Hearts Online Longplay (HTML5 Game)

– Hearts Online Longplay (HTML5 Game) –

The Life and Death of a Certain K. Zabriskie, Patriarch by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


Hearts is a classic card game that was popularized on computers through Microsoft Windows. The game is typically played by four players, and the objective is to score as few points as possible. The standard 52-card deck is used, and each heart suit card is worth one point, while the Queen of Spades is worth 13 points.

The game begins with each player being dealt 13 cards. Players then select three cards to pass to another player, with the direction of passing changing each round—right, left, across, and no pass. Play begins with the player who holds the 2 of clubs leading the first hand. Players must follow suit if they can; if they cannot follow suit, they may play any card except on the first trick, where hearts and the Queen of Spades cannot be played.

The goal is to avoid winning tricks that contain hearts or the Queen of Spades. However, one strategic element of Hearts is the “shooting the moon” tactic. This occurs when one player captures all hearts and the Queen of Spades in a single round, which then adds 26 points to the scores of the other players instead of to the shooter.

Games of Hearts continue until one or more players’ scores reach or exceed 100 points. At that point, the player with the lowest score wins. Microsoft’s version of Hearts brought the game to a global audience through its inclusion in various versions of the Windows operating system, featuring digital adaptations that allow players to compete against computer-controlled opponents or real players via the internet. The game is appreciated for its blend of simplicity and strategic depth.

This free version, which is easy to find online, perfectly replicates the game.

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