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This video PSA Sucks !!!
That "6" is a PSA upside down 9 error card. In all seriousness though, PSA is one of the shittiest companies in the world. I hate those fuckers. Its too bad collectors have such a hard-on for them.
These are dipping fast and they wont go up before the seaosn starts. Its a common card tons of psa 10s. Can get these for 200 no problem and they will only go down
Gonna be funny af when those Caitlin Clark cards are worth two dollars in the future
never ever sub multiples of the same card in the same submission……rookie move …
Good lord, way to go, flooding the martlet and killing the value of that card, you’re horrible
Sell asap. Dont be stupid
Fun fact I was sitting there watching one of his videos with a female friend of mine. I showed her that he resells 99% of what he gets. She was like I could never date a reseller. I wonder if he has a girlfriend. I said I think he does, she's been in a few videos with him. Then I asked why could you never date a reseller? She said because if I ever bought him a Christmas presents or anything that had any significant value to it I'd be afraid he would run right to eBay. I said he could run to whatnot lol. She laughed but then said it wouldn't make it better and that's why I could never date one.
There are 45316 of these cards out there. You should diversify and get some numbered inserts or parallels.
lol why bro saying "TEN!" like that lol
Man those cards are garbage ….
It would be foolish to not sell NOW!!
This is why my cards keep tanking..
Man, if you would've just looked at them under a freakin' microscope, they all would be 10s 😂
if PSA damages card u should get a small refund from PSA.
Take a shot every time he says “freaking microscope.”
The only reason I have even heard of Caitlin Clark is from the media hype. Good luck selling those cards. If enough people start grading their cards there will be a market flood of them and values might go down. Just an opinion. I am not an expert. You might want to sell now.
Thought there were gonna be different cards, should've put that in the title that it was only Caitlin Clarks.
I’ve always wanted to grade a couple cards but I worry they would damage it.
Hey Clint How much will u sell me the 6 for?
On the pop count for PSA 10s its just going to say "FranchiseKicks" lol grats
$16-$20k not a chance, It’s “limited” to 50k cards and your flooding the market with PSA 10’s along with everyone else.. because everyone wants to turn a profit, that’s 10k “value now” drops to about 6k when the season starts… because everyone has that new rookie to chase.. Great videos so nice to see you get back those 10’s. but I never understand why YouTubers throw out figures that just ain’t true.
Just imagine what the market for this card will be when the "big" dealers get their PSA orders back. Prices will drop down fast. Sell before market crashes.
With the report of the amount of 10s in this the price will plummet. Better sell fast they will be worth less than 50 soon
I missed it but did you look at these under a freaking microscope? 😂
with as many 10s that will be out there, one would think the price of them will diminish a lot more. still even @ 50-100 a card youre coming out on top
Are you sure that 6 wasnt a mis print 9 ….
PSA damaged the cards. The way you handle stuff in some of your videos, it's surprising not more stuff it damaged.
Just say 9 or 10 not PSA every time it's very annoying.
He has something for thar clark girl it is kinda weird
"You won't believe the grades" Why put that in the title? You looked at these under a microscope as you said, so you should expect all 9s & 10s. One 6 does suck, but i was expecting the grades to be all over the place. You will make enough $ reselling these, you don't need to try and squeeze the life out of a viewer with misleading titles. I have watched you for 7 years now, I just dont comment, so not a random subscriber either. Just my thoughts and how 2025 should be viewed better.
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