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Mike and Ryan discuss the NES Classic Edition (aka the NES Mini)
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The Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition, also known as Nintendo Classic Mini is a miniature replica of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) video game console by Nintendo. It was released in North America November 11th 2016.
Game list:
Balloon Fight
Donkey Kong
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Dr. Mario
Ghosts ‘n Goblins
Ice Climber
Kirby’s Adventure
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Bros.
Mega Man 2
Ninja Gaiden
Super C
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link #retro #retrogaming #nes #snes #jamesrolfe #mikematei #atari #playthrough #gameplay #gamereview
4:08 there's no way to expand… ? dude your FINGER IS ON IT as you say it, the USB ports in the front. I'm not a hacker or nerd or anything like that but I do believe there's a few videos up right now here about people modifying this system, adding games, expanding upon it, etc
Imagine being Nintendo, the creator of NES, and releasing that?
Well to be fair maybe the reason there's so few games is that because they were just starting out with mini consoles. However, the Sega Genesis Minis having 42 and 60 games respectively despite being for a more powerful system does make this look a bit miniscule by comparison. I got this last Saturday and ended up playing Final Fantasy I for a couple hours. This is my least favorite of the 4 Mini Consoles I have (the Super NES and both Genesis ones are better in my opinion) it's still great to have and almost all of the NES games I would have wanted on here are available on the Switch now.
You can switch the cord from the original to the new ones
The best option is downloading the entire nes library
3:55 Mike grabs the box to look at it again
Ryan takes it right back lol
The guy on the right is going crazy around 14.00
Now 4 years later we have the Covid pandemic and cant even buy a PS5 or Xbox SX xD
i dont think it's limited edition i can buy it right now.
The CPU clock speed may be higher than the Wii, but that doesn't make it more powerful.
Wow i hate these guys. I hate people who think they know so much about video games
Not sure if I bought a defect or what, but the controllers suck! The controllers don't work a good 20 ~ 30% of the times.
Does the nes classic have in game save? Like is it normal to find someone’s final fantasy game even when there are no suspend points?
Does SMB behave the same as how it would on the NES? I wanna get into SMB speed running but I'm afraid that the NES mini might not play SMB the same way the NES does (with the glitches, framerate, hitboxes, and all).
Thing is they let you hold up to 3 game saves per tittle so it’s almost like there’s 90 games built in, they wouldn’t have the storage for it
Nintendo missed a great opportunity, because they could have put all the games on one cartridge and we could have insert the games just like on a real Nes.
you can mod an nes classic and add more games
You can add like 5 or 600+ games on the NES classic mini, how? If you got a pc atleast you can download certain software for it and get al those from the internet box art included! There are a lot of tutorials on youtube about it.
They should make Sega Mega Drive/Genesis 32X classic console
Yes I live around the block from game junkie that's awsome!!!!
Does this have Pacman & can you play 2 players
can you use the original controller with this mini
It should have had Rad Racer. That is my favorite NES game and Nintendo owns the rights to it. Also, Bionic Commando, Rygar, Gun.Smoke, Pro Wrestling should be there. Although, I would go with Adventure Island II over Adventure Island because in part 2 you can ride dinosaurs.
I wish it had paperboy
Also why wouldn't they have a proprietary storage thing for games or game packs
I used the Wii nunchuck on it and it didn't work
Y'all live in pa?
Hold on.. Im back and not many people seem to know you can add games to it.. at least on the snes classic I've got… I've got sega games on it too.. nba jam, rocknroll racing .. awesome.
Yep they released another. Didn't stop people from adding hacked games.
What is amazing, that besides the connector issues with the original nes 001, is how robust all the equipment is. The controllers especially.
The my arcade company has a new portable that takes nes carts and super famicon carts. Has a 7" screen, wireless nes style controllers a cleaning kit built into the handle, and out port for tv hookup. And it's only $79.99 I'm gonna get one as soon as they are released. Should be any day now.
The guy on right look like seth from super bad
I don’t like the new one
Just get two! you guys keep taking it from each other lol..It's like the talking pillow from breaking bad
my friend downloaded tons of games on the snes, not sure how exactly but its fucking epic
An nes cartridge is bigger than it
Lol wink wink
I'm 20 and never played alot of old school games so I bought one and man…these games are hard as hell! Lol
Who the fuck even decided how long the cord for the controller was going to be?
They keep trying to grab nes back and forth from each other
Can’t say the NES mini is shit cuz it’s basically just a test, they released it to see if it’s good
Can’t say the NES mini is shit cuz it’s basically just a test, they released it to see if it’s good
Can't believe they included Simon's Quest and not Dracula's Curse
I have a famicom and the wire is about as long
Imo the are more than enough games on the NES mini classic that I would have time to play. I like retro games, however I don't want the entire library. I just want my faves to play. I have all my faves on my Super 2DS.
Kinda waiting for them to create a console just for retro games. It would be like the classic series but you can't buy and download new games like the virtual console. The only problem is that they would probably stop supporting it after a while like they did with the wii, but if done right, it wouldn't matter too much.
Maybe the console could flash it's own rom when buying new games.
yea i had duck tails as a kid and yes i agree mike and its one of my favorite platformers
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