Classic Amiga demo with great visuals and soundtrack, now in HD 50fps (See Below)
Released at Mountain Congress 1993… Ranked 1st…
Code: Dak, Valdi
Graphics: Alis, Fly, Kopara
Music: XTD
Text: Dak
*As Youtube has just introduced the new frame rates for playback, i have recaptured this classic Amiga demo in native Pal 50fps. Please watch in HD to enable 50fps on a browser that supports it (Chrome is your best bet at the time of upload)*
Это одна из первых демок, увиденных на Амиге 500, привезенной одному знакомому из Германии. Это была невероятная круть после ZX Spectrum. Через года полтора у меня появилась A600 )
Imagine your impression seen this after playing Doom on a PC.
I still remember enthusiastic crowd at this party, back in 1993. 30 YEARS AGO…. Time flies but some thing stays as good as they were….
perfect conversion of one of my favorite demos! mad elks rulez
The best Polish demo for Amiga 500.
This tune has some serious vibe and groove. Well done xtd.
what song is
to much death life death ? i heard a very long time ago and i dont remember
Wonderful demo !
This demo was made exactly 30 years ago (May 1993). It still looks and sounds awesome! Timeless classic and real art.
lol amazing that the developers back in the day that done the demo scene are mostly grandparents now lol
5:15 :)))Interrrr…/''la//..ce….and then this tune…omgggggg….
I mean, intertwined…Gods damn, this demo will be eternal. Forever. Fucking masterpiece.
Amy forever!
for the handle part you should've typed in RDS or RETRODEMOSCENE, would've been a cool bit
at some parts this feels like an angry clone of future crew demos on an amiga 🙂
Probably the most refined and characteristic XTD track from those years. Great demo 🙂
Hej, napiszcie książkę, Bart z tej strony…pomysł?
One of the best of the best from early ~90's )))
Made in P O L A N D ?
I remember this busy time in '93, Valdi is my one and only best friend for life, but I know most of guys involved in this demo.
Proud of them, Amiga Rulez 💪
I used to live at thet street 😉
OMG how did I never see this or even hear of Mad Elks? I was into PD and have thousands of floppies yet missed these guys entirely!
Still Genius Music 🙂
All time classic. The walking cube at 1:32 absolutely blew me away as a kid. Amazing to see this preserved here
To jesttn kurna zajebisye.
Who is the author? He should show his name more, 1200 times wasnt enaough.
Awesome! I remember typing "shit" as an edgy 14 year old into the text box at the end, and it said "Careful! Don't shit yourself!"
Jeśli macie choć trochę rozumu to sprzedajcie Amigi i przerzućcie się na wypas owiec !!!
Mad Elks and Kefrens teached me.
Wow. That's stunning.
Amazing Demo! One of the best for the Amiga 500. Wished I had it on my Amiga 500 in the days!
Still love ## BALLADA ## to this day. Such a nice end song.
In case you don't know or remember – the "always" inscription being "painted" at 3:04 is a straightforward implementation of the same-looking effect used in a jam rag commercial that was being notoriously broadcast on the Polish telly at the time.
The creators made sure there's a nasty response for the most popular swear words in the end part text input. Spent quite some time to discover as many responses as possible. 😉
Btw, the end scroll does not comply with GDPR! The vid needs to be reported to the European Commission! 😛
I'm sweating just from watching this.
love everything. But man, that 2nd tune got me to sleep so many nights …. Really love the theme
The trouble with Amiga demos is that they're only impressive until you realise how easy it is to pre-render everything.
I still remember seeing this Demo back in the days, i was fucking mind blown.
Still one of the best from that Time.
Salute to #XTD for the amazing Tune.
and #Mr.DUK and #VALDI for the Sick ass Code.
Yes. I still have this demo on disk.
Muza extenda… po pijaku pisał:)
Najlepsze demo na świecie. Byłem na tym party
Нidden part opened wthis press mouse buttons? Very old demo. I am old man. Mouse оf Amiga have one wheel, but f(o)u(o)l(l). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cORWZuSJqtk I am see this video and rememer hidden part. Thank you guys for this videos.
To były piękne czasy… Do tej pory mam swoją Amigę! 🙂
first trackmo (where the demo parts keep going without a loading screen and the music just keep going) that make me realize how this is radically different! When I got asked today… did you keep up with how the computer industry has involved? I kind of feel.. what the heck? do you have to wait for loading or update when using your newly device? yes..? lol!
Real Techno
9:18 – Złota Myśl dla właścicieli Amig.
still rocks in 2019! 🙂
Maybe not so technically impressive, but damn, top smoothness and perfect gfx sync with adrenalinic sonix!!
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