If you’ve ever wanted to work directly with me, this is your chance.
Let me teach you exactly how to eat, train, and supplement without any guessing work.
I will lay out the blueprint and walk you through the entire process of transforming your physique.
Whether you want to compete or just get ripped for yourself. You will have to pay for the program.
Book your free consultation call by clicking the link below (serious inquires only)
Now Or Never Apparel – https://noworneverco.com
Ryse Supplements – https://rysesupps.com/discount/sadik code: sadik
Elev8 Cream Of Rice – https://elev8-foods.com/?ref=sadik code: sadik
Dear Sadik! You are my great reference in the fitness world, I have been following you since 2015. Your words, your videos and everything you have shown in this time have been very inspiring for me. I wish you the best always in your decisions and projects. There is a word that has always been floating in my mind, RELENTLESS … I made the same RLNTLSS sweatshirt and t-shirt that you wore a few years ago. I send you a big greeting from Argentina.
Man i know what you feel like, i got my tonsil swollen on one side and on other side a bit and i had in work massive problem to bread i nearly collapsed in work because i had feeling like i can't fully breathe in and my lungs was full but i had feeling i am really dizzy, then i had 10 days on penicillin and i still feel very funny in my chest and i going to ENT scan if it isn't cancer just in case they told me its chronic tonsillitis so will see, but yeah i was in hospital and soo many people was there with breath problem and short of breath and similar problems its crazy i don't understand what is happening all around why so many people is sick everywhere
꾸준히 영상 잘 보고 있어요~♡
I’m no hater I find that it sucks you even have a hard time breathing
Denial about the consequences of PED abuse is an absolute dirtbag move
I often imagine Sadik as my coach and I’m on stage in women’s physique and I’m holding up first place 😂
Glad you are doing well and still lifting. Just quick question do you experience hair loss? I heard bodybuilders that use steroids experience hair loss just wanted to ask.
Day 2 telling Conrad to start his own YouTube channel
Sadik Nose-Co
Trump won’t allow all the gay pride now 😂
Good to hear you are doing ok…. I don’t listen to those story tellers until I hear from the athlete himself ….
you quickly became my favorite youtuber to watch and the first video i want to click on after my long days at work. keep them pumping bro ur lifestyle is contagious and awesome and ur contagious demeanor is something i strive for
I bought one of your fanny packs. Great for my Sig365 in this liberal state of NY
Have a problem with someone giving you a compliment? You're mentally off right now bro
This ain't it bro. Sounding Hella resentful. Hurt people aren't hurting you… they just saying, stop taking all the drugs bro cause your health is fucked up
Bro you must visit or consult honey Rambod or Charl Glass if you like to get in for Mr Olympia
Jesussss just take complement !!!
Always always always allow people to pray for you. Prayer is never wasted!
your in perfect shape, but you have synthetic clots within you, man you need to wake the fuck up before its to late man
You gonna wreck your rotator with those wide grip should presses. And it takes a long time once you sustain that injury to recover. Not worth it.
It's your kidney. Trend karma affects will come
야아 마샤딕입니다
In it to win it!! Can't wait till you put the pedal to the floor again brother!
Dude, stop taking so many drugs. You’re going to regret this in 5 years. Stop trying to find reasons why you should continue, you shouldn’t! Just take TRT, and focus on your businesses and your family. That’s the good life!
Have your doctor test to see how your cells are taking up the iron in your blood. If this is happening below base line or range, it will leave you with shortness of breath when exercising. This happen to me a couple years after I started TRT. Now doctor says its a form of an auto immune disease. Also take Nattokinase… it slows down the spike protein replication.
Note: The test is not how much iron is in the blood, because TRT or PED's can cause high iron. The test is to see if the cells are adequately absorbing the iron.
I really don't think anyone would wish harm to anyone and it's more like…………. "Well hey, that doesn't surprise me if that had happened" especially when you see Nick Walker pushing PED's almost all year long without going off, his height is at around 5'6 and pushing over 300+lbs………………..Eventually some bad shit's gonna happen!
The doctors wouldn't give my daughter antibiotics because they found out it was RSV . Your symptoms seem very similar. It's treated with Dexamethasone (oral steroid) and Albuterol inhaler
Ultimate Orange (Ephedrine) was the O.G. pre-workout from the past
Sometimes people just need the cold hard truth, I wouldn’t say haters to me it looks like people are genuinely concerned bc you’re a good guy lol
Ok little nuts. Call everyone haters for giving you good advice and deflecting from your bad choices
Nice 😊 🤠🤙🤙💯
Glad ur Good Brother, Still got ur pics when u were in Salinas Ca at Max Fit 💪🏼💪🏼
What a great video!
I know I'm 51 worked out my whole life look fabulous most of it and now I'm wanting to do competition myself now lol just to see where I land at I'm a young 51 that's for sure physically and mentally
Glad you're all good ..Good to hear bro so are you taking a daily blood pressure medication now?
A prayer is NEVER WASTED, SADIK! God is always listening 👂!!
Sadie u are one of the OGs please please take care of your health
The jealousy is real.I am small AF?And I got accused of a BBL?Then because I am so lean and it appeared that I developed quickly?Got accused of juicing.Ridiculous.What you take or do is your business.Watch those bugs.Get your rest and stay healthy.Can’t imagine your daily routine.Pace yourself.And we will keep praying for you and your family.Prayers are never a waste.😊💪🏻🙏🏻
Maybe the prayers did help. ❤ canceling out evil eye 😅
Excellent Brother ❤
Looks like a natural who just began
Chem trails are to blame …
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