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I give a D+. HOW ABOUT YOU.
Hall Ronald Taylor Frank Gonzalez Deborah
The Nintendo Indie/Direct was better
Young Nancy Williams Sharon Walker Richard
That Jim Ross impression was spot on
The only thing I really liked was Ghost of Yōtei.
I guess DLC for Astro Bot isn't too bad either. I wish they gave us a more specific release date.
I didn't get a Playstation VR2 because there are no games for it and it costs too much.
Keanu Reeves voicing Shadow is cool.
9:00 You have lost your damn mind Sony.
9:32 She's like "I'm sad :(". Is Nier in the same universe as Stellar Blade?
Embarrassing really bruh Ghost of Yotei Stellar Blade DLC and the upgrade for Horizon being 10 bucks were the highlights … Was it the best show ever? no but it wasn't " embarrassing" wouldn't expect anything positive from a Nintendo fan boy though
Only thing I really wanted is the soul reaver 1 & 2 remakes, and the hitman vr looks amazing!
What no competition does to a Mf
The State of Play was… *adjusts glasses*, not great.
That purple color looks like an xbox colour ripped to ps
Why are people still messing with Sony and Microsoft? Get a PC folks. Get into emulators, maybe keep up with Nintendo but that's about it. You'll be happier for it.
Guys lets vote for Trump ok?
Honestly it's okay. The game awards and the game reveals were decent. I mean nothing was game-changing or mind-blowingly awesome in any of the game reveals. There are a couple of games that I might try out just because they've piqued my interest a little bit and just enough to maybe want to try them at some point. But one thing I don't understand is why they remastered Horizon Zero Dawn. It looks visually fine. The performance is still good. I don't know why they needed to remaster it at all. It's a visually stunning game for the PS4. There was no need for a remaster just yet. 😂
Worst Generation of Gaming! Except for Nintendo
Good Video RGT 85.
This State of Play was Average at best.
Nice too see a Sequel too Ghost of Tsushima tho.
I don't really care about these presentations. Seems like all the games I enjoy aren't beholden to game showcase schedules.
That was a flop for newer games. BUT YES to Lunar Remastered Collection & Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Collection, and Fantasian. I'd rather have remasters of older Saturn/PS1/PS2 games anyhow, rather than these take-8-years to develop AAAA millions-of-dollar projects that kill studios if they don't sell a ka-jillion copies. Give me some HD preservation.
The newer PS4 remasters, however — pointless, if you ask me.
This rgt guy is such a bittered nintendo fanboy so embarrasing smh 😅
We really live in a weird environment where, on the PS5 vs. XBOX "console war", people attack playstation and praise xbox but by the end of the year we will have:
– Seen Playstation get more 1st and 3rd party timed or full exclusives than Xbox;
– Seen far more playstation timed or full exclusives become game of the year contendors than xbox;
– Seen Playstation being criticised for the "lack of exclusives titles on their state of play" and focus on "remasters/remakes"….and xbox praised by their showcase, when they have shown us a total of 40 "games" (some DLCs included as games in my math), where about 20/25% are remastered games, roughly 75% of games shown are third party (it would've been much higher if they had not buy Activision and Bethesda), and somewhere around 85% of the games shown will also be available from day 1 on PS5 (with most of the reminder 15% eventually being released for playstation)…
But Sakaguchi-san, where is Lost Odyssey Remaster?
It really says a lot about the "state of play" when the only "PlayStation" game I'm looking forward to is a remastered set of old games that came out over 25 years ago, and I'll be playing them on my Steam Deck instead of my PS5.
Worst showcase of all time
I think you mean tank controls when it comes to static camera movement. Like og resident evil and onimusha.
This channel is an F+. HOW ABOUT YOU.
All that console power to remaster Lunar
Have you been living under a rock? "I don't really have anything else to play on my PS VR2"?? Alien Rogue Incursion, Like you said, Metro, Behemoth, Aces of Thunder, and other smaller games are all coming in the next phew months. I almost always agree with you man but you dropped the ball with this once. We vr guys are eating good ngl.
I'm still playing DayZ… Every life is different.
Smartest kidtendo fanbois LMAO
That Xbox Tokyo Gameshow just put the last nail in Xbox coffin.🤭
Sony making to many decisions in San Francisco
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