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0:00 Intro
0:53 Starfield Sequel
2:58 New Switch Online Games
4:13 Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered Reviews
6:06 Indiana Jones and The Great Circle Previews
9:41 PS5 Pro Face Plates
Not excited for a HZD remaster. Been there, done that. Definitely excited for Indy though. Sounds like it's much different than people were expecting and I'm happy about that. We already have Wolfenstein for run-n-gun.
Another dirty move by Sony. So, plates are same dimensions but they want you to buy more so they make sure what you already have won't fit. Want to use some plates you already have? TOO BAD, buy more.
Scamstation 🗑️🤣
I'm still interested in Indiana Jones I don't really think anythings changed as we kinda already knew we'd have to play like Indy and again I assumed they'd be open areas, I was a bit annoyed at the 1st person view but it differentiates itself from Uncharted and Tomb raider so I don't mind. As long as the story is up to par with 1-3 and his characterisation is there I'm going to enjoy this one of my most anticipated of the year.
Who didn't know the PS5 Pro would have new faceplates this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, it was expected if anything. The slim got new plates so ofc course the pro would and they'll probably do a wolverine shell as their new big thing.
They're a business they'll do anything to squeeze out more money.
The playstation's remasters are a diminishing return strategy.
Who is excited of indiana deijones? Made for modern audience, no one gives a s**t.
PlayStation is the apple of video games so I am certainly not surprised that they made the cover plates incompatible so that you have to buy a new one that's what Apple would do
Indiana Jones need a third person option
When are people gonna see PlayStation for who they really are and that Xbox is truly the best platform out there? This ain’t even console war banter, this just facts. PlayStation has done nothing for the consumer for at least 2 years now
So Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is like a Modern day souped up version of James Bond Goldeneye then… I wonder if Elder Scrolls VI will be Xbox Exclusive for the first two years or longer….
No Mohavenight? 😢
Ahh yea I guess if I don’t drop dead before 2035…I’ll give Starfield 2 a shot lol
Starfield was not starting from scratch! It is WAY too much like a reskin of Fallout. The main issue is that BGS did a truly terrible job of the world lore. The world design & art design doesn't even match the world lore. Why start a new long standing franchise and invest so little in quality writing and a quality world lore design? BGS only care about visuals and shooting quality. That is a disaster for an RPG. I am sure there will be a Starfield 2 but they need to reboot the series and throw away all previous low quality writing and start again. This time making sure the world lore and game are more consistent.
So they lied during the announcement. They didn't confirm it? They stated all accessories would be compatible!
Robocop Rogue City has made me really optimistic about how good a first person licensed game like Indiana Jones can be… but that's a different developer who actually cares about the material. I imagine the puzzles and slow paced adventuring might be considered niche and boring by a lot of players. Plus the way it switches to third person when doing some actions seems kind of janky, like they couldn't fully commit to the bit after so many people said they didn't want first person. Lastly, the "for a modern gaming audience" from the reveal presentation pretty much sealed it's fate already. This is probably why they decided to prematurely announce the PS5 release to try and lessen the overall anger about the game, as well as get some sales after it struggles.
I will never understand people who freak out about remasters and remakes. Movies get better versions on every new format regardless of age and video games are an even more technologically oriented medium.
Please can we get Fallout 5 and ES6 instead of Starfield 2? The general consensus around Starfield is that it’s not very good while most Bethesda fans have been clamoring for new Fallout and Elder Scrolls games for years. All I want is Fallout 5 because the show was so good and I’m getting tired of replaying the old Fallout games.
Honestly, wasn't even slightly interested in an Indiana Jones games… until now.
lol is it me, or am I the only one that has produced placement in the video for ps5.
My biggest concern is the speculation of Sweet Baby Inc working with Machine Games on the game. If this is true, you just know they'll ruin the game, with some woke ideology included.
No game should take more than 3 fukking years! Especially if it's a POS like StarFailed…
Wait HZD remaster – which has had alot of work done to it and comes with the DLC an expensive remaster at $50 (leaving the upgrade option to the side at $10)….. But nintendo`s releasing every Wii U game under the sun, with little to no work done and charging full price is okay (With no upgrade option). Jay your becoming a fan boy man. Sorry but the rules for remasters/re-releases/remakes has been Nintendo`s bread and butter for years … and everyone now mad that everyone is coping … crazy. I think I you should be more consitant with your haterd for remasters. Dont get me wrong – I am tired of all the remasters like everyone else but it was Nintendo who started this madness.
Also the Spiderman plates were NEVER goiong to fit the PS5 Pro as they were only designed for the 1st gen verson of the PS5 only – Its the new Slim plates is what everyone thought would fit – and yes thats scummy. No one ever thought the older plates would fit, well unless you did.
Everyone keeps talking about Xbox this holiday season with Stalker 2 and Indiana Jones, but I am super pumped for Flight Sim 2024 next month as well! Crazy that people keep overlooking that game.
Sony – for the payers
Playstation fan boys, ''Xbox has no games, all they do is put their games on other platforms and PC are just as bad, getting excited for Spiderman 2, enjoy our sloppy seconds''.
That was a tweet (X) from a well known PS Pony just 3 days ago that OhNoItsAlex covered, that was like by thousands of Ponies.
Also Ponies
''Haha, Xbox has no games, Playstation getting Indiana Jones next year''
This is my point, how dumb and deluded are fan boys? They say Xbox has no games, yet nearly all of Playstation games are on PC, and the ones that aren't soon will be, and they say Sony sloppy seconds with Spiderman 2 on PC, but what is Indiana Jones then? If it's launched on Xbox in December, then released as an after thought on PS at the end of Spring, that is then sloppy seconds you muppets.
People just do my head in with the constant narrative change and moving of the goal posts on Playstation.
I like Playstation, i own a PS5, SX and PC…. I love gaming, not a platform, but Ponies in 2024, they are unfortunately the majority on PS, and they are embarrassing.
Starfield sequel?
Bethesda just take my money…..
How about a fallout 5? I feel like it's way past due.
Every days im getting more happy that I switched from console to pc gaming. I still use my series x for GP and my ps5/switch for exclusives. But I really dont care anymore about all this bs.
Shadow Man was my childhood lol. Miss that game so much.
In the case of Sony and the custom face plates…..why? Why the Old Man Jenkins Jalopy sounds would they change the plates? That HAS to be the dumbest move ever by them
Indiana Jones looks good but can see it getting boring after a while
No, all Indian jones games been 3rd person
Planning out a Starfield sequel while the original is in a state that causes players to complain about the game. 😂
Both cod & Indian jones are 3rd party games
Damn an ex game dev says one thing and everyone starts thinking its coming out soon already 😅devs cant say nothing in this toxic community ,now people in here r gonna talk shit about it smdh lol
“This year is the year of Xbox!”
Wait a minute, that sounds awfully familiar… 🤔🙄
The one thing from the Indiana Jones preview that I found funny was that you can snatch weapons from your enemies with the whip. So if I'm getting attacked with a pipe wrench, I can steal it, then proceed to kick some a** with my own pipe wrench. (If you got that reference we're now friends)
capcom has a new-ish dinosaur game
whats it called again? XD
The only way I will believe Bethesda is serious about quality improvement is if they officially announce their next game will be developed something other then the creation engine.
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