‘Monsters’ creator, Ryan Murphy, opens up to E! News at the ‘Grotesquerie’ premiere, giving his take on Erik Menendez’s recent comments about the series. FX’s ’Grotesquerie’ premieres with two episodes on Wednesday, September 25 at 10 p.m. ET / PT on FX, next day on Hulu. For even more, tune in to E! News Mon – Thurs at 11 PM on E!
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Ryan Murphy Addresses CRITICISM of ‘Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story’ (Exclusive)| E! News
People who don’t like the show shouldn’t watch true crime. I’m not a very big fan of that genre myself and I prefer my shows in the realm of fiction. But I enjoy how Ryan Murphy approaches a project. I really like AHS and Pose is amazing. I think most of the episodes of the Menendez series were very well done, especially episode 5 with the one take. Do I prefer something more fictional? Yes. Is the show well done? Yes
Ryan is trying to protect his own hollywood image by making this situation seem lightly. They know how they portray those men
idk this guy but I know he is an evil man just by looking at him
Oh look, another reason for me to have left Netflix years ago.
If the format is so muddled, then why play it all straight [no pun intended]
Lost all respect for this guy. BOYCOTT AHS
Monsters could be the Parents or the brothers… You all watch tv shows and didn't get it???
Ryan Murphy is a very disgusting person! He should be Absolutely shamed and ridiculed for this horrible awful lie of a movie! And All the actors and actresses who participated should be ashamed!! Disgusting
Your a POS. You deserve nothing from this at all. Stopped at 1 ep. Your a sick nasty flamer…
Appalling guy. So untalented. His scripts are written with a thick black sharpie. Any 1980s soap opera has more subtlety and intelligence than any of his dumb shows.
I’m telling you RIGHT NOW this guy is into CP, I can see it in his eyes
The only perspectives he showed were the abusers and the people who were against the brothers. Even when their side was being told he quickly followed it up with falsifying it. The “facts” were lies and exaggerations! The perspectives of those who literally lived that story was either silenced or suggested to be false. He is just another person who doesn’t believe them but with the power of film making! Shame on you!
I think were it not fit this series no one would even be looking to get the boys outta jail
He should be sued for defamation of character 😅
I love everything Ryan puts out. At the end of the day, it's a show. Why get your panties in a knot? Just enjoy it for what it is and not compare reality with dramatization. We would never really know what happened in the past so there's no point in fact checking. Because it's all very blurry.
They are not fact! You took those “theories” and made it into money for yourself..
Is this dude stupid or what he's in jail he can't watch it Elise watch stuff like on Netflix and stuff cuz he in jail
him and his shows seem so weird and creepy
I don’t like it that he made Lyle as a bad person. He makes him a liar like nothing of them ever happened and he’s a good actor who only lied in the court but everyone who saw the real trial know that it couldn’t be possible that everything was played.
Yeah, I think this guy is a piece of SHI**!..Making this Netflix show so unsensitive not knowing the reality or what really happened..
He’s taking other peoples Ideas to make his case, and disregards what really happened, which nobody really knows other than the fact they did kill their parents. Other than that, we don’t really know nothing. Nobody knows because we were not there… Shame on this creepy, looking dude..
Murphy is totally out of line, callous and unprofessional. He should have made every effort to portray the story accurately and not make such terrible embellishments. This is about two brothers' lives whereby they already suffered so much abuse and trauma and making up lies for "entertainment purposes" is disgusting and immoral.
Murphy should apologise for the inaccuracies instead of acting dismissive and arrogant. I really hope he gets cancelled.
Such an icky man.
Ryan Murphy sensationalized every show he produces. He is not high minded. He worships at the alter of $$$. Plain and simple. Don't take him seriously.
Ryan retire already.
“He hasn’t watched the show” mf he lived it what is he even talking about 😭
Ohhh it’s the Rashomon approach meaning he’ll explore whatever taboos he wants using their lives as the premise. Cool cool
Perfect response
Given how sensitive this case is, for him to not care about telling it right is disgusting.
I agree with Ryan. 👏👏👏👏
This man is sickk
Erik criticized the show because how they showed Lyle, Ryan is talking about how Erik did not watch the show and to me it looks like he did not even read the criticism Erik made
Not a fan of his current TV shows. I watched the first 2 episodes of Grotesquetie …. boring dialog, and I am not interested in this dark topic. All I can say is ugh!
he’s very arrogant isn’t he
Why does he want people to guess who's the monster at the end???? When he clearly made the Menendez Brothers look like it when in reality the monsters are the parents.
I wouldn't surprise if Ryan himself is like Jose. Perhaps he can relate to that kind of father. Those who are against justice and fairness are normally have shares of similar secrets themselves.
If victims will be portrayed like this, no victims will come forward anymore. Because instead of help, they get villainized like "monster" netflix. Shame.
This is just the rule of the world, we have a final destination later.
Great show
Yuck this man is disgusting his mind is disgusting ppl and kids need to watch out for him 🤮
Is there like a secret menendez club that has come out to all these videos slaming the director? It's insane how controversial this is, and how prevalent it is in online discussions on the show.
"It's disgusting that the show implies the boys are monsters, they were sexually abused."
And apparently the dad who abused them was also abused by his mum.
Yet I don't hear anyone mad at calling him a monster when he was abused, but the same logic works for the boys?
Abuse is a horrible cycle, and too many people watched this with a black and white view, wabting to out good here, and bad there.
Truth of the matter is none of those people can actually deak with how horribly gray everything can be.
This show is actually smarter than it looks in first few eps.
I thought it was a good show
There is no obligation on any filmmaker shooting a movie or series to tell the truth or to be as factually accurate as possible; that has never been a requirement in the entertainment industry. No matter how fond people may be of docu-dramas, as soon as you put the word 'drama' into the project description, fidelity to facts becomes optional.
ryan is masterpiece , in monsters i see his hand and every of his TV shows like no one have…
Ignorant ahh response
That man needs to go to jail I'm serious
I liked the show and Ryan Murphy summed it up well how many perspectives are shown. These boys were clearly wronged but they were no angels
The show should've focused on the brothers' perspective not the audience/other people's perspective towards their situation. This is a BIOPIC,, it should be about their story and their perspective not the other way around since it will create a huge misconception about their story WHICH IT DID.
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