1 week left to pre-order The Muscle Ladder and lock in the best price: http://jeffnippard.com/themuscleladder
Sign-up for the 2025 MacroFactor Transformation Challenge: https://macrofactorapp.com/challenge/
0:00 – The problem with science-based lifting
1:25 – The problem with slow negatives
5:06 – The problem with technique tips and tweaks
6:40 – The problem with perfect technique
9:42 – The problem with optimal exercises
12:50 – The science on training intensity
13:44 – The science on training volume
15:33 – Outro
Slow Negatives:
Technique Tweaks
Squatting Deep:
Lat Pulldown EMG and Biomechanics Research:
EMG as a Predictor of Hypertrophy:
Training Volume:
Optimal Bench Angle for Pec Growth:
Training Intensity:
Written by Jeff Nippard
Filmed by Cam Cline https://www.instagram.com/cameronncline/
Edited by Rickie Ho and Jeff Nippard (https://twitter.com/coldgamerick)
Graphics by Rickie Ho and Meraki Films
Music Arranged by Jeff Nippard
Music sourced from Epidemic Sound
About me: I’m a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. I’ve been training for 15 years drug-free. I’m 5’5 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).
Disclaimers: Jeff Nippard is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Jeff Nippard will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.
Hey guys! I really wanted to make this video to clear up how I feel about all of this stuff. I hope you guys enjoy it! Two quick reminders:
1. There's less than a week left to pre-order my new book The Muscle Ladder and lock in the best price: http://jeffnippard.com/themuscleladder
2. My nutrition app MacroFactor is doing a $100,000 transformation challenge starting on Jan 1st! Enter here: https://macrofactorapp.com/challenge/
Hope you all have a great Christmas! Peace!
Such an eye opening video thank you
… so opposed to what? none science based training? so they are just lifting bags they filled with heavy things, because mashines are science? diet wise they just eat whatever they find on the floor, because diet itself is a scientific word? they also live in caves with no AC, because all of that is science?
i dont fucking get it. The ironic part is: they spew anti science ideals while recording it on the absolute pinacle of scientific advancements of our lifetime – smartphones.
Just because you are too stupid to understand the science doesnt mean you are not using it 24/7
crazy yap session
Your book was a big decision for me, the shipping was over half the price of the book because I live in Australia and had to pay for international shipping. I'm new to working out and hoping to learn a lot about proper technique and injury avoidance.
I'll just say that doing single arm horizontal lat pulls kneeling down all twisted up like a god damn pretzel to get little extra stretch for 0.0003% more hypertrophy is very gay and goofy when you could just do pull ups or lat pulldowns like a sane person
Dr Mike backpedaling pretty hard there
Hi Jeff, super contant as always ! However could you clarify the term "Weekly sets" ?
It's fair to say that Jeff started this whole science-based movement online! Kudos to you!
Dude, you are one of the best go to for someone that only has like 2 years of working out, I have learned a lot, but the reality is that even someone that has experience will always learn something new, and in my opinion it's always good to try all this exercises, some might work for you some won't, that's why is better to try them before criticize. Anyway, Thanks for all your hard work, learned a LOT from you and Mike, keep up the great work
Looking forward to your cut ,its gonna be beautiful
Science gives me options and probabilities I can test on myself. Otherwise it's just guessing.
I don't know if Jeff did it on purpose or it's just something new on YouTube but I really appreciate being able to listen to the content in Spanish.
You guys can raise the cable height?
Debunking science-based lifting with science-based lifting
I believe in science but the science based community needs to make up its mind. For example, you said “doing enough volume”, but you just released another video about “doing too much volume”. Like come on
science based lifters are always so small lmao
Jeff being a model of how to handle conflict.
To me it doesn’t matter which method you like. Do what works and appeals to you. Both work. I personally don’t care for science based lifting because it just makes it boring. Oldschool lifting to me is exciting. I don’t want to go to a gym feeling like I’m entering a classroom.
Don't waste your energy on them. They chose ignorance for living even though every piece of equipment they use comes from science. Keep your authenticity and progress.
Gay video
@2:19 I feel like the past year of me focusing on slow negatives has been a waste
People just take this shit too seriously. I look at all gym influencers as sources of advice. "What does this guy say about this subject?" "What does that guy say about it?". Then I'll try both ways and see what works for me. It's really simple and people just get their panties all in a bunch over things that ultimately don't pertain to anything. Just go to the gym, stay consistent, and work hard. Do what works for you and quit picking teams.
I personally get my workout and excersise knowledge from cryptic dreams delivered to me in my sleep by the Hindu god of destruction known as Shiva.
10 years ago everyone was under training and being a pussy not training harder enough, Now 2024 everyone is over training and training to hard. Master the fundamental's is key! and science based has zero answer's to the fundamental's.
-why do you do a rep instead of an isometric?
-why do you do more then 1 set?
-why do you rest?
-why do you select a weight?
-why do you use that form?
-why is this exercise selected?
-why do you use machines or free weight's?
-why do you use intensity?
-why do you use volume?
-what is the progression?
-what is the adaptation?
Just the bare basics before anything fancy everyone has fancy play syndrome. the answer to these is not just because you do.
I use a little of everything, i started off with the "bro" approach which was the classic arnold style training and split, which i still do for the most part, but ill watch a lot of these science videos and adjust my workouts to get the maximum out of them. So although i still train till im fatigued ill learned more about the stretch of a muscle, even slower controlled movements and so on. I think it can help and it caters to individuals. Like ive tried doing low reps high weight but never really did much for me, 8-10 always worked for me then adding some of the stuf i learned from science videos to my current routine has helped a lot and im at a place where it just works best for me.Some might not like my approach or may not get the best results from it and thats fine.
This video a workout to be more humble.
I thought u got beat up again by the thumbnail…

I do both go with science for few sets and than I do 90-95 % raw strength for few sets and about last 2 sets go with good low weight and slow and control . I do that with some exercises in the gym.
I bought your muscle ladder cookbook and have been enjoying the recipes so far. The Cauliflower & Turkey hash recipe is delicious.
Yeah, but if you are a good scientist, and a good coach, you deliver science without the athlete knowing lol.
Thanks for this video, it was much needed
My problem with science based lifting is that those who obsess over it the most are the least qualified to be advocates of training this way namely beginners and early-intermediates. They have no business obsessing about what is "optimal" when they barely have any gains to show for it. Much of the variables & factors related to science based lifting applies to people who have been training for years and have exhausted most of their gains. And what may be considered optimal on paper might not actually be the best method for everyone. That's where a bit of intuitive training and "do what works" comes into play as opposed to what is considered optimal.
whole video is a subtle backpedal. i understand why bugenhagen refused to be on the vid
When you're teaching people something, you probably want to teach them the absolute best way to do something and let them choose whether they should optimize or not. As opposed to teaching them sub-optimal and they'll never have the choice of optimal (due to lack of knowledge).
That's what science-based should be about. Because if you are exercising you are always making gains regardless.
Also safety.
My guy I've been lifting for over 20 years for most of it like a meathead
The answers are not so black n white but it is simple. Take the good leave the bad behind. Find out what works for u, Create something of your own out of all this madness. Basically keep an open mind.
We are all unique and so are our workouts regiments.
I watch all your videos and implement many of your techniques.
And have changed the way I workout because of u.
Keep it up homie.
If they haten u winning.
I don't like science based lifting because I am very overthinking man, and the second I gotta think about lifting weights in a perfect 45 degree angle while maintaining 4 seconds negative pull and expressing my butt and back in mathematical sphere and shi, I get very anxious and it causes me to get frustrated, demotivated and angry. All of sudden I feel like grabbing the weights and throwing them out the window and be like "This is stupid, gym is waste of time and I should rather go climb trees or some shi to get muscles"
as i like to say, i let the natural selection do its job, keep it up Jeff
Tempted by the macro factor competition, but will I be up against people using ozempic, trt, etc?
As a scientist researching mitochondria and heart muscles I can ONLY trust science based workout.
Theories exist everywhere, some can be true but you need proof behind each theory.
Can’t wait for the new book!
slow negatives are safer. has nothing to do with how much muscle it builds next to 1 second. jerking weight around will cause injury. also who are these people in the "study" you flash up for 3 seconds? aint no one even looking at the data you show here
1:22 this is the biggest load of nonsense ever and now everyone is copying kneeling one arm lat pull downs lmao
a lot of the science you base your approach on is totally flawed.
no one is attacking you. they are calling you out on the nonsense that you promote that doesnt get results. 10-20 sets is nonsense. not training to failure is also nonsense.
science based lies.
Great video and message, Jeff. Thank you!
Slow negatives does strengthen the tendons or maybe ligament i m not sure but tendons definitely, Also it helps in mobility also.
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