Every wondered why the Sony PlayStation 1 graphics were warped, or why they jittered and wobbled around – especially compared to the Nintendo 64? In this video we take a look at the cause and how they could have been avoided.
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#PlayStation #AffineTextures #SubPrecisionPixels
Funny how the biggest limitation became it’s biggest and best selling point
thanks uncle fester!
I love ps1 graphics its my favourite system and love how games like mgs look so much more real than n64 cartoony graphics
If you combined the best features of the N64 and the PS1, you would have had the perfect fifth gen console.
In honestly. I thought it was part of the 3d animation. It's like the characters are breathing. Made it more alive.
My first PS1 game I played was twisted metal.
One weekend and I saw the magic of computer games.
At the time I was playing Sega….
Racketman Adventures was the game.
The man is italian.
Rage Racer did it for me 🙂
4:56 – that is not how an artist makes images look realistic, they focus on values. The order of the images is done in what way makes sense for the composition, not simply far away to close
1:08 "These effects, or side effects I should say, is a part of what gave the PS1 its charm."
I disagree. I have emulated the PS1 since 1998 with PSEmu Pro, and I have never thought "Oh, this wobble is so cool." On actual hardware I barely noticed it, since the resolution was so low. On PC hardware, I just ascribed it as 3D calculations not being precise enough, because it reminded me of the vertices of MD2 models for Quake2-based games wobbling during an animation. In any case, what made the PS1 charming to me was its huge library of games, certainly not jello vertices.
At the time, I also noticed something interesting. After playing the arcade version of Ehrgeiz, I emulated it at home, and noticed that Ehrgeiz did NOT have wobble or distortion effects. That made me wonder why no other PS1 game used that "superior engine".
P.S. On an unrelated note, it's the first time I've heard the late 1990s being referred to as a golden age of videogames. I've always heard that term applied to the early 1980s, pre-1983 American console crash.
so funny to listen to people talk about how pixelated upscaled games look. mean while i'm playing cs2 (other valve games too) on 4:3 resolution, and older games in their original resolution scaling. the simple work for upscaling is fun but these older games feel better on their og res. also the graphics jump from ps to ps2 is impressive. just the clarity of vision in ps2 games is beautiful.
nobody cared Because the limitations gave the games unique character
I appreciate the quirks of ps graphics, but the warp and wobble, especially in modern times, can be quite an eyesore
this is what I like. Thorough in depth explanations of the Why and the How, as opposed to mass speculating, guessing, and straight up lying. We need more guys like you on the web, making videos.
I really didn't like the effect the moment I saw it 😵💫
It's strange, but the effect in PS1 games caused by the missing Z-buffer is something that has stayed with me and reminds me of better times when I was younger. Back then, I had no idea what caused this effect, but somehow it gave the games a unique PS1 charm. For example, playing Resident Evil 2 or Tomb Raider on a desktop PC was nice because the graphics resolution was much better, but somehow I preferred the atmosphere created by these effects due to the missing Z-buffer. Strange, isn't it?
any other console that did this or looked like this?
4:13 perfect dark hahahahhahahah what you smoking bro
I miss the intro and outro music in the MVG videos 😞
I remember when Gran Turismo first got released…i couldnt believe what i was seeing at the time it was like a movie. It was very exciting times for a gamer.
Whipeout, Twisted Metal, Ray Man and Tekken were the first games I got when I got my PlayStation growing up. So much better times. My Uncle had a 3DO and we used to spend hours playing Monster Manor.
Its amazing that with emulation, we can accurately emulate games written for specific hardware while also fixing hardware limitations
Because it didn't have a floating point processor.
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