Chrono Studio presents the Unreal Engine 5 gameplay tech demo for its namesake title, Chrono Odyssey, an MMORPG that allows players to manipulate time and space.
When will the game be released? We have been waiting for a long time.
If it isn't bugs or blue screening this game will be incomplete unfinished or they will take content out to resell as 'DLC' cashgrab. 🖕🏻
No gameplay
Elden Ling
Where is tech demo gameplay?
best game for 2024
I’ve seen UE5 trailers for a while and still no game that utilizes the tech. It’s like Devs are toying with us gamers. That matrix UE5 demo is collecting dust in my ps5 library
Chrono…. Trigger? Ahhhh so close, so close.
Next video
Surely the gameplay part got lost in translation. Unless screenshots are considered gameplay.
game design looks incredibly lazy, no creativity, wanna be elden ring cash grab
It looks like Elden Ring 2.0
It's a 'gatcha studio' be careful.
here, please take my money.
didnt this one game file a patent on this system???
What about microtransactions?! Black Desert was the same story!
"Bong-Gun Bae" is one of the most badass names when pronounced in english. Daaaaamn i'm jealous
It’s feels like New World but Korean version
NBT… nothing but trailer
It's not sequel to Chrono Trigger.
This doesn’t look like a Chrono trigger game
Absolutely cannot wait to play this on the ps5 pro when it drops🔥🔥🔥
This gonna be release once Sony made Ps5 Pro
It looks like a single track game.
it’s like chrono trigger
게임플레이가 뭔뜻인지 모르나???
mhhh.. weird. so did you just cut the kakaogames part from the official trailer? why?
Unreal 5 Tech Demos are not video games.
Most impressive trailer I've seen in a while for a game.
Gameplay and graphics left the chat
"an mmo…"
Thanks for telling me early in the video so I'm not wasting my time 😊
Huh, guess everyone use ue5 these days.
mostly korean game just beautify simulator
Why not single player only??
beware fellas, this game needs a ps+/game pass subscription to even be played
So it's an MMO….no thanks 😅
We already got a gameplay trailer just search it on YouTube if not your dicision
At least you know the women will be attractive.
There is just one problem. Kakao Games
"Flexible" Customization
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