Believe it or not, the home video game console has been around for nearly 49 years. Yes, that’s almost half a century. Since 1972, we’ve seen over 30 consoles created and sold in North America, which is a ridiculous amount of consoles. That’s an average of more than one console released every two years. Back in the early ‘70s, Nintendo was still about half a decade away from making their first console and the PlayStation and Xbox weren’t even a thought yet. Gaming has come a very long way since then so I’ll be taking a look at every home console ever released in North America.
The first console ever released was the Magnavox Odyssey in 1972. It was the only first generation console to be released in North America. In the second generation, we got the famous Atari 2600, best known for the legendary game, Space Invaders. The third generation was known as the 8-bit generation and introduced us to the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Sega Master System. The fourth generation had the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo Entertainment System doing battle. As for the fifth generation, it saw a major shakeup. The Sony PlayStation joined the battle alongside the Nintendo 64 and Sega Saturn.
There’s more consoles to get into than just those so enjoy the video, let me know what you think is the best console of all time in the comments section below and don’t forget to subscribe to TheGamer for more gaming tech content.
0:00 Intro
0:37 1st Generation
1:22 2nd Generation
2:22 3rd Generation
3:16 4th Generation
4:28 5th Generation
5:59 6th Generation
7:27 7th Generation
8:38 8th Generation
9:56 9th Generation
Written by: Justin Pietrodarchi
Narrated by: Antony Watkins
Edited by: Umair G.
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what is this game 4:48
are you stupid?
You forgot to mention the original Mario game was on Atari 2600. That’s right people, Mario was originally on Atari before Super Mario Bros. debuted on NES.
The Fairchild Channel F was not designed for hardcore gamers he said. Dude, it was 1976. Hardcore gamers didn’t exist lmao
7:30 the king has come (360)
Gaming era is peaked 📈
Era 1: Colour Tv & SG-1000
Era 2:Nes & Master System
Era 3: Snes & Mega Drive/Genesis
Era 4: N64,Ps1 & Saturn
Era 5: GameCube,Ps2,Xbox & Dreamcast
Era 6: Ps3, Xbox 360 & Wii
Era 7: Wii U, Ps4 & Xbox One
Era 8: Switch,Ps5 & Xbox Series X/S
PS4 is 8th gen and Ps5 is 9th gen then WHy PS5 playing ps4 game? Why Ps5 and PS4 look nothing improve graphic but only +fps? Are these ps4 and ps5 still in gen 8th? but PC rtx4090 was the only one truely in gen 9th.
7th generation was just too good where every competitor came out on the top
XBOX 360
Rest all were dominated by one competitor in their respective eras
PS5 vs Series X – PS5 dominates
Switch dominates as an overlapping console in its own rigth and market
PS4 vs XB1 – PS4 dominated
PS2 vs XBOX vs GC vs DC – PS2 dominated
PS vs Saturn vs 64 – PS dominated
SNES vs Genesis – SNES dominated
I owned an Atari Jaguar, SNES and a SEGA Genesis, ahh the good old days.😊
In order to have fun with Gen 1 consoles you would have to buy a collection for variety. For example;
Telstar Arcade
Telstar Galaxy
Telstar Combat!
Color Tv-Game 15
Color Tv-Game 112 Racer
Color Tv-Game Block Kuzushi
Magnavox Odyssey
Once you get bored, just play another game.
as far as I remember I started playing in GBA & PSP
Technically 9th gen Nintendo switch supposed to be there idc
1977 Atari 2600 make a great experience for gameplay first level + the console was amazing
1984 Nintendo make a better graphics more experience more games people was surprised Nes power level + Nes controller on the big level dpad and buttons A & B
1989 Sega Genesis Mega Drive show a great Arcade experience , Sega Genesis more than Arcade machine , there is sound effects and music sound just like Arcade games good graphics and excellent gameplay
1990 Snes level is superb , the controller design is very advanced is different than Nes controller, the Graphics level is far superior , snes games very comfortable to play
1994 Sony PS1 changed the World with 3D graphics experience no one didn't expect that + many people surprised 3D graphics experience they still can't believe if is true , PS1 give you more animation humans in sports games and fighting game racing car everything , PlayStation definitely blows my mind
1998 Dreamcast show something very good , they are the first console coming with online play games it was a big level no console never do that , when Dreamcast was dead Xbox original learning from Dreamcast for online service gameplay
2000 PS2 level is double coming with DVD player can play movies 100% + CD music sound and backwards compatible for all PS1 games that's was awesome
2005 Xbox 360 Changed the world with online service games experience , the games absolute look realistic , more than millions people play online get excited very addicted , 360 was amazing
Bring it back to Nintendo. Everyone knows about Tecmo Bowl, but I wonder how many people played Baseball Stars?? This was to me the best baseball game at the time and way ahead of its era. You could build your own team, make each player better. They kept up with stats and the best part, you could name your players. Like I had Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, Sandy Koufax and the list went on and on.
My favorite videogame console was the Sega genesis also the Sony playstation because they are the best consoles period
Great video thanks!
I started with NES…… I think.
loved the video! showing some love from one repair channel to another!
Sega made some consoles before the nes
Play station was made in 1994
I'll tell you, next time it will be waiting for a new one?! First place ps2 155 Million 😎Okay
Next time ps5 pro 2025 And then ps5 Super pro 2029 Future ps6 2035 And the questions SAMSUNG-PS6 🤔Next time Xbox Series Y And then Xbox 720 And the future Xbox Series z And the questions LG Xbox3015 🤔Next time Nintendo Switch pro or Nintendo Switch 2 🤔
Colecovision? Atari 5200 and 7800? C'mon..
Showing a NES while talking about SNES: 'tHe GaMeR'
My first console was the Atari 2600, and my second console was PS5 slim.
Missing consoles
I still remember playing Q-bert on Atari!
The Magnavox cards did not house games, they just selected. Channel F contributed the first cartridges, a legacy that lasts until today.
Here is the wii
shows wii u
Look, I don't care what anyone says. I consider the Switch to be 9th generation.
NES 1985 ❤
No offense dude but Nintendo switch is a toy and it’s not one of the best at all it’s not even in the running Nintendo hold like 13% of the market to PlayStation 47% or something. The fact of the matter is Nintendo is expensive very proprietary. None of their games come out anywhere, but on the Nintendo, and it’s a goddamn underpowered toy compared to the last generation of consoles. PS4, and and the Xbox one are more powerful. It’s not even in the running at all in this chat, and technically they are stuck in the last generation, and even in that generation that that the hardware was underpowered, the only reason that it sells at all is because it’s portable and because it has some exclusives you can’t get anywhere else. I literally cannot run them anywhere else except maybe if you can get a hold of a copy and run it on an emulator, I don’t know.
Microsoft didnt exist in the 70s.
A lot of biased opinions there mate. Sega Saturn did not do well because there were no Sonic games? lol
Xbox cannot do 8k and 120fps at the same time, it can do 8K at 30fps, and 120fps at 1080p maybe, 10 teraflops is not that much as long as RTX 4090 has almost 100 teraflops and even that can`t do 8k 120fps.
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