Had a lot of fun playing this new KONAMI Shoot ’em Up game lately. A true progression for the genre! Have you tried it? What do you think?
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#Cygni #konami #shmup #shmups #PS5 #XBOX #REVIEW
Brain dead D tier shump. Just throwing the same enemy repeatedly with no thought about bullet pattern.
Graphics and animation (9/10)
Epic music (7/10)
Game dynamics and steering (7/10)
Background story and worldbuilding (nice thing there is one)
Novel weapon/shields energy management system (interesting and fun approach)
Coop option (it is lot of fun, and makes missions a lot easier, the difficulty does not scale)
Great boss designs and epic boss fights
The game is too short - after completing 7 campaign missions you feel like this should be like "end of Chapter 1" out of at least 5 chapters. It is not.
Unbalanced difficulty level - The first mission is the most difficult of all 7 missions. How come??
Low weapons variety - or actually, no variety at all. There is one basic weapon, with few modes (directions) of fire and two power levels (with or without drones)
Lacking tutorial - ie, it does not explain ship development mechanics at all
Confusing and poor ship development - why can't we buy more shields? more energy slots? more upgrades? different weapons? special effects (temporary invulnerability, slow time, different types of missiles, etc etc) Also, the mechanics of certain upgrades could be explained with animated examples (I beat the game and still don't know what some upgrades do...) - so much could be improved here!!
Low enemy variety (not tragically low, just ordinary low ;) Relates both to looks and to behaviour/attack patterns.
Boss fight stages could be more diverse
The only in-flight drops are energy cells. There could be many more different types of drop, making the game more interesting.
Bugs! - fortunately, just some minor ones. Weapon modes rotation stuck, or key binding reset after changing missions. Nothing game-breaking.
Generally speaking, this game feels like a demo version, or a beta of a great, epic universe, where a whole series of games/campaigns could take place. The background story and even a small "wikipedia" about the Cygni solar system give you a feeling there has to be something more in this game and in this world. Sadly, there isn't. At least not for now - I hope the devs will add some additional content, expand/rebuild the ship upgrade design, and make a proper game out of it. I would definitely want to play more. But after beating those 7 levels, which took me roughly 4 hours total time (including grinding first level on Easy mode for extra upgrade points and upgrading the ship to the max), I don't feel like the game has anything more to offer.
Should you buy it? If you like the bullet-hell genre, I'd say "not for the full price" ;) The nominal price of cca 30$ is imho too steep - for a game this short I would give 10$ max. But since I got it on Epic for free, I feel totally lucky :)
My total rating: 6/10
I would have approached this game a bit differently. Making something more strategic which leans towards dodging and automate all firepower to automatically target enemies to leave you to plot your path and level up your guns.
That's how I would design a next generation game of this kind. That's a 0 button gameplay scheme.
I know, Epic sucks and all that. Just saying, I wasn't expecting a game launched in 2024 to be given away already.
weirdly, playing with an xbox controller on windows, the aiming is completely broken....
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