Look back at this year. Notice anything peculiar? For many, it feels like a year awash in anxiousness. Dread- nay, fear of what’s to come. The groundwork, born of seed and planted into the soil of our own culture, has been laid for what may sprout tomorrow. And the growings, to say the least, are not exactly what was promised.
Hi this is Todd I wrote that part myself this year – instead of messing with the description or doing a bunch of typos I just took a couple classes (I have a app that Helps you Write) and spent the last 11 months Writing that up there hahahaha did it sound good? Well heres the news: I dont care what You think. If U love it or Hate it that makes no diffenence to me. ASTRO BOT is SUCKS – BOTTOM LINE…. and THE CROW RULES (RIP PETER SKARGSGRAD) I have grown past the need for social media acceptance. LOL I wrote that last Sentence too HAHAHA the power of grammer…. anyway I skipped Madden this year since the guy died BUT I GOT MARIO idk what year that came out
better than BALLARTRO
Also…. I’m grey as shit…. Going grey since seventh grade. Topside though.
Beard is starting to head in your direction. So far, mostly confined to the chin.
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