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Xbox! I like xbox. Or I did. Or I still do! Because everything’s an xbox! And I like things. Therefore I like Xbox.
It’s profound, in a way. It’s also really dumb. And today I just want to make fun of what seems to be another blunder from Microsoft’s marketing department.
“This is is an Xbox”
Including Playstation and Nintendo, I guess.
Play War Thunder now with my links, and get a massive, free bonus pack including vehicles, boosters and more on PC and consoles: https://playwt.link/knowledgehusk24 | Mobile: https://mwt.game/knowledgehusk
Why are you pretending they're trying to sell x-boxes?
All the Sony ponies in the comments just hating. The Sony PlayStation had a good run, but now Microsoft is set to lead the way for the next 20 years… Xbox is gonna blur the line between PC and consoles… That means your PlayStation exclusives will be playable on Xbox… mark my words.
I think SEGA has always had the most memorable commercials in history.
You wanna know what I first thought when I got an ad saying "You're watching this on an XBOX!" in big fat text? I had assumed the ad had bugged, got something wrong with hardware data and simply assumed I was using the YouTube app on Xbox, and that it was trying to drag me off the YouTube app to play some new game they'd brought out. Terribly thought out message, really.
all xbox really has to do is just release a next gen console with a ton of space and then pay to make actually good games that come with it, and the best part, all they have to do is include a disk drive and boom they instantly beat out playstation with the ps5 pro and potentially ps6
In hindsight the signs were obvious when we are talking about Xbox One, when microsoft began acquisition of studios it should have revealed that they have given up on creating 1st party title and i'm not talking about zenimax or bethesda i'm talking about when Obsidian was acquired
To point out just how bad THIS IS AN XBOX is as a campaign, I watch YouTube on my PS5, so while watching a gaming video and the ads proudly announcing YOU ARE WATCHING THIS ON AN XBOX was both baffling and hilarious.
I think the biggest thing Microsoft keeps missing is the software and a niche. Nintendo can put out Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon and sale gangbusters. Sony can put out a new cinematic movie game and sell gangbusters. What notable, Xbox exclusive franchises does Microsoft have these days besides Halo and Gears? I think people forget what the 360 era was like if your name wasn't Bungie or the studio that made Gears. The business side of Microsoft completely strangled the creative side and we're seeing the effects of that.
The only thing keeping me invested in Xbox is nostalgia at this point
Is Xbox stupid I'm watching this on a phone not an Xbox
When will Luigui come for Xbox?
I'm glad to know when I get a ps6 it will be an xbox.
Its funny because maybe they could make "the biggest technological leap ever in a generation" and it could still be hard to notice the difference. Think about it in numeric terms. Maybe old console generations went from like 10 to 15, and theyre talking about going from 50 to 60, which, sure, is a further leap, but as far as perception is concerned, 10 to 15 is a 50% increase, 50 to 60 is is only a 5% change…
No, your phone is not an Xbox, you're just playing someone else's xbox (microsoft's in this case)
just the same as google drive isn't a replacement for a hard drive, it's someone else's hard drive they're letting you borrow.
I straight up wouldn't mind an "Xbox PC"
microsoft seems like one of the best companies to actually pull that off, given they also own fukcing windows and xbox AND have a very successful PC hardware and console business.
I almost bought an xbox cuz of starfield. If the initial reviews werent shit, I would have let my husband save up for it. I had to convince him that he would hate the game to get him to think twice. But he's only a gamestop employee; if the game was good, he was only gonna recommend it to many of his customers….
Ohhh so this is what they were tryna tell me with those five seconds ads containing only the text "This is an Xbox" on a green background. that's actually so incredibly stupid lmao
Clicked like just from the thumbnail, lol
watching this video on my series x made this hilarious (I had to grab my phone to comment)
lmao imagine paying hundreds of dollars for an xbox before seeing that ad
when i got my gcse results i got 100 quid from my paraents so i could finialy get a series X but now they are saying that my fucking phone is an xbox like piss offf
As an avid Xbox fan I think I’ll just start reading as a hobby instead.
I think Xbox has correctly identified cloud gaming as disruptive. Yes, it’s dumb right now and terrible. So was the idea of the Chromebook, a computer that only ran Chrome. Now it seems less silly for certain segments of the population who do all of their computing on the web.
However, that means they’re in a limbo of waiting for this thing to hopefully take off and still supporting traditional consoles, doing neither well. I thought Sony was dumb for not playing catchup, but I think they’re just waiting to see what happens to Microsoft.
PS3 was a catastrophy at launch. And they managed to outsell xbox 360. Blaming everything at 2013 doesnt make sense.
The marketing and dependency on shoddy data is what’s wrecking things. These companies need to hit the streets and do more talking to their base.
I literally think that this is the best ad campaign I've seen in a long time
Ai thumbnail?
Thanks Don
I got an Xbox 360 years ago for two main reasons. 1) Xbox had a good library of games. Among the three companies making consoles, Nintendo was geared more towards young kids and family friendly games, while Sony and Microsoft offered more variety including mature games. You could play something like Plants v.s. Zombies, Minecraft, The Orange Box, or GTA V. 2) Xbox appealed to me because it was closer to a PC. Microsoft being a major computer software company knew how PCs worked, and the Xbox 360 had good compatibility with USB devices and Windows Home Media Player which I enjoyed. The Xbox 360 was successful because Microsoft had a clear vision of what to do, and they had things that people wanted.
I eventually grew fed up with Xbox because Microsoft was always trying to squeeze money out of consumers, so I've completely switched over to PC gaming since. Microsoft lost their vision with all of this spyware crap that the Xbox One had and additional junk that isn't video games, and Microsoft is still doing it now with the invasive Recall update coming to Windows 11. They've also doubled down on subscriptions in their push for Game Pass, and they're so desperate to stay afloat now that they think Game Pass is what's going to save them. "This calculator is an Xbox! This Nokia phone is an Xbox!" Also something to note; Microsoft began coming up with stupid names for their consoles which contributed to the confusion even further. "Xbox One" but it's not the first one, "Xbox One S", "Xbox One X", "Xbox Series X", Sony meanwhile has Playstations 1-5 which is very straightforward.
The Xbox 360 for me was like a budget gaming PC except it was a console you could have in your living room. Valve plans on releasing a new Steam Machine running a beefed up version of SteamOS, essentially fulfilling the same role that Microsoft has since lost focus of. It's funny though considering how Steam is like Game Pass for PC users in a way, Valve was founded by ex-Microsoft employees, and SteamOS runs on Linux which is a competitor to Windows. Valve getting involved may be the kick up the ass that Microsoft needs to get Xbox together, or else Xbox is going to die out like the Sega Dreamcast did and Microsoft will resort to being a publisher. They've already bought out studios like Activision and Bethesda along with all of their subsidiaries such as Id Software (who they wanted to buy for decades), so I can see it happening.
Well I can play Black Op 6 on a Nintendo Switch docked to a TV while you cry.
Phil Spencer needs to quit and go see a doctor and live a good life with out corporate BS .. country life i can see him as a Farmer…as Xbox ending up DEAD .. karma …lol
Than God for PC , Laptops for gaming
Your Lawnmower and Snowblower is a Xbox..lol
Microsoft claiming everything is a Xbox as they will maybe be sue for Copyright from every Company around the world all technology is not a Xbox.. idiots..lol
I love this ad campaign. Love being able to play games on anything I want. Don’t see why people are making a fuss out of it
The irony of an xbox ad coming up before this video plays
This entire video confuses me. It’s obvious that consoles are a diminishing profit for companies in general. Especially since exclusivity is being seen more and more as a negative mark of the company forcing it.
Focusing solely on becoming a platform rather than a console seller worked out just fine for Steam and by extension Valve (Steam tried selling PCs in 2016 and even that didn’t work).
*cough cough* MS Game Studio VS Microsoft *cough cough*
It’s likely a restructuring of the profit model. Especially with how micro transactions are becoming so prevalent in games, XBOX might be able to live solely off of a 10% sellers fee, so long as they’re not stacking their liability sheet with massive amounts of consoles sitting in warehouses.
That also doesn’t include the standard 20% for the game itself being purchased on XBOX or through the XBOX desktop app.
So can you really blame them for getting out of a collapsing market?
The new Xbox advert seems like desperation almost begging people to play Xbox
I'm surprised they didn't get sued for this by saying that other products are Xboxes
Interesting how this defeatist attitude leads to a subscription-based, fully digital gaming platform 🤔
8:10 yes I too remember stadia
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