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The titanic wouldn’t be a movie without the real life ship first
~2012: tablets and mobile cell phones will replace desktops.
Can’t remember who it was but someone in Germany Austria or Switzerland said once that the internet will have no future xD
The Y2K bug was sorted out a few years before 2000 came around, because everybody in IT knew it was a problem that needed solved. In the 1950s, when warehouse-sized computers had the processing power of a Tamagochi, two-digit dates were a necessity because of limited memory size (I read somewhere those machines had something around 4KB of RAM ). All of that legacy code that was still running on newer computers had to be updated to support 4-digit dates, and COBOL programmers were suddenly in demand in the 1990s again. Of course, we'll all have to go through this again in less than 8000 years to avoid the Y10K catastrophe.
I worked for a division of Eastman Kodak in 2002 when a senior vice president came down from the granite tower in Rochester to speak at our quarterly associates meeting. The morning of the meeting, the Wall Street Journal published an article quoting a senior Kodak executive as saying that digital photography will have a 50% marketshare in 5 years. I asked the senior vp what Kodak was doing to meet the challenge of digital photography that they themselves predicted would eliminate 50% of their market. His answer floored me and everyone else in the room. He stated that people would always have a preference for 35 mm photographs because their image quality was much superior to a digital photograph. He said that digital cameras would always be an ancillary market because people had such a bias towards the image quality of a 35 mm print. Talk about having your head in the sand….it took less than 3 years from when the Kodak executive made his prediction to its fulfillment. Further, a standard 35 mm print has 13 million picture elements; dots that together form the image – akin to pixels. At the time of the statement, the standard consumer digital camera was 2 megapixels. Your cellphone has a higher image resolution today than a 35 mm print can produce, meaning the reason for the bias is gone. Kodak was so addicted to the profit margins for film and photo finishing that their upper management convinced themselves of the value of 35 mm film in a digital age and actively tried to convince the workforce at large of that same false narrative.
99 percent of everything people produce (including thoughts) is garbage.
The other one is from ASAP Science. They claims that we may not have a vaccine in next october.
But in reality most of people in USA are vaccinated
The New York Times: "Man won't fly for a million years – to build a flying machine would require the combined and continuous efforts of mathematicians and mechanics for 1-10 million years."-December 8th, 1903
the first successful plane flew 9 days later
X-ray: 😂😂
Cars: 😂😂
iPhone: 😂😂
Never say never
Anything said by Peter Molyneaux
Well, TV did technically die out, so she wasn't completely wrong…
Here’s a theory that will bite me in the ass
Physical media will die with movies and tv’s due to streaming
However they will never die with video games
If you are always right you have the reach of a 3 year old.
Well, to this day I simply cannot explain why the iPhone has such a big market share, being one of the most expensive (or the most, depending on the time of year) whilst not being in the best phone at all (not even top 10) as the competence has phones that can cost half and do more.
The machine gun did make war impossible. It's why world war 1 was the way it was. We had to invent entirely new kinds of war to continue fighting each other.
My God there's been some stupid people in history I mean there's no other word and and there's no being nice about it that they were damn near retarded
The dude that said cars with just a novelty and a fad was a complete and absolute idiot and from this list I can clearly see he was far from being the only idiot climbing Wild predictions
The Russians launched the Sputnik rocket?
Most underestimated technology
New York times,even then a reliable source of news 😆😆
u missed a big one . one ceo of ibm famously told that there would a total of 5 computrs in the world
Within 10 years, computers will be twice as powerful, ten thousand times larger, and so expensive that only the 5 richest kings of Europe will own them
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