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@Couple.of.Fools. December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
hahaha my brother, great video man it was great fun to watch, some of the really bad ones i actually removed cos they were that vile and toxic i just didn't want them in the comments , but yea its been insane, i still have a PlayStation lol i have not took a hammer to it, i just think the series x is the better console. ive played all the big PlayStation exclusives and enjoyed them alot, however and this is no exaggeration, I ran Halo combat evolved with my wife doing split screen last night till 3am and it was one of the most fun gaming experiences ive ever had in all my years gaming, we fell off cliffs, ran each other over, stuck plasma's on each other, trolled each other relentlessly and stood shoulder to shoulder in battle with the enemy, it was glorious and a memory ill treasure
@maxnum1sgameclub263 December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
Well ive seen most if his recent vids, the coupleoffools guy looks like a chill guy to hang out with. And about quick resume a friend of mine really wanted to play indiana jones (cant blame him after seeing gameplay). He works on music and mixing stuff for others, that being said when he first rebooted jones on the seriesX he was amazed that you could jump right in with zero issues. All within a second, it might not be a console selling feature but i do love it xD.
@Pknight80 December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
Fanboys are delusional in the begin with and threaten to harm someone else's family you said a whole new bar of cross the line
@michaelcro2941 December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
I think that first guy probably doesn't pay for his online gaming his mommy handles that and he thinks it's free lol
@MegaNancyLover December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
These people are definitely still playing on PS3. They're probably from a country that's behind in gaming, maybe Brazil or something. PS3 online used to be free while PlayStation plus was merely a separate service.
@WaifuEndMyLaifu December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
Playstation fanbois really upset that Xbox is porting their games to PlayStation. Only because Xbox realized if more people can buy their game, they can earn more money. Mind changing concept but most Ponies solely breath in air from the exhaust from their PS5 Pro so it's hard for them to use common sense
@riceplatter8102 December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
"Quick resume is stupid, you can't wait 8 seconds?"
"Starfield has too many loading screens, I can't wait 2 seconds"
@Jay-uw4bu December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
As someone with both, quick resume is a game changing feature that is much better than the cards on PS
@ghostcat8244 December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
I love all systems.. now I have sold off a few systems like recently gave away my switch to a friend who can’t afford a gift for her son who’s now 4 and I look and said well I haven’t played this switch for 4yrs imma give this to him to make him happy and gosh it 100% did! But I don’t understand a person who wanna stick with one system why not try every system that came out? Sure I haven’t yet bought a ps5 due to life but I sure as heck wanna try it.
@lilsoonerfaninmo December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
The PS cult is a excellent PC advertisement

I speak from experience
@shadowweaver1599 December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
I am definitely a gamer myself I play on all three main consoles and on my pc and laptop. I tend to play more on xbox then on my other conoles it's a preference. But fan boys that mostly seem to be over 40 and simp so hard for a company that doesn't even know they exist and defend bad consumers practices. Also dual sense one drains your controller like 50% faster and honestly was more distracting for me to have it on. If you like it great but it's not for me. I like the playstation exclusives but I wish nothing was exclusive so anyone can enjoy a game on any consoles or pc. Which is definitely the way these companies are going because it's been proven that pc players buy more games then most console owners but let's not talk about that because that goes against my plastic box. Some people litterly have nothing else to do but be toxic. So to that guy glad your enjoying your xbox.
@dylives7667 December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
How dare he enjoy other games than Astrobot?

Absolutely outrageous.

Ponies are literal not man children, but man babies. Which is far worse than the latter, because at least a children can understand things.

Playstation is not just cooked, it's so overcooked that thing is ashes by now.

I wouldn't be surprised they had to resort to satanic rituals just to survive from now on.
@Thunder_Light207 December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
PS fanboys are a unique breed of Dumb, Loving how PayStation is milking them dry with their crup products 🙇
@brett801 December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
I have both the series x and the ps5 and while Sony has better exclusives the series x is a better console. The games that are on both console run a lot smoother on the Xbox and quick resume is awesome. I remember the cyberpunk launch, got my money back from the ps version, got it on xbox, and it ran fine, I beat the whole game while it was unplayable on the ps5.
@Vinman666 December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
I feel honored to be part of the good side of the pony salt content
@AmereTO0o December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
As a pc plyer after 20 years i can say if im not PC player i will definitely be an Xbox player no doubt, even now i bought the game pass ultimate and the amount of games in the library that i can play on pc is insane plus i can play cloud gaming if i got a nice deal on Xbox series X i 100% sure will buy it .
@curtishudson7389 December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
Dude had to be on PS3 that was the last time they didnt charge i believe
@satanicgrapefruit December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
I have a PlayStation 5… it’s a $500 paperweight these days cause my PC can do everything it can do 💀
@harryxyz2982 December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
Stop making console war content

It’s not healthy
@killer12545 December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
How dare he likes Xbox even though he has every PlayStation games for ps5 man this is great salt
@PhantomRaider100 December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
Thank God I got out of the console war crap. PC master race. 😎
@NoahWalton-z7q December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
i think the first comment was a little kid lmao he prob thinks online is free cuz his parents paid for it or they share a playstation lol still dumb tho
@jamesreese7111 December 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
Sony ponies have had a rough year or 2. With all of Sony's exclusives coming out less and less frequently, or in the case of the last one a complete failure (Concord) in the last few years, the ponies have nothing better to do than troll on YT. I'm enjoying playing Indiana Jones and loving it so far. @Coulpe.of.fools is a good dude having fun playing with a new toy, I'm happy for him. These same ponies probably bought COD not realizing that they are helping X box make $. Sony released its 2024 earnings report recently and 40% of their income in 2024 came from the sales of COD. Merry Christmas!

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