10 Rarest Albums In My Vinyl Record Collection!

I’ve picked up some real holy grails this year. In this video I will show you my top 10 rarest and most valuable albums in my collection! If you like heavy metal, prog rock, vertigo swirls, or all of the above, you’re gonna love this one!

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Dave’s Top 10 Albums In His Vinyl Record Collection


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@JulianHankins-hc4ho January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
Some good albums there. My rarest are the 1st 2 Patto albums, the eponymous one and Hold Your Fire, both on swirl Vertigo. The latter has the novelty fold-out sleeve in tact which I take extra care to preserve as I'm sure some must have been torn over the years.
@anderslarsson75 January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
Hi! I stumbled over your channel about a week ago and I really enjoy it. Even though we don't collect the same genres we both go for the same thing - collecting good music! I'm mostly into electronic stuff (from the 70's and forward) and when I visit London about once a year I go record hunting in central London (Sister Ray etc). If you dare, why don't you go out an hunt down some good 70's and 80's electronic stuff (preferably German acts DAF and Liaisons Dangereuses) or some kraut rock (NEU! etc). I think that would be a good and fun video :) Cheers from Sweden!
@R2112-i9c January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
I have Led Zeppelin s/t Turquoise,Rush s/t canadian Moon Records press.Ultra rare vinyl is Dark Round of Edges.
@paulmessis1094 January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
I actually think Fairfield Parlour and Tudor Lodge are cool musically.
@keltyk January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
Mayblitz artwork by Tony Benyon. Used to do a cartoon strip for the NME called Th' Lone Groover. Erk alors! It was legendary. Benyon's faded into obscurity, which is unfair
@ab3000x January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
I just ordered “Are You Samson” by Samson from the U.K. (1969) on the Instant label. Very rare oop (on vinyl) psych LP on an extremely rare label. I’m in the U.S. so I had to go online and contact a dealer in Europe. I highly recommend that album.
Probably my #1 record i’m looking for is “Coming on Again” by Tucky Buzzard on the Hispavox label from Spain (also Brazil). That has been reissued (I don’t mind getting new pressings if they’re good) but, according to at least one commenter on discogs, the reissue sounds like a lousy needle drop recording.
I sold most of my private press stuff but I do have a few oddballs here and there.
@deancronin6934 January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
I have the same May Blitz vertigo UK swirl, but it’s also a misprint copy very rare
@eltenda January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
Excellent vinyls and hoodie
@oldskool1979 January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
One day is n my wantlist... Check out dragonwyck and bentwind - sussex
@montyrayza7220 January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
Great stuff - I'm a music producer - we may be able to work on a project together in the future, I have an idea. I subbed ...
@bastienlacote5651 January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
I have the Akarma version of the May Blitz album, great stuff
@RickroxxUsa January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
Rarest ..
Appetite GNR banned cover
GNR Live Like A Suicide EX
Kiss self titled first pressing NM
Zep 2-4 UK plumb NM
Sabbath Master of Reality Vertigo NM with poster
Motley Crue Too Fast For Love 1st Leathur Records pressing (900 pressed) VG+
Ozzy Blizzard Of Ozz UK pressing with poster EX
@waxwiresnwaves January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
Nice video, that Aphrodites child is great i got a reissue this year.

I might come and rry out tour clib thing for 7 days.

Not trying ti collect all the Vertigo swirls, just the ones i like, managed to get a near mint warhorse red sea this year.
@RUfromthe40s January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
i have more than 10.000 records but was my colection with my father´s colection that he died some years ago , this were all bought from late 50´s ´till today and still buying but never at higher than 35€ if it is really a lp i like to hear much, and in 2010 a older friend of mine who plays flute bought a new turntablçe and i had in what i used to call my home ofice some 50 to 70 lp´s that i liked to hear more, so he starts to take out early 70´s records than in the compter he knew if it as a first edition ,he was almost crazy and i sold him around 20 records all minimum 50€ but this i told him to make the price, i would say yes or no , when he saw a kind of compilation or diferent version of Sid Barrets songs ,not sure if it is just one album or two original releases but this i bought in the late 80´s i think and was in mint condition he paid me 70€ for it, Opel was the name, made some money and with it bought new Lp´s or cds, has i had them doubled because my father had them also, my father when in my 20´s didn´t let me touch is stereo or play any of his records, now all his expensive hi-fi colection and music in all formats are all mine, the reason why i have the best systems released in the 70´s from several known to be excelent brands and very nice and huge speakers, turntables i sold some for a lot of money but still have 28 ,5 were bought after 1980(the year of hi-fi Armagedeon), 2 in the 80´s ,1 in the 90´s and two in the last 5 years a tech das and a p10, no matter what some say but records do sound real like having a band playing in your living room, i have also very good if not the best cd players released till 2020, the last was a prima luna tube pre-amplified,it sounds really good but the bad is the cd itself with wrong levels and a mixing totally diferent from the work in studio´s ,also as i refer earlier the levels of each track , refering to one channel number of tracks recorded in each
@SamperorTV January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
According to Discogs average:

Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark (1992) - 100 eur
David Bowie - Hours... (2015) - 100 eur
Paradise Lost - Icon 30 (2023) - 100 eur
Anthrax - Among The Living (1987) - 70 eur
Amon Düül II - Yeti (2009) - 70 eur
Amorphis - An Evening With Fiends At Huvila (2020) - 70 eur
Xysma - Yeah (1991) - 60 eur
Frank Zappa - Strictly Commercial (1995) - 60 eur
Supertramp - Crime Of The Century (1978) - 60 eur
Electric Light Orchestra - Face The Music (2016) - 60 eur

I think I'll make a video of these actually :)
@timholden3436 January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
Good start to a swirl collection, beginning with some big hitters. I have had a few interesting swirls from different countries come and go over the years including Peter Michael Hamel's "Hamel" Germany (only) 2LP 1972, Buffalo "Dead Forever" Australia (and Germany) 1972, Ben "same" UK 1971 (V. rare and expensive but musically abysmal).
Favourites I hung onto include Hocus Poke, John Dummer's "Oobleedooblee Jubilee", Affinity and Gentle Giant "Octopus". The 2 Iain Matthews albums are very common here in Canada and sell for less than $10.
@jeffxpmdisc January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
666 is pretty strange (in a good way). And that's right folks, it features Vangelis (the Chariots of Fire guy). Cool channel.
@edvinkappel21 January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
my rarest album is a indian copy of soul of jamaica that i got from my dads old vinyl collection and i then i have nightwish wishmaster first perss and nightwish century child first press and both nightwish albums are hard to find in sweden but i am looking for Nightwish angel fall first and nightwish oceanborn.
@Rokios January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
My rarest Vertigos are the NZ press of Frumpy All Will Be Changed also the NZ press of King Crimson In The Wake Of Poseidon. I regret selling my Tudor Lodge.
@StacyArangael-cz1hr January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
Hey Jake
Hello mate,can I ask where you got your "Swirl" t shirt please?
@garyanderson9644 January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
Hi Jake, An interesting video, I've had a few good pieces through my hands over the years mainly Car boot finds ,
Back in the mid Nineties, Octopus, Ora, Red Dirt, Dr Z, Andwellas Dream , usually paid around 50p to pound, I know its sickening !
The prices these days are frightening, I would highly recommend listening to Octopus and Ora from 1969, I think you will enjoy these immensely,
Many thanks for a great video.
Cheers thanks 👍
@GrimmlordBlakk January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
The rarest vinyl I have is Aardvark - Aardvark, Deram mono 1st press, and Bulldog Breed - Made in England, Deram red stereo. I also have some signed NWOBHM vinyl
@ralphmilano1703 January 18, 2025 - 5:34 am
i have a private pressing lp called lead me home, by the rfd band from 1971 it is a Christian rock type lp a little psychie, also signed by some of the band members, i found it at a salvation army store a few years ago.

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