The best exclusive games on PlayStation 4, encompassing extraordinary superheroes, blockbusting adventures, returning demigods, and much more. Best generation of exclusives ever? You tell us- let us know your thoughts in the comments.
The games are listed in no particular order, but we have only included games which are currently only available on PS4.
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Horizon and God of War games are the reason why i play so much right now… 2 amazing ps4 games. Just so well well done… looking forward to add spiderman to this list and then advance to ps5 pro
How in the actual f**k is Persona 5 on here but not Infamous Second Son? No wonder Sucker Punch isn't taking that beautiful franchise seriously anymore…
Almost 4 years that the console released and practically no game that is exclusive for ps5. But, they did a good job on using the new hardware for old ps4 games.
there should be until dawn on there too!!
Amazing video.
They must have been a mud manager 😂😂😂
Exclusive ?
This 10 awesome games are Legends
I Love every single PlayStation exclusive games, l could replay them again 😎😎
Chapter markers would make this video a 10.
7:00 toes
I wish I could get marvel spider man we were at the a store one time and I saw a lot of games for ps4 and I want marvel spider man my brother said that if u play that game then ur a kid so I was sad 🙁 that’s when my dad wanted to buy a zombie game I said why do we have to buy another zombie game we already have 2
how tf was Horizon not on this list? also, the ps4 could have had some more AAA first party games
No Horizon?
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is not exclusive , Days Gone is not exclusive God Of War is not exclusive
Personally uncharted was my favorite I wonder if ghost of tsushima is also like rdr2 is so then plz tell as I like rdr2 sort of games not horizon type of games
3 из этих игр больше не эксклюзивы, скоро их станет ещё больше. Хватит обманывать людей, Sony!
Yoh shoutout to the guys who narrated the commentary 😹😹I love it
All the reason why the PS2 was such an amazing console is not only did have a lot of great games is there's a lot of games you couldn't get elsewhere that were on it but now you can get all those great games on a computer I mean look the computer has replace the consoles because in all honesty you can buy a budget computer and play a bunch of games on you could buy a expensive high-end computer and play every game on at extreme quality or you can get a moderately price computer that you can play pretty much all the games on but you're not going to play them all at high settings and then you can always upgrade I'm like consoles I mean consoles are obsolete all they are now is just kind of like something that should be going obsolete and especially if you want to be environmentally friendly then consoles are just a big kick to the environment I mean look if I have one computer that last 20 years or 15 or 10 years that's really good or one console that I have to replace every couple of years because oh well now we have new drivers new graphic cards new this and that
God Of War, Uncharted 4 and Spider-Man will always be there in my heart forever
No way bro put Gran Turismo ahead of Spider-Man 💀
Are there any good games that ARENT 3rd person?
Miles morales is better than some of those
Just got a PS4. Starting off with Bloodborne, then probably ghosts of Tsushima…or maybe God of War, perhaps horizon? Who knows! Can't wait to get to them all.
Missing Horizon Zero Dawn
ff 7 remake?
The way you explained spider man, I just couldnt take it anymore
Very few games have made me cry like Ghost of Tsushima did.
Xbox players they 😭
Final Fantasy 7 Remake #🏆?!?!
Ghost of Tsushima surpasses all.The best game I played till now.
The last guardian is one of the most weak ps4 games, don't know why is on this and the worst is Bloodborne above this game, just sad.
I honestly don't think you can make a better Spiderman game than Spider-Man ps4
Funny how suddently Spiderman IS a real blackbelt taekwondo artist…
Bloodborne is still the best ps4 title in my opinion. Everything about it is just on another level
GT Sport very bad.
Ghost of Tsushima is the best game all time and has special effects cool.
God of war has to be the best game I’ve ever played
Is gta v also exclusive
Spiderman >TLOU2
You know that playstation has the best games when a masterpiece such as spiderman is what they open with. So many good games on playstation and xbox ( yes i play both, not a fanboy ) just cant seem to compete as of yet. Xbox is fun and more powerful kinda but playstation puts its power to better use and delivers more imaginative exclusives and not just sequel after sequel.
No Ratchet ?
I am surprised horizon zero down and infamous didn't make it to the list
These are the only reason for that box in my living room
Mud manager 😂
Horizon Zero Dawn 💔
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