. Or I can play it on steam (it has been on steam for years now). Doesn't matter where, I can play it wherever I like. This means that literally anyone has access to play xbox games, which means more people will buy the games or subscribe to game pass. Microsoft will make more money from that, than they ever would from selling exclusives. Phil Spencer is smart enough to have realised this, and Sony oughtta take a page out of microsoft's book and do the same thing (which they are kind of doing already by giving their games to PC, they are just doing it in a very poor and anti-consumer way). Phil Spencer is literally doing the most pro-consumer move I have ever seen a corporation pull in my over 30 years of gaming, and they should be commended for it. He is a gamer, and he knows what gamers want. We want to be able to play games wherever we like, not have them locked onto 1 platform so we have to buy multiple devices to be able to play everything. It is BS, and only corpo shills and fanboys think otherwise.

Exclusives are anti-consumer, and it has been proven time and time again that exclusives do not sell consoles. The hardware + services + availability of games does.
This is why sony made such a big deal about microsoft's activision aquisition, because they were afraid they would lose access to cod which is 1 of the primary games most people buy a console to play in the first place. Losing access to cod would have been a massive blow to playstation. If people couldn't play cod with their friends on a ps5, nobody would be buying a ps5. Irrefutable FACT! Sony are smart enough to know this, so they fought against it and managed to secure the contract to keep cod on playstation.

Show me 1 exclusive that sells as much as cod, I will wait. For the record, the latest cod has sold 500 million copies. Meanwhile sony's highest selling exclusives are not even close to 20 million copies sold. It is blatantly obvious, that multi-platform generates more money than exclusives. Anyone denying this is a sonyxboxnintendo shill. Phil Spencer is based!
@akiraangelfire2127 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Nope Sony will keep theirs Nintendo will keep theirs since they make money and their gamers support those devs only Xbox will go everywhere since Xbox gamers don’t support devs so fix your title and stop lumping Sony in with Xbox failure lol February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Even when you buy digital you don’t own the games you buy yall are basically renting them because they can delete it off of your system at anytime they want I will buy physical games for life all of my digital games are free
@lordkuku February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
3:04 Love it, you said that so perfectly.👏👏👏👍👍
@lordkuku February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
0:46 Phil Spencer just said the quit part out loud. "They want their games where people play" obviously if Xbox games are coming to PS, thats where the people are playing.
@Ravens_Hollow February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
And please let them have some new looks with Wolverine but the main look is leave it classic don't put anything new generation into it everything they do 80 to 90% of new generation things suck and they bomb out and they make it to the point where it's not even worth having leave it original blue and yellow suit or black like the movie Wolverine or like the Deadpool and Wolverine movie or like the original Wolverine movie like leave it original it's okay to have new costumes but aside from that leave it alone
@Lumiverse. February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Though I truly care none for the console wars, I really enjoy your content
@CRASHZERO411-w4x February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Hello Everyone
@FantasticExplorers February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
You got the like for mentioning your period, now we KNOW you are a real person!
Hope the rest of your week is better!
@dunpeal7 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Not much a surprise, I've been hearing rumors since at least ten years ago that big companies want to make a universal console, effectively ridding of all exclusives. As for Ratchet and Clank show? No, I was target demographic when that francjise came out but I never got into the games and I sure as shit have no interest in a show. Trying to make adaptations of games to movies looks very desperate and obviously they can't come up with new ideas for entertainment. I'm not interested in anything being adapted to a show or movie, unless I see something interesting.
@nathanblaylock8186 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
It’s time we boycott Activision blizzard and if Xbox doesn’t demand changes within the company, Xbox should be boycotted too!
The American people are fed up with DEI and leftist calling for hate towards fellow Americans. Either they change with the times or they will be forced into obscurity!
@jeppie4984 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
As long as Nintendo exists, the gaming industry will be fine and evolve.
@josiahsuarez February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
xbox and digital games will both be the 1-2 punch that destroys gaming as we know it with digital delivery pretend make believe crap being all that's left in our post apocolyptic future 🔮 😱
@alanbenyamin487 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
I play on PC. But NEVER purchase from Microsoft gamepass. I do own a ps5 disc version. And Only purchase PS exclusives like GOW, etc.
@LifeWithty36 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
It’s been since 2006 since I’ve been in the gaming space in the gaming community thinking about buying the Nintendo switch 2 to become a gamer again
@LifeWithty36 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
You too funny she said that’s due next week😂😂😂
@elrahim6972 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
The period due next week lol classic
@elrahim6972 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
@imaginalex5850 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
The whole industry are traitors to the west, using the gaming crysis to dilapidate and destroy all their ips / studios and sell them for ten cents to China.
@BobFlacJr57 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
I buy digital a few times in a yr but , Xmas my wife ,5 kids and 3 grandsons so they make put a wish list on Amazon and I get anywhere between two to five disc games. As for Xbox their released games sure they will find there way to other consoles, hell PlayStation, Nintendo and Steam mite as put them on other systems. So I guess Phil not going to move from hardware to software, shit there are Xbox I would play .
@denhawken February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
I feel nothings for the ubisofts ex employees.. hope they're not hired either.

Never hire the dei activists.

The restructuring is gunna hit hard.
@rasmus6236 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Stop with the f game movies and series.. this is not good for playstation.
@marvinman66 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Xbox, that huge acquisition (Call of duty and others ) after the purchase questions were asked was it fair for gamers. So Xbox had to travel the world to get approval which they got but at massive cost, more than they bargain for.

personally I think Microsoft stepped in and said look we’re gonna make one more console. You gotta make this work if not the platform will be gone and this is why we see change direction to make games that make money on other platforms.

I think this new way of working is sad but if it’s going to make money for Xbox that’s good but long-term Xbox just turns into a publisher like Ubisoft and won’t have a game console. This is what I see happening.

Now Ubisoft, I just think they’re gonna get bought out.
@Anarchy_NZ February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
STOP buying Digital YOU are responsible for the downfall of console gaming.
@macgyver-ss2 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
I'm going for Scarlet Nexus!
@jegjrtp87 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
There are more android users than iPhone. It's not even close.
@ugnikalnis February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Stalker 2 is 💯 will be at PS.
@princephillip1481 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Although i get your point on the Xbox/brand, i'm just soo tired of the whole Xbox debt 🙄 it's like "Jeesh can you just go 3rd party already!!" Stop this "tipy tipy pause" shit, and let someone else inter in the gaming hardware market.🤦🏽‍♂️Damn🤦🏽‍♂️
@ugnikalnis February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
The biggest nonsense PSN has... It's a Country Lock... You Can't use Your acc at different Country. Technically You can till you'll be banned...
@geoffroydelmotte1141 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Hey Ashley, don't you think when the new Xbox comes out, Microsoft will pull its games away from PlayStation again? If they don't, why would anyone be interested in their new box even (if it's a very good box like the Series X is) ? Xbox consoles are usually sold at a loss, so why even make one if it has no exclusives?
@ugnikalnis February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
I'm waiting for Wolverine! AC Shadows also I hope woke ain't ruin it...
I'm also waiting nostalgia PS OG Like X-men fighting game.
@0x8badbeef February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
This is not a bump in the road. The peak of gaming was 2017. At which point there was the voice actors strike. As a result many joined the SAG-AFTRA union. What that means is everything is going to cost more (because it will take longer, for the studios affected). The ones that have not been affected are generally foreign studios. But more foreign studios are forming unions with the most recent one being CDPR. Also at the end of 2023 venture capital dried up. You're in marketing, you know what this means. Also those investors invest in emerging markets. Gaming is no longer an emerging market. AI is. No, this is not a bump in the road.
@TheThreeTime February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Lmfaoooo I cracked up so hard you said that “I felt the pain in my body or was it just my period nope that due next week” 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 keep it up hahaha 😂 I love this channel!
@Johnny2Badd February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Thanks for the heads up on the tales series. Tales of Arise plays just like FF16 if you guys haven't checked it out. I put them and games off PS Extra from a friend i file share with on HDD so basically pirate them lmao. Also i Jailbroke my Vita. That thing has more games on it than some peoples PS4'S / PS5
@Johnny2Badd February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
"PlayStation Will Eventually Abandon Console Exclusives & Follow Xbox's Strategy" N4G 😢
@Johnny2Badd February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Iphones and Mac can't game 😜
@Lemordison92 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
The best way to start the day suberb work Ashley.

Xbox basically is throw the towel is not dead but if the want the should be something more important but classic Microsoft Ashley the only care about fast phased money.

Also is Spencer alright i hope he is and i strongly believe if his hands was not tied (especially after the activison blizzard king) deal thing's might be better then it is right now.

The switch 2 is the only purchase for me who does makes sense to (if i want a handheld) because of theirs exclusivity in theirs ip especially if we have exclusive s switch 2 game's

Because all of other handheld s is very expensive compared to the price of switch 2 and the don't offer you something that you don't find someone else.

And before i leave Ashley What you believe will be the Price of PS6 700 850 (i hope we don't see a ps5 pro price).
@ElPibePlay1000 February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Didn't watch the vid, the console in the thumbnail looks awesome

Edit: now i watched it, and you are right theres no reason to celebrate a company becoming a monopoly.

On the other hand, you have to admit, xbots crying is very funny 😂😂😂

And don't worry, if Sony makes a shit ton of money, someone else will step in
@NextGenFighters February 4, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Ain't nobody this ruthless. 😂

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