Home EntertainmentMusic (Tutorial) Use YOUR Voice in AI Cover Songs with Replay and RVC

(Tutorial) Use YOUR Voice in AI Cover Songs with Replay and RVC

by admin

How to Create AI Cover Songs with Your Own Voice Using REPLAY and RVC

Get Replay for free: https://www.tryreplay.io/
Install Pinokio to load RVC and many other AI programs easily: http://pinokio.computer
Explore hundreds of voice models: https://weights.gg/invite?inviteCode=33cdf

NOTE: Please understand that AI program like this often come with some installation problems and compatibility issues. My ability to troubleshoot issues, is limited. I would also ask that you consider that just because you may have an issue with software like this, it doesn’t categorically mean that “it sucks,” which is what I see a lot of people say when they have technical issues.

That having been said:

Today, we return to Replay and respond to some of the most common comments we got on our last video.

We address installation issues, and show you how to get set up with RVC to create voice models of yourself or others to use with Replay and many other compatible programs.

The video covers the technical requirements, including the need for an Nvidia GPU, and provides a step-by-step guide on installing REPLAY and RVC, generating training data for a voice model, and using this model to create cover songs.

It also explains how to download voice models from https://weights.gg/invite?inviteCode=33cdf, adjust song keys to match voice pitches, and troubleshoot common problems encountered during the process.

00:00 Introduction to AI Cover Songs with Replay and RVC
01:22 Exploring Replay: Installation and Common Issues
05:15 Downloading and Installing Voice Models
09:00 Creating Your Own Voice Model with RVC
11:16 Training Your Voice Model: A Step-by-Step Guide
16:07 Testing the Voice Model in Replay
18:59 Final Thoughts and Call to Action

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We live in a freaking crazy time, don’t we?
Artificial Intelligence has exploded into the mainstream, and reactions are varied, to say the least. But for me? I’m all on board! As a creative, today’s technology allows me to take the skillsets I’ve acquired over a lifetime and use them like never before. Instead of feeling threatened by how rapidly seems to be taking of people’s jobs, I see the technology as a way to foster creativity in far more people than are currently tapping into their creative potential. I believe we are here as humans to create. And for me, it’s not an option. If I’m not creating something, I’m dying inside. So Bob Doyle Media is a showcase of my various outlets of creativity, and you’ll see that AI plays a big role in it. From virtual photoshoots and art and animation creation, all the way to voice cloning and face replacement… I play with all of it, and this is where I share it. If you’d like to work together, please reach out. I’d love to connect and talk about how I can contribute to your project.

🧠 https://meetbobdoyle.com
🤫 Featured Law Of Attraction and Neuroplasticity expert in the book and film, “The Secret”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj16MvB9YyE
🎙️ Voice Over Artist 30+ years
📻 Broadcaster / Actor / Creative

Got a Question? bobdoyle@me.com

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@NoVanity99 January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

I wouldn’t worry about using specifically a Nividia driver as long as you have a driver that can efficiently run Minecraft at 100+ fps your already running overkill. This is a free limited ai program it won’t use that much of your computers computing software

@yanamarthihimabindu2988 January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

I am converting a female voice into male voice in replay app but I am not getting a good voice like the input I gave there is a little stammering in the voice and in some places it is lowering the sound of one word and it is increasing the sound of other word there are some fluctuations in the pitch can you give me any suggestions how to solve this problem I am changing the pitch and I am adjusting the index ratio ,volume envelope and many things but it's not giving accurate good result

@raczdiegogti January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

: No module named 'onnxruntime' 🙁 pls help

@abacatinho-gamer January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

i dont have NVIDEA:(

@EricNoneless January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

The process of my training model it's frozen…

@Allanur_Buzlyyew January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

Hi, I downloaded and installed the Replay app. It's the last time you have to pronounce the name of the nobles in a low voice

@CaptainCarlossi January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

I have a small Problem: Sometimes I create Vocals for a song with RVC including a change of the Pitch. Often 0 is too high and -12 a little bit too low. The Problem with Replay is, that Replay doesnt save the instrumental Stem, after I changed it. I try to create high quality Sound and MP3 is not enough for me. Also the Vocals created with Replay are Mono. With RVC I can change the left and the right channel of the original vocals. But how can I get a high quality Audio track of the instrumental with the same change of the Pitch (-4 for example). When I try to do it in Audition and change the instrumental to -4 halftones it never "fits" to the changed Vocals in RVC with -4. And if I dont change the pitch in RVC and change both (instrumental and Vocals) in Audition to -4 halftones it sounds very strange and is not my voice anymore!? Do you have an Idea how I can solve my Problem? Please help.

@koolpizza7897 January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

I was having big problems until i changed the stern method if that helps anyone

@KnaLoVenge January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

Is there a way to cover a song using a new instrumental, but the song is sung in your voice?

@picklenoob2346 January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

So i need to uninstall Pinokio and RVC, how do i fully uninstall all the extra things that I had to install before installing RVC? I still have registry, py, and cloudflared installed and can't find out how to uninstall them. Thank you

@FreddyGabriel January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

I'm here for the song, who sings that?

@realmarcio2029 January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

What about a NVIDIA GeForce 820 GPU? Is it possible to do this process?

@richardjasonn January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

Hi, I'm encountering an error when I try to use the PTH sample that I created after downloading it from RVC. It indicates that it is not valid. Could you please provide more information on whether I need to download anything in addition to the PTH file? What other issues could be causing this error?

When I import the file into Replay, I receive confirmation that it has been imported successfully; however, when I try to merge the PTH file with a track, I encounter errors. To be more specific, the samples from other artists work perfectly, but my vocal sample is not functioning.

Thank you for your assistance!

@Sakostudio January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

I Love your tutorials

@alisherzayniddinov-ex3bc January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

Не работает пишет error

@SHIMSHAMRECORDS January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

Thanks again, Bob. My project was successful this time thanks to your guidance.

@YahiaBoudoucha January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

haha Cheers , ur such a Brilliant Creator ,,,, i loved The Last Part … i will find u And i will …….. hahahahaha

@sotiris6116 January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

do i need gpu for training??

@alisherzayniddinov-ex3bc January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

How opening localhost

@donjuandesanantonio4283 January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

Can I use my own non copyrighted songs but in my voice?

@philjohnson725 January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

All went well and it says I don't have a compatible graphics card, but I'm running an RTX 4070 ti. So, this doesn't work. All this time wasted.

@Ravisidharthan January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

Anytging for apple silicon? Asking about training…

@Tanel2804 January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

Pinocchio doesn't work for me. Don't finish

@NewmanMediaCollective January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

Can't get the RVC to work. Downloaded it on Pinokio but cannot install as there is no install file. Comes up with an error ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'C:pinokioapirvc.pinokio.gitinstall.js'
Have looked online for a solution but cannot find one. I also tried the train a model direct from Replay and it might work. Don't know yet as it has been training epochs for 5 hours now, it's up to epoch 34. Will see what happens when it finishes.

@Podcast-1205 January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

How to download file PTH

@majackslelo827 January 11, 2025 - 12:29 pm

Thanks man🫡

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