Pyramids Found Beneath Antarctic Ice | The UnXplained (Season 3)

New research shows evidence of man-made pyramids in Antarctica, in this clip from Season 3, “Mysterious Ancient Ruins.”

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From the producers of Ancient Aliens and The Curse of Oak Island comes The UnXplained, a one-hour, non-fiction series that explores the world’s most fascinating, strange and inexplicable mysteries. Hosted and executive produced by Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning actor William Shatner (Star Trek, Boston Legal) each episode will feature compelling contributions from scientists, historians, witnesses and experiencers-each seeking to shed light on how the seemingly impossible actually can happen.

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@HISTORY January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
Watch all new episodes of The UnXplained, Fridays at 9/8c, and stay up to date on all of your favorite The HISTORY Channel shows at
@noxetecheverything4978 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
I hope mystery of Ancient Civilization, Pyramid of Egypt including Lost Continent of Mu will solve.
@scarletspider1240 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
Well duh...because Antarctica used to be tropical and humans have been on the planet a lot longer than "mainstream science" has told us.
@SuperMBARutgers2013 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
@fredschoemaker7042 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
4 billion years ago when the earth frozen totally up and then the core exploded with a big bang
And part of different lands split apart from each of and eoither it collapses in in mid atlantic but south part of the land slid downward and connected the same in tje indian ocean and the pacific ocean
@macroefish January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
Lol that's not perfectly square..... what a load of shite
@wesleymarkhardwick8530 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
@josephmorgan2738 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
The anti deluvian cultural that existed before the flood was advanced..i think we make a mistake by thinking those before us were less intelligent.
@777-ER January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
I can confirm that.......There are no Pyramids in Antarctica
@hannacarter1352 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
The land was originally together until God broke it apart during the building of the Tower of Babylon. And from Adam and Eve to today is less than 7 thousand years ago. Bible 😊
@shawnpaquette5835 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
Its called a mountain. 😂
@Liswee January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
Well, its sitting right there. Why wont they just go and explore? Wait bcs its just a stupid mountain. So if they actualy went there there would be nothing to talk about. 😢😢
@soulbot119 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
is that Stacy Keach I hear? Sold
@badrockarn January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
It's a pyramid, if you calculate the angles it can't be denied
@marvinaviles7907 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
So wasn’t all the continents together at one point called Pangea and over time earthquakes broke it apart and everything slowly drifted apart .what if it didnt slowly drift apart and it happened fast
@si_lelard January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
@serraios1989 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
@markpalmer1951 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
Next episode shows mr musk explaining to a group of explorers “ several months ago group of starlink satellites scanned a string of pyramids and closer look a heat source coming from the center,”
@tsetse January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
That bald guy straight up lied to us. One minute he says Antarctica has been under ice for "millions of years" and the next minute he says there might have been unfozen land "until perhaps 4000 BC" 😂
Edit oh ok he said "we have been told by the geologists"
@elongnutz2531 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
It could be older than Giza which would explain its condition
@kellyyates420 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
It makes sense though. Eskimos look more Polynesian / Chinese kind of look though so maybe it's true?
@GustavoGalvan-i4l January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
So still zero proof 😂
@Redbarret_guy January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
A perfect triangle shaped mountain exist in antartica

Scientist :
@issacdhan January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
Don't know about Pyramids. BUT. . . . = Andrew Collins looks like "Greta Thunberg"(Male) . Just saying.
@Calphurnia966 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
I could write an extensive piece picking the theories in this apart to show why none of it, is credible. But, I don't hand over my own research these days , for nothing . Simply, I will just say :
A scientologist , is not the same thing , as a scientist.
The narrative speaker never stepped away from his influence from Star Trek.
Science fiction section of the library thankyou.
Not the history section.
@j3lmer33 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
i thought history would base things on facts and not rumours very interesting, very amateur and very much looking for views....
@onedynamics9187 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
Biblical flood explains everything
@OmegaOne-i9u January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
We need to find bodies they would unlock alot
@CyreneOrfano January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
The ones who made the pyramids are chained down the earth in antartica, euphrates river. They are callen the fallen angels, father of the nephilims.
@lukeskywalker3329 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
William Shatnered himself !
@rayjobs2609 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
The so-called pyramids of Antarctica do not, in fact, resemble pyramids. You said they are “perfect” (1:14) like the ones in Egypt, yet in the side-by-side comparison at 1:18, it is clearly seen that the sides of the Antarctic pyramid are not straight when viewed from directly above, unlike the straight lines comprising the Egyptian Pyramids. What this is actually an example of is not a pyramid, but pareidolia -- the act of seeing familiar images where none exist. The natural process of erosion that creates jagged peaks and vaguely straight lines in mountains has caused you to form an association in your brain between it and the characteristic shape of the Egyptian Pyramids. At 1:27, when the presumed base of the pyramid is shown, the inherent flaw in your logic becomes clear. You are not trying to find evidence for what this feature is, you have concluded that the feature is a pyramid and are trying to fit it into that preconceived idea. In fact, showing where you presume the base to be is detrimental to your overall claim because it is apparent that the sides do not converge on a single point in the center. Additionally, at 1:56 the “pyramid” is shown next to another mountain which displays all the same characteristics as the “pyramid”. Those being vaguely straight lines all converging at a single point, but it is also clearly made of the same jagged rock. So, either you must admit that there are two man-made structures next to each other, which begs the question of why they share all the same characteristics but look vastly different in form, or you must admit that these are mountain peaks that are the result of millions of years of erosion.

Furthermore, you claim that Antarctica was free of ice as recently as 4000 years ago, yet the scientist you have speaking to further this claim makes no mention of this. Instead, he spends most of his time explaining the technique of obtaining ice core samples and briefly goes over the results, those being the presence of plant matter; evidence for a green Antarctica in the distant past, an idea which is not controversial as Antarctica got its ice sheets only 34 million years ago and has been ice-free for most of its history and so must have supported plant life. He does not, however, make a statement on the time to which the ice was dated to and so his support of an ice-free Antarctica as recently as 4000 years ago is tenuous at best.

Finally, when we apply Occam’s razor (the solution with the fewest assumptions is often the correct one), it is safer to conclude that the process of erosion has carved a somewhat geometric design in a mountain than it is to conclude that humans ventured to Antarctica sometime in the distant past (of which there exists no evidence) and managed to construct a pyramid in the harshest terrestrial environment on Earth.
@mugabeisaac5191 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
What I think,Antactica is in a displaced position,u see long before that happened some kind of conscious being livied on the land ,the a force of nature hit the land,destroyed most life ,divided the land into some fragments,the tremors thats follwed then maped us as we are today.Antactica definately was near the equitor.🤔
@robertlove8593 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
They show the one pass,but not that he dozens of others that shows it not man made. Just like the.face on mars. In ONW photo it looks like it is carved, but in every other photo you can tell it is not.
@andrewsymons9082 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
The Earths axis has changed over time hence where Antarctica is now could have been Australia.
@SpaceJockey805 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
Are they suggesting that the thumbnail pyramid is perfect geometry?? Because it just ISNT. 😂
@shanecox7942 January 20, 2025 - 1:27 am
Makes a mockery of the idea of global warming!!

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