Home games Movies to Video Games Review — Aladdin (SNES & GBA) [Version 2.0]

Movies to Video Games Review — Aladdin (SNES & GBA) [Version 2.0]

by admin

Please note: This is an updated version of the original review. This is now considered the official version of Episode 1

Movies To Video Games Reviews
Review #1
(Version 2.0)

Second and now official version of my first review.

Wasn’t happy with the way the first one came out so this is now the official review as far as my reviews go. New write up, more info and fits int o the theme of the newer reviews found on my channel.

Aladdin for the Super Nintendo and Game Boy Advance is fully reviewed. Majority of this review was done playing the Game Boy Advance version with some Super Nintendo gameplay moments also mixed in.

Just a reminder, keep attacks and flames off of here. See my FAQ for more on this.

Comment, rate and subscribe and look for more to come. Hope you enjoy the re do of my first review ever done way back when.

And remember .. suggestions and feedback welcome and encouraged.

In the means of saving space the score tallies used to get to the final score are listed here instead of in the review itself. They are on a 1-10 scale with 10 being the best score possible and are as follows:

Story Accuracy to the Movie 5.5
(Cutscenes are true to the movie. Taking moments right from it and text as well. But after those end you are doing things that Aladdin really never did or should be doing.)

Music Soundtrack Accuracy to the Movie’s 5.0
(The SNES version has a lot of songs from the movie and they sound pretty good when they do show up. Of course there is a lot of generic type stuff in the out of places stages but that is expected. The GBA version though is a disaster having none of the songs from the movie or even from the SNES version..)

Game Difficulty 5.5
(Overly easy and straight forward at points and frustrating and annoying at others. The game isn’t really hard per say just the hard parts are more due to bad play control and doing platform and springing moments that are just never enjoyable and often lead to falling into bottomless pits only to have to do the moment all over again.)

Overall Fun 6.0
(The game is fun for the most part. But the replayability will be low once you get all the red gems and played it a few times. With other better options out there to relive the movie it doesn’t have much to offer if you are looking for the best Aladdin experience. But it pulls off the game well enough. Just should have been so much better and much more fun than it turned out to be in the final product.)

Final Score: 5.75


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@jaygooese4242 January 13, 2025 - 5:11 pm

The SNES is the best game base on the movie

@peterlane1391 January 13, 2025 - 5:11 pm

I'm going to disagree here. These people followed the movie almost exactly with cutscenes that offered dialogue and animations lifted straight from the movie. All the levels are organized to follow the movie, which helps to explain the lack of bosses. The final boss tries to be as epic as the movie version and I think succeeds. The music from the movie plays in the appropriate places. They tried as much as possible to create the experience of playing the film. tiny touches like animations for the genie during the bonus game, abu's antics and pointing out the way, and the animations on the guards are great. Some guards will come toward Aladdin if they see him and look for him a while if he disappears by hanging off a ledge. The backgrounds are awesome. In the Bazaar, you see the city and the palace. In the cave of wonders there are lava waterfalls. They've added the cloth, the gems, and two endings plus licensed music, animated the platforms, and added a good original soundtrack. For the time they had to make this game in, that's impressive. Let's look at another version. On Sega, our intro is done through, not the cutscenes from the movie, but some text on a background a a few still pictures. The movie's story is barely followed. The background in the Bazaar? An impressive shot of the city and the palace? Nope, Some sand and sky. The lamp level? Mostly static on a black background. Does the Cave of Wonders scroll, pushing the player forward and feature fireballs and stones being lifted by flaming pillars and other things from the movie? Nope. A static area with cheap rocks that pop out of nowhere and a balls to the walls carpet ride so insanely hard the game lets you skip it after a while. The final boss? Regular sized Jar throws fire at you and turns into a snake. You can beat him by spamming apples. The genie minigame? An animated genie and wheel with two distinct themes? Nope. A static face . Because the graphics are better, it has Disney easter eggs, and more songs, and the sword, people overlook pretty much everything else. That version feels rushed because it was. Capcom shows more effort at every turn. Hell, the Sega ending is the credits. Capcom gave players two depending on what you do. Oh and the Sega version's hit detection is a bit wonky.

@peterlane1391 January 13, 2025 - 5:11 pm

Okay, the Friend Like Me sequence and Prince Ali sequence are song numbers without much action that would have required licensing the songs and creating new assets for levels where you wouldn't do much. They did that for A Whole New World, but two more levels like that would have been a bit much. As to the stages, the Bazaar, Cave of Wonders, Agrabah Flyover, and Palace are all pretty much right from the movie with set pieces from specific scenes. The lamp and pyramid levels are creative. The lamp stage especially. Animated genie platforms. The genie shows up and makes a path for you. Each level has it's own platform type/ Especially with the cloth it's fun.

@spinella97 January 13, 2025 - 5:11 pm

review little nicky for gameboy

@goronhero January 13, 2025 - 5:11 pm

*Released around the same time as the movie* my bad

@goronhero January 13, 2025 - 5:11 pm

Released along with the game, so if the game was any longer, it would take away from the quality. Last, I don't understand how you think the genie's lamp is boring or uninspired…when I first played this level I was amazed. It was easily the coolest level in the game. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to disagree with you on this review.

@goronhero January 13, 2025 - 5:11 pm

I'm sorry but this is one of my favorite games… I don't understand how you could give this such a low score. You said the game had hard jumps, poor controls, was short, and had uninspired levels. This game is all about timing, so if you get timing down, you will jump better. This game is definitely not hard and the controls never frustrated me. Also I think that if this game was any longer, it might take away from the quality. Movie based games like these had time limits because they had to be

@Movies2GamesReviews January 13, 2025 - 5:11 pm

*points to the Right and to the Video Response section for my Genesis and other Version Aladdin Review that was done previously. Review #7. It too may be re done in the near future but to those asking why I didn't.. well. I did.. enjoy!*

@james42519 January 13, 2025 - 5:11 pm

why didn't you do the geneses too. they are different games made by different companys but it is still aladdin.

@powerpup97 January 13, 2025 - 5:11 pm

Why does nobody ever acknowledge the Genesis version of this game? That was WAY better than this version!

@KHfanguy January 13, 2025 - 5:11 pm

Sega Genesis Aladdin FTW

@wrestletube1 January 13, 2025 - 5:11 pm

There was also an 8-Bit Aladdin for the Game Gear & Master System which is another set of different levels and has even more of the story.

@Movies2GamesReviews January 13, 2025 - 5:11 pm

@SuperCodyvideos It's on the list already and I do plan on doing those as well. Stay tuned for those in the not too distant future. And thanks for the feedback.

@Movies2GamesReviews January 13, 2025 - 5:11 pm

@TCgamerboy2002 Capcom makes great games. I would never say otherwise. I'm a big Capcom fan. But there was better Aladdin games made by Disney themselves on the other systems as seen in my other Aladdin review which tops this one for the listed reasons. But yes I do agree with you on that.

@darkchaosrenamon January 13, 2025 - 5:11 pm

Just so you know they made a Playstation 1 version of Aladdin, Hercules, and The Lion King.
But overall I like this newer version you've done with the Snes/GBA review. And it's nice to see you still making videos, and revamping your old ones. =)

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