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Fast forward 6 years and Elon is the Daddy.
Elon Musk shoulda been number one u dummys
(1) Bill Gates (co-founder of Microsoft)
(2) Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple)
(3) Mark Zuckerberg (co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer (CEO) of Facebook)
(4) Elon Musk (co-founder, chief executive officer (CEO), and product architect of Tesla, co-founder, chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), chairman, and lead designer of SpaceX, and co-founder of PayPal)
(5) Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple)
(6) Larry Page (co-founder of Google, and chief executive officer (CEO) of Google's parent company (owner of Google), Alphabet
(7) Sergey Brin (co-founder of Google, and president of Google's parent company (owner of Google), Alphabet
(8) Steve Chen (co-founder of YouTube)
(9) Jawed Karim (co-founder of YouTube)
(10) Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft)
(11) Dustin Moskovitz (co-founder of Facebook)
(12) Eduardo Saverin (co-founder of Facebook)
(13) Chad Hurley (co-founder of YouTube)
(14) Jeff Bezos (founder, chairman, and chief executive officer (CEO) of Amazon)
(15) Jack Dorsey (co-founder, and chief executive officer (CEO) of Twitter)
(16) Jack Ma (founder, and executive chairman of Alibaba)
(17) Lee Byung-chul (founder of Samsung)
(18) Evan Spiegel (co-founder, and chief executive officer (CEO) of Snap Inc. (parent company / owner of Snapchat))
(19) Bobby Murphy (co-founder, and chief technology officer (CTO) of Snap Inc. (parent company / owner of Snapchat))
larry page & sergey brin should have been first
Oracle bigger than Google, Facebook, Tesla ? How?
This needs updated. The top 15 ACTIVE tech titans are: 1) Jeff Bezos 2) Elon Musk 3) Tim Cook 4) Marc Zuckerberg 5) Eric Schmidt 6) Sergay Brin 7) Larry Page 8) Satya Nadella 9) Evan Spiegle 10) Andy Grove 11) Peter Thiel 12) Reed Hastings 13) Sheryl Sandberg 14) Larry Ellison 15) Jack Ma. I don't see how anyone can disagree with this list.
Names are not in correct order!
Amazing-great video. I totally agree for the top ten business moguls in tech. +Watchmojo always on point, incredible. In the near future I will start my own tech business, amen.Think positive & dream big.💡💰💪🏻
Where is Jack Ma? Steve Wozniak? And how the fuck is Steve Jobs first place?
steve job at number one? really? i don't own any single piece of apple product in my life.. and i live just fine.
666 dislikes 😯 aslo fuck zucurkburg for creating a cancer website
What dumbass does not know than Musk co founded Paypal and then started Tesla and Space X??
1:52 That's how I like it. Redbox, Netflix, and HULU? They all suck.
If steve jobs doesnt deserve to be 1# then Steve Wozniak should be
Steve Jobs DOES deserve the number one spot, the innovative message he spread has yet to be achieved by anyone else! All of them deserve a united number one spot but he definitely created a technology revolution.
Elon Musk should be number 1… No doubt… Also he co-founded PayPal and used the money from selling it to invest in good other companies… You need to do more research
12:52 innovations! Not inventions, Apple never invented anything, only innovating on what has already been done.
ow that's why a tesla look's like a space ship
Elon Musk should have been higher. Maybe he will be in a few years when SpaceX and Tesla take off more.
For everyone saying Bill Gates should be first, I just want to remind you of something, Microsoft stole their operating system for Apple in the 90's. They took a Macintosh OS and modified it to make it their own. Apple while not always having new ideas, makes older ideas better. They took the MP3 player and made it an iPod and that saved their company. They pretty much invented the Smart Phone too. So if you are watching this on any type of phone, thank Apple. Also, Steve Jobs was not a money hoarder, Bill Gates made his money by having a REALLY high salary. Jobs didn't. Steve Jobs was a person to his company, not taking billions of for personal gain.
At first I thought that Bill Gates should be first, as probably quite a few of you. But if YOU really took the time to think, like I did, even though Gates took over in the 90's and to the point of Windows XP, he had mass ownership of the personal and business computer, he's NEVER been able to branch out beyond that. Nobody knows about Windows music players, Windows phones, Windows tablets, etc. Jobs owns that… he owns the iAnything and that includes an incredible option to the Windows PC. Gates has been playing catchup for YEARS. And he will continue to lose because Apple computers are starting to become an extremely good option in business. Everyone in my IT dept, uses iPhones and iPads and they can work with our computers that run Windows but we also allow, more and more, Mac computers. So you can't tell me Bill Gates is number one. 15 years ago, yes, but not now. I just wish Jobs was still alive. Funny thing is I've always been Windows… now additionally Android. I don't own a single Apple product. But I still think he deserves 1st.
im saying this before the video starts bill gates better be #1
i really dont think steve jobs should be the number one.
Steve Jobs used the ideas of other brilliant men and harnessed the American culture of flashing things they can't afford
Steve jobs as #1? Maybe in the beginning, nothing that company releases today is worthy of the word 'innovation'.
the greatest results that ive ever had was with the Secret Profit Crusher (just google it) definately the no.1 idea i've followed.
I have spent months studying how to make money online and discovered an awesome resource at Secret Profit Crusher (google it if you're interested)
Oh the fucking dicksucking of Steve just because he's dead. Bill Gates should be number one without doubt.
Jobs did what his name implies create jobs as a business genius. However, Wozniak had passion and ability to follow direction. Notice I said direction. So Wozniak +1. Elon Musk… I just wish I could be in a position to rehash ideas, when technology available can me make it work, is so old as nazi engineers and be given the credit.
Ive just came to read comments of ppl saying steve jobs inveted nothing
Steve Jobs is the definition of D.A
mark created mombook
Steve Jobs being #1? Only reason I agree is because he was a Mogul, he's far from the greatest person in the Tech industry. If we're only talking computers, I believe Dennis Ritchie and Linus Torvalds deserves top marks (Dennis invented the Unix OS, Linus the Linux Kernel. Without Linus we wouldn't have google, android, or 3D mesh design software, without Dennis we wouldn't have anything on this top ten list).
about that #10 what if i want to i buy power
Yeah, "I hate everything" was right.
All this red is better than blue nonsense can get irritating, you cant say because Henry Ford didn't invent the car he was a liar or a fake. Do something better with your time than hate.
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