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I am very sorry but getting too big naturally? Sure buddy sure….
Whats next? Obliques make you blocky?
well thats easy. i put the shape i always wanted and always heard shit about my workouts. Well thats something a pastor dont preach and the teacher cant teach, no technique cant replace fuckin FLOW ENERGY AND HEART. point blank period
Awesome content thank you Mr. Back
all my homies hate joel seedman
This video is stupid.
That video from the front of the Norwegian guy running hurdles is awesome. You can tell he's extremely powerful.
It doesn't matter as long as you feel it in the muscles. Only benefit of slow movement on the negative rep is to prevent injury
How I understand it:
1. Most athletes dont want to grow as much muscle as possible because the extra weight and O2 needs impair performance.
2. Most sports only demand limited ranges of motion so you get the most carry over only training those specific ranges
It's still a problem in the S&C world of turning weight training into sports+weight, instead of more correctly parsing out specific qualities and having periodization in mind. There's definitely a place for partials and weighted jumps and the like for sports performance, but it's with the intent of building specific qualities.
When I was training for vertical jump, I used to do plyometrics and sprints for reactive strength, weighted jumps and cleans for explosive strength, full ROM squats for top end strength and flexibility, and occasional quarter squats or high box squats for joint angle specific max strength. In the end, though, I spent a lot of time just jumping. There's a spectrum of specificity and it's up to the strength coach to determine how much of each quality needs to be emphasized for that athlete.
1:40 seems to be training his lower legs for speed and power with the way he is lifting his ankles.
It's insane that someona hast to do a video like this. Bodybuilders live with their heads inside their asses so much that they don't know that there are other sports in the world
So what was the purpose of bouncing the weights like that?
5:55 Me @ ur mom's house
Anyway i bet there is no benefit in doing that type of "shrug"…
Basically myob for other people's training regimes, you're not paid to be anybody's armchair coach anyhow
Bodybuilding isn't a sport …. Or performance or endurance 🧐
"It doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a football player to have huge biceps"
Then why is Adebayo Akinfenwa the greatest footballer of all time?
Good video man. Its been a long time since i learned something from a video.
Kyriakos Grizzly is a great example of this. His training is very subpar, yet he's the most athletic man on earth
Great video, this topic needs to be talked about more. Because even sports differ with their weight training. And a lot of people simply jump to conclusions instead of asking why they do a certain exercise that way. And they would understand why us athletes do things differently.
I’m can’t get away with bad form cuz BackGuy is my coach 🗿
Nahh that full depth squat is a myth. In a jump you are using stored elastic energy. To train this you have to do quarter squats. Isaiah Rivera is the highest jumper in the world and he agrees with this statement. This shows bodybuilders dont know anything from athlete training.
I wish I was so athletic that adding 3kg would somehow effect my performance. Damn.
You are Norwegian? 👀 Hei fra Østfold 👋
Good technique is good because i makes your training easier and less dangerous, nevertheless it is pretty much overrated .
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