In this Dev log I started working on my new game Corridors of Contamination
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No More game testing anymore
0:00 Intro
0:25 Graphics
1:02 Procedural Generation
2:00 Entity
3:00 Main Menu
3:40 Bonus
4:13 Outro
#roblox #robloxdeveloper #robloxgamedev #roblox #robloxdev #DevLogs
Bro, remember me when you get famous!
like extremely radioactive elephant foot in dark dusty basement
building that's infested with disgusting mold
some nuclear war story/sandbox game
why people don't make these? why devs make a lot of copies of each other's games? quadrillions of boring shooters, googol of simulators.
if only i knew LUA programming language, i could've made a lot of original games. i don't race for money or cashgrab...
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