Josh Richards participated in season 7 of The Voice Australia in 2018. Check out his incredible journey from the ‘Blind Auditions’ to ‘The Battles’.
00:00 Blind Audition: ‘I’ll Be There’ by Jackson 5
07:50 The Knockouts: ‘One Last Time’ by Ariana Grande
13:09 The Battles: ‘There’s Nothing Holding Me Back’ by Shawn Mendes
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#TheVoice #2021
What is your favorite performance by Josh? 👇
Josh is truly outstanding ❤and I would definitely buy his future album.mass respect Josh. So cool, got the look and voice 😍
Josh, you are incredibly talented.
Yes, Trent is the more mature singer, but you have personality, spirit, and variety.
See you another time.
the LACK of alpha males in Australia is one of the reasons why the socialist new world order took your country from you.
Personally, I think Josh won this one.
The fact that a 15 year old voice can go against Trent is amazingggg!! ❤ good job Josh! You too Trent!
Where is josh now. I would love to take him what is his age now. 19 years old now possibly. Get back to me
Great Josh . I love what you said at end enjoy and you proud and love on stage . 🎉
Where is he now
They were both so super and amazing like brothers love them sooo much
He his so professional
Hi. Does anybody know what happened to him later? There are no more of his videos on YouTube. Does it mean he did not become a singer, although it was his dream? I think they did not support him because he was only 15 and they knew he could not be the source of money for them because of his age. Maybe he gave up singing (at least in public) and chose another profession. Bad luck for the whole world.
Where is Josh now.
Anointed, really moved my heart. Thank you for sharing.
Trent is HOT
Talented but soo girly
Hi will break a loyof boys hearts
NOBODY believed it WASN'T a boy
Absurdo não escolherem o menino Josh ,foi bem melhor que os D➕️
Mt injusto e não opinam com imparcialidade !
Ele certamente brilhará mt por mérito próprio em melhores lugares❤
His sister was just chuff to bits with her bother. When I was 15 I had a high pitched voice. I had already hit puberty hard but my voice never cracked. It took practice over the years to deepen my voice. Probably when I was around 40 my voice finally became naturally lower. But If I want to hit a high note I still can. And I can talk with a high pitch and I am 57.
Why nobody is talking about the bonding between Josh and his little sister :')
I hope Josh never changes his style of singing. He is awesome the way he is.
Ich kenne zwar den Titel nicht, aber er hat eine schöne Stimme. Leider singt er so hoch, daß es schrill klingt. Es müsste einen Terz tiefer gesetzt werden.
I really don’t care that Josh lost. He’s the winner in my book and their duet was amazing. I love the high-pitched in a low pitch put together.
I would’ve picked you Josh!! He could’ve been another Justin Bieber. Very talented and lots of stage presence! Young girls would’ve flocked to him! I hope he pursues this. This is what he was made to do!
great voice but you can totally tell that it is a boys voice … he could make it far in the music business
I just wanna point out… he is twice MJ's age when The Jackson 5's version came out. This kid is a natural. Not preternatural.
his blind audition was sooo good but the rest of his performances were fitted into the pop category and i think he couldve done more ballads
Doesn't happen often but he gave me The Chills!!!
Josh looks like 12 , also his voice sounds like 12 too.
Top ❤
Josh He is the best and his voice It's just a bomb and everyone who gets a chance, give it a thumbs up ❤❤❤
His voice is one winning thing, and his PERSONALITY! Is the other! I could watch and listen to him for weeks! Absolutely enchanting, funny, and delightful! I hope his life is lovely.
I feel bad for that Josh kid I mean she took a chance on him and all he was doing was to please her.
By then in the end it was like with Josh kid was most definitely encouraged.
But it also did seem like Josh was thrown into a nearby trash barrel.
It seemed like Josh was thrown away as if he was a some cheap dollar store trinket. 😢
I get it it's a competition and that it is process of elimination but still.
Last battle was unequal. The parts assigned did not allow him to show his abilities, besides the other fellow was staged more professionally. But if Josh is going to be in this business, it is good that he learns inequality and hard-knocks early, it will prepare him well. He is a superstar already!
Another future gay😅
With excelent voice
Josh is amazing no one has that voice❤
He has a dreamy voice it’s amazing and outstanding I love when he sings Michael Jackson songs. ❤it
Amazing voice
He looks so much younger than 15 but he is adorable. I’m 30 but everyone thinks I’m 16 when I was 15 everyone thought I was 12. 🤣
Josh has his own style of singing. I hope he never changes. That gorgeous grin he has is truly his own. Awesome Josh!
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